The Saturn/Chiron dilemma & Mars cazimi

10 months ago 49

The Sun and Mars which have been raising so much mayhem and ire (and perhaps a few surprises) this past week, are perfecting their conjunction this week when Mars enters the throne room of our liege lord the Sun....

November 17th ~ 24th

“Separation celebrations on Flagstaff Hill” by W.F.E. Liardet

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.” ~ John Donne

After a stressful tango with dancing-partner Uranus this past week, Sun and Mars will perfect their conjunction this weekend with Mars dancing into the throne room of the Sun. The Sun and Mars will be so closely conjunct that the cazimi Mars will not only appear to be consumed by the rays of the Sun, but will dip behind the Sun, and almost literally appear to enter the heart of our central star. This is where Mars, already strong in its own sign of Scorpio, will be king for the day. This is also when it is more likely that powerful men are given the keys to the kingdom, and warriors are asked to take center stage. 

This is powerful and strong energy this weekend, which in the face of erratic and unexpected change, we find ourselves determined and galvanized to face and overcome even what appear to be insurmountable odds. Sun and Mars keep apace all week. Barely parting even when they move into Sagittarius on the 22nd and the 24th. As they make their way through the final degrees of Scorpio there is some sort of reckoning that stirs the heart strings. Like a reminder that there but for the grace of God go I. And then the Sun and Mars enter Sagittarius. 

We will probably speak to this more next week along with the upcoming Full Moon. But for the past year there has been a presence lurking in the background of our lives. On February 23rd, August 15th and now November 25th, Saturn and Chiron have been and will be semi-square. This 45ş aspect is one of those not necessarily minor, minor aspects that usually feels like something of an ‘irritation’ that can’t be scratched or placated easily. Not always as obvious as the major aspects like the squares or oppositions, these semi-squares can still be deviously undermining. 

There is something eerily foreboding about Saturn/Chiron afflictions that leave us with this sense of trepidation. It feels like we’ve been here before, and it really didn’t’ work out all that well the last time either. Chiron can sometimes be seen as the hero of the marginalized, the lord of the outcasts in society, those that are perceived as ‘other’ or different. Saturn adds this element of fear. Fear of the unknown and those that we simply do not understand. The fear of the ‘other’. 

As we move into next week, Venus, the Sun and Mars will all be insinuating themselves into the Saturn/Chiron picture: shining a light on our fears, reopening old wounds. Drawing us back to past events, to places that we really do not want to have to visit any more. Old traumas, old wounds, can be reopened when Saturn vies with Chiron. But also know, that if old traumas are being reopened, these are also opportunities to heal some of these old buried wounds. 

In some way, we are being asked to have compassion. Compassion for the person we used to be, and compassion for the way others once were, while bravely facing the reality of our current circumstances. The Sun/Mars conjunction brings us the courage to be able to face these, and to do so without compromising our beliefs and our integrity. This is when we are going to be asked to put our beliefs and our ideals into practice. To literally walk the talk and practice what we preach. 

Saturn/Chiron presents us with an inner conflict between what our conscience is saying, and what we are being told is lawful and correct. Conflict can make us doubt ourselves and others. But it can also test our faith, and bring confirmation for what we hold in our heart of hearts to be right and true.

Make the most of these last days in this deep and magical sign of Scorpio to connect with your most salient truths. Look deep within. Ask yourself what your heart is telling you. And dare yourself to feel. There is something there that is calling us all. Something that has to do with healing. And never are we more capable of healing that which needs to be healed, than when we are utterly (and courageously) willing to dive into the depths of Scorpio. This allows us to look at the remains of what once was, while also hopefully looking to a future and its potential. Out of the ashes of what once was, a new dawn is trying to make itself known. 

Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity. ~ Pema Chodron

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