Horoscopes for Venus in Scorpio, 2023

10 months ago 51

Read your horoscope for Venus in Scorpio Flirting with the dark side When Venus, the planet of love and connection, slinks into Scorpio from December 4th to December 29th, relating intensifies. This fixed water sign isn’t interested in superficial...

Collage for Venus in Scorpio horoscopes

Read your horoscope for Venus in Scorpio

Flirting with the dark side

When Venus, the planet of love and connection, slinks into Scorpio from December 4th to December 29th, relating intensifies. This fixed water sign isn’t interested in superficial flirtation or mainstream glamor. Instead, Venus in Scorpio angles for intimate heart-to-hearts, complex depictions of beauty, and the chance to shed its shiny surface layer. Just as the scorpion crawls through the world with a venom-loaded tail, this placement is viscerally aware of its dark side — and everyone else’s. When knocked out-of-balance, that knowledge can manifest as a dogged hunt for things to take aim at — digging through an ex’s social media, anyone? But at its best, the zodiac’s misunderstood arachnid has a unique willingness to pierce through half-truths and get to the root of problems and passions alike.

Venus in this Mars-ruled sign knows that in order for relationships to have stamina and staying power, they must be willing to tackle the tough stuff. ‘Fessing up to tricky truths, initiating uncomfortable talks, or wading in the deep end of the feelings pool reconnects us to life-giving eros, emotional regeneration, and fresh possibilities for connection. Others might call it “too much.” But this placement knows that leaning in to secrets is the quickest way to be set free.

Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.

The following horoscopes were written by Grace Mungovan.


Aries glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Aries & Aries Rising

Spidey senses: activate. Over the upcoming weeks, trust your instincts when it comes to your financial partnerships and exchanges. Support is on your side in your collaborations, but only if you allow your primal knowing to guide you.

Pay attention to whether your stomach drops or your heart expands when you imagine taking out a loan, sharing a bank account with someone, or letting your roommate borrow your clothes. Your embodied wisdom is leading you to the connections that will intensify your abundance.

Follow the trail of your inner inklings.

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Taurus glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Over the next few weeks, cut to the core of your committed relationships — romantic partners, best friends, or colleagues.

Small talk and superficial charm is not always enough. Sometimes, tuning in to your deepest instincts, holding space for intense discussions, and letting your most profound feelings lead is the most transformative route.

Tactfully offering your raw presence or emotion to your loves can dissolve falsity and heal persistent issues at the source. The willingness to risk vulnerability with trusted others, or guard your secrets with those you’re less sure about, strengthens and affirms your inner knowing — the most crucial connection of them all.

Your close bonds are all inherently intricate and complex. Honor their multilayered mystique.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Gemini glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Over the upcoming weeks, acts of service — for yourself or others — are unusually enriching.

The greater your focus, the more depth and intensity you have to channel. This might mean agreeing to help a colleague work on a project into the wee hours. But it could also mean devoting yourself to your own wellness rituals, from unbinding spells to purifying cleanses or extractive skin procedures.

There’s a yearning at this time to get to the bottom of things, so whatever you do, commit to it entirely. Follow your body’s instinctual clues about where to pinpoint your attention. Giving your all to your efforts regenerates your relationships and your capacity to give.

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Collage for Venus in Taurus

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Over the upcoming weeks, it’s more satisfying than usual to tunnel into your broody alter ego’s yearnings. Whether that means excavating ancestral wounds over a casual dinner date or scouting noir accessories, indulge in your own intricacies.

Pleasure is just as nuanced as anything else. There’s subtlety and variation to what brings you joy — and some of it comes from romping in the shadowlands. Right now, romance and creativity are more complex than usual — just how you like it. Move past fun’s shimmery top layer and get to the primal core of what feels good.

Heeding the call of your more multilayered muses and investigating the deeper meaning behind your desires will intensify your enjoyment. A touch of bitterness now and again enhances life’s sweetness, after all.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Leo glyph

Leo & Leo Rising

Over the upcoming weeks, explore your depths — and your loved ones’ too.

Pore over old family notebooks, photo albums, or memento boxes, and explore the mysteries of your lineage. If you feel called, dig into difficult memories from the past with a therapist or wise friend and tunnel deep beneath their surface into raw sensation. Doing so with someone you trust can trigger emotional alchemy.

Summon your inner child’s power to feel it all and regenerate anew. Gather with close pals or chosen family at home and share secrets to strengthen your intimacy.

Right now, anchoring into the subtler dimensions of your root system and relationships shores up your sense of security.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Virgo glyph

Virgo & Virgo Rising

When it comes to communication, you’re a natural detective. You’re aware that the most riveting stories aren’t always the ones with surface gloss, but the ones with subtleties that require paying closer attention to.

