Sacred Space + Boundaries + Virgo New Moon

10 months ago 62

Let’s explore the sacred. Your body is sacred. Your time is sacred. Your space is sacred. What do we mean by sacred? Here are some definitions: Worthy of your respect. Entitled to reverence. Holy. Other synonyms for sacred: Expresses...

Let’s explore the sacred.

Your body is sacred.

Your time is sacred.

Your space is sacred.

What do we mean by sacred? Here are some definitions: Worthy of your respect. Entitled to reverence. Holy. Other synonyms for sacred: Expresses the totality of life, is the eternal reality, holds special purifying, healing, power.

What are some especially sacred spaces?

In sacred space, you are able to connect with the numinous, purify yourself, and return to good health. In the majesty of Nature, for instance, sacred space quite magically exists without our interference. Yet for humans, the sacred often gets lost in our daily lives. This can impact our health.

Primarily because these are the places your energy body requires peace in order to rest, recover, and find equilibrium, your: Home, bed, and areas of self-care and personal calling (a home office) are all sacred spaces.

To feel your best, you must diligently tend to these areas, and honor your true preferences and needs for these spaces. Your sacred space is worthy of your honor and respect; if you don’t treat your space as sacred, others won’t either.

At this clarifying New Moon, feel into any areas where you might be playing a little loose and fast with your True boundaries, so compromising your energy.

Your bed is sacred. Your bed is ideally reserved for sleeping, relaxed playfulness and making love. Bed is NOT for heavy conversations, being on the phone, scary movie watching, or anything that disrupts the energetics of relaxation and pleasure for you. Okay, so you regularly do any of the above while in bed, and enjoy all of  it; maybe it’s not an issue for you. How will you know if it IS an issue? One or both partners experiences: Insomnia, restlessness in bed, no desire for sexual intimacy, not enjoying just laying and relaxing in bed, or any other energetic symptoms surrounding bedtime. If you need, you can put new boundaries around BED. Do this for your energetic well-being.

Your home itself is sacred. Your home holds your energy, especially if you are feminine. The woman, or the feminine partner, tends to be the one who primarily create the nurturing (feminine) energetics of home. If something at home isn’t resonating with feminine energetics, the whole household suffers. How? Things get funky! Appliances go awry. Plumbing backs up. Pets and kids act out. If you feel into it, you’ll notice the energy of the home feels overwhelming, chaotic. You may feel really badly yourself, and not entirely understand why. Energetics are invisible and real. When this happens, it’s a sign. If you need, renew your boundaries around HOME, for your health and well-being.

Your home office and self-care areas are sacred. Interruptions, shared space in these areas, an ongoing inability to close a physical door, or loosely defined time boundaries around when you are not to be disturbed… result in leaky psychic boundaries for you, which impairs many things, including your ability to pull inward and be in your own Guidance. Your office space holds the energy of your personal calling; would you invite anyone into that, and whenever they like? If you need, use this New Moon to put new boundaries around your self-care and work spaces.

Why do I feel this conversation is so important right now?

It’s coming up. In myself, and with healer friends. We are feeling more sensitive, which, to me, says: Boundaries UP!

What are boundaries? Primarily, my rule of thumb with understanding boundaries is this: Boundaries are YOUR PREFERENCES. They are unique to you, and what you most need and require to feel good. Your preferences are YOUR boundaries; these likes/dislikes are for your own protection. Boundaries are a deep form of self-honoring!

I explain boundaries to my students like this: You are a dot surrounded by a circle. When you trespass a personal boundary, it’s like poking a hole in the circle of your own energy field. No, you’re not poking holes at yourself (why would you do that?), at least not directly, but you are poking holes in your field of Awareness and this is exactly how external energies enter into your energetic field.  Holes in your energy field means feeling badly, or off.

Not all boundaries are sacred-space related; the physical space is often just easier for us to define. For instance, I know I have timing boundaries. My time is sacred. I am very sensitive to the Right Time to do a thing. When I let that slip, I suddenly start picking up on energies from social media, crowds, and the collective. I start feeling bad.

I’m paying extra special attention to boundaries, lately. I notice that when I let one boundary slip, I experience a domino effect – enter dis-resonant energies. I “get really sensitive”; I suddenly pick up on energies that I simply wasn’t before.

If you are busy, have a partner, and family… it’s easy to allow your boundaries slip from time to time. Forgive yourself. Distraction is a real culprit, and conditioning, like caretaking, guilt, people pleasing, over-accommodation… All distract you from your Truth- your unique preferences, requirements, needs.

If you need a little push to recommit to healthy routines, this Virgo New Moon empowers clear shifts in awareness around these areas: self-improvement, health, and how you practically and efficiently manage your daily life. Perhaps right now is the perfect time to recommit to your sacred space — and your boundaries?


The post Sacred Space + Boundaries + Virgo New Moon appeared first on Jessica Shepherd.

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