Mercury Retrograde

10 months ago 57

Mercury retrograde is in full swing, causing communication, travel, information, and technology issues. Remember to back up your files and keep electronic devices safe. Avoid jumping to conclusions without knowing the full truth to prevent problems. Be cautious when...

Mercury retrograde is in full swing, causing communication, travel, information, and technology issues. Remember to back up your files and keep electronic devices safe. Avoid jumping to conclusions without knowing the full truth to prevent problems. Be cautious when sending texts or confronting others as you might come across as unruly. It's always better to think before speaking or sending messages. Edit your thoughts carefully to avoid saying regrettable things.


Mercury entered its pre-retrograde zone on November 25, and we started to notice the beginnings of the story and pieces of the puzzle that would shape the personal challenges we would face during Mercury's planetary backspin. It's important to reflect on this date because it's likely that we began to see situations that required a closer look and more careful consideration. Taking the time to contemplate and understand these matters is crucial, which is why it's great that we are revisiting them.


On December 13, Mercury will begin its retrograde journey in Capricorn. This planetary movement may cause some chaos in our lives, especially if we have been struggling with certain relationships and situations. However, it also gives us an opportunity to evaluate what we want to put our efforts into. We might decide whether we want to make an extra effort to fix something or let it go. This retrograde period may also bring back some work projects, giving us a chance to deal with them again. It may also make us reflect on the future of our careers and the direction we want to take.


As of December 23, Mercury retrograde moves into Sagittarius, allowing us to look at the bigger picture. After spending time piecing things together and completing a puzzle, we must now decide whether to dismantle it and start anew or leave it as it is. This same sentiment applies to our personal lives as well, with the bold and daring nature of Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. It may mean that we are more cautious and avoid taking big risks until we have all the facts. Additionally, holiday travel may be challenging, and New Year's plans may be unpredictable. Nonetheless, the lesson is to make the most of every situation and not let minor setbacks get in the way of enjoying ourselves. However, we must be cautious not to speak too hastily or say things we don't mean. Sagittarius is not the most comfortable placement for Mercury, and it may cause people to be blunt or speak before thinking.


The effects of Mercury retrograde will end on January 1, 2024, New Year's Day. It might take some time for us to set our intentions and assess what we want to achieve in 2024. It's important to prioritize rest on this day and let our bodies recover from the previous night's events. Instead of pushing ourselves, it's best to focus on relaxation and taking it easy.


Although Mercury retrograde officially ended on January 1, we are still experiencing the aftershocks of all the information we gained during the retrograde. This phase is known as the retroshade phase, giving us the third chance to deal with the situations that began to appear on November 25. We have until January 20 to get things right and wrap up the events that began in November during the pre-retrograde zone phase. Utilize this time to contemplate what you want. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages us to be bold and fresh during the new year, leaving the past behind and allowing us to evolve into the person we aspire to be.


To help manage Mercury's planetary backspin, there are various ways of using magic, one of which is practicing crystal meditation. Placing a crystal, such as Labradorite, on the throat chakra can help us maintain a calm mindset and express our honest opinions with TLC. This practice not only benefits our energy but also enables us to choose the right words and communicate joyfully, avoiding defensiveness and arguments. Additionally, citrine can be used as it enhances communication skills, allowing us to articulate our thoughts more effectively. When placing the crystal on your throat chakra, it's important to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm your body. Then, focus on being in a place that restores your personal balance. Find your center in this happy place and wrap everything you want to say to others with light and healing energy. This will give you the chance to express yourself with kindness.

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