Over the upcoming weeks, indulge your own desire to chase down hidden truths. Psychoanalyze your intentions in your personal writing. Speculate on the world’s many mysteries on your podcast. Study up on body language and trade secrets with confidantes.

But resist searching for ulterior motives everywhere — not every half-baked text or cryptic exchange with your barista is riddled with secrecy. Keep your focus on higher-level intrigue — like what your own underlying motivations are.

Feeding yourself the complex mind candy you deserve makes all your exchanges more fascinating.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Libra glyph

Libra & Libra Rising

Over the next few weeks, notice what you cling to.

Gripping too tightly to what we deem valuable — from friends, to money, to time — is ultimately a way of resisting life’s natural cycles of regeneration. If you find yourself feeling possessive about treasured items or paramours, practice letting go.

Cultivating faith that resources and relationships are meant to shift, transform, and naturally rejuvenate syncs you up to your own embodied wisdom. Relaxing your guard allows you to meet the riches of the present moment, without suspicion cramping its splendor.

The more you’re willing to give up the reins, the more space abundance and fulfillment have to rush in.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Scorpio glyph

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Your secret villain glamor is on the rise. Your charisma comes trailing complexity, intrigue, and an aura of mystery.

The point of naturally emanating “witch” and “super spy” is that when you relax into your natural instincts, you attract admirers who are up for a challenge. Only those who are willing to bond deeply and crack your heart’s tricky code will ultimately satisfy you. No emotional dabblers allowed.

If you sense that someone is the real deal, however, throw them a line: cracking your formidable facade now and again lets those who are drawn to you have an access point. After all, what’s the point of having secrets if you have no one to trade them with?

Over the upcoming weeks, play up your mystique and magnetize the soulful obsessives, sensual detectives, and potential twin flames that can match your intensity.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Over the upcoming weeks, brood behind the scenes.

Your safe havens, restful abodes, and sacred sanctuaries tend to feel intense. You rejuvenate best by tunneling into your inner world, so go ahead: indulge your desire for privacy. Cloak your bed in curtains so you disappear when you dream. Burn dragon’s blood incense. Lock your diary and hide it.

When you cultivate your solitude, your radiant secret selves have room to emerge. If others wonder what you’re up to when you’re not adventuring, let them. Your mysteries are yours alone to explore.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Capricorn glyph

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Your network isn’t just made of fun interpersonal links. It’s more like an intricate spider’s web of power plays, secret agendas, and opportunities to broker transformative intimacy.

Over the coming weeks, lean in to meaningful interactions with those you trust. Cultivate the deep shares, revelatory email threads, and profound exchanges that satisfy your desire for intensity. Even in group settings.

Trust your body’s clues about who you should be conspiring with. Embodied wisdom has much to teach you about who your soulmate friends are. Noticing who makes your palms sweat or your heart flutter hooks you into your innate somatic intuition.

Honoring your uniquely sneaky role in the social ecosystem taps you into the subtle reverberations rippling through your community’s many threads.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Aquarius glyph

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Is it the power of love, or the love of power? Over the upcoming weeks, notice where your secret motivations emerge in your relationships or public roles. If you find yourself craftily trying to take the upper hand with a dear one or in your career, practice relaxing your hidden agenda.

The truth is, you don’t need total control over your intimacies or your ambitions for them to succeed. Faith is a muscle, and practicing trusting that everything will ultimately turn out as it should helps you prosper. Lean into intense feelings and trace them back to their somatic source. Doing so cleanses them from your system.

Aligning yourself with life’s natural cycles of release and rejuvenation puts you in the perfect position to receive more than enough of what you crave.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Pisces glyph for horoscopes

Pisces & Pisces Rising

The cosmos, and the world, is teeming with secrets right now. From unexplored nooks in your neighborhood to obscure footnotes in your reading list to mystical downloads, you want to uncover them all.

For you, life’s greater point thrums beneath the surface. Over the upcoming weeks, tune in to the complex beauty of the earth’s vastness. Marvel at the night sky. Leave offerings on your altar for all of the divine’s many alter egos. Debate fellow esoteric detectives who are also on the prowl for clues.

And stay open to discovering new teachers, mentors, or travel buddies. Particularly if they emanate an appealing aura of mystique. Piecing together cosmic puzzles with others can lead you both to profound revelations.

The more you woo the great mystery, the more adventures you attract.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


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The post Horoscopes for Venus in Scorpio, 2023 appeared first on Chani Nicholas.

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