Witch tips & Horoscopes 12/6-12

10 months ago 42

Astrology by Lisa StardustOn December 6, Neptune will turn direct, marking the end of a journey that began when the planet went retrograde in Pisces on June 30. After facing some harsh realities in recent months, we can finally...

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

On December 6, Neptune will turn direct, marking the end of a journey that began when the planet went retrograde in Pisces on June 30. After facing some harsh realities in recent months, we can finally retreat into our dreams again. However, we must now determine how we want to proceed after having our illusions shattered. Mercury in Capricorn connects with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on December 7; expanding our minds, Jupiter offers us a new philosophy in which we can see different perspectives and look at the bigger picture of situations. On December 9, Venus in Scorpio will be in opposition to Jupiter retrograde, making it an exciting time to take risks in love. Spending time with friends, family, or your significant other might enhance emotions and connections. Mercury and Venus connect on December 11, giving us time to speak about our passions and to allow ourselves to be seen and heard. This isn't the time to shy away from your feelings; whatever's in your heart, should be spoken into existence. On December 12, the New Moon in Sagittarius occurs, which is a powerful day for manifestation. This is an ideal time to make progress towards achieving our deepest desires. As long as we maintain faith in ourselves and our goals, we can bring our visions to life.


With Neptune turning direct, it is a time in which we should face our fears and honor our shadow self. In order to understand the suppressed parts

You may find that you are currently lost in a dream or a vision that is unobtainable at the moment. Your dreams can become something if you give them a chance to soar. The more energy you put into making it happen, the more you will be able to attain the vision that you want.


You may find that you are currently lost in a dream or a vision that is unobtainable at the moment. Your dreams can become something if you give them a chance to soar. The more energy you put into making it happen, the more you will be able to attain the vision that you want.



This is the perfect time for you to start building the connections that you need to take your aspirations to the next level. You'll find that many people are willing to offer you valuable insights and information that inspire and motivate you. By crafting a strong network, you can find ways to achieve your goals.



It can be difficult to realize, but you’re going above and beyond in a current situation or opportunity. It's important to ensure that your goals are aligned with the mission of what you're doing. If they're not, it may be challenging to feel comfortable and successfully complete the tasks and projects you're currently involved in.



Finding balance between different aspects of life can be challenging, especially when you feel like you can't handle everything that's going on. It's important to recognize when you're experiencing burnout and take some time to relax and recharge. Self-care can be a helpful tool in these moments and provide you with a sense of peace.



Currently, you may feel that the boundaries are hindering the creation of an intimate connection with someone. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge and respect the limits of others to provide them with a chance to learn mutual respect and avoid overstepping or overwhelming them. This is crucial to help both of you grow and evolve.



Your intuition might be causing you anxiety as you struggle to distinguish between what to believe and what not to believe. Observing the true nature of others may have left you feeling uncertain about how to proceed with them. It’ll be helpful to make a deliberate effort to think analytically and make a well-informed decision.



If you're struggling to stick to a daily activity, try keeping your schedule flexible and focusing on pursuits that allow you to move around and avoid feeling trapped in one place. Take some time to explore your interests and embrace the freedom to create your own daily routine. You’ll be more aligned with the universe.



This week, try to embrace vulnerability and share your innermost feelings with others. It may be difficult to do at first, but it will allow people to understand you better and connect with you on a deeper level. Don't be afraid to let your walls come down and show others what's happening in your life.



You may feel that people surpass you in what they attain this week. Before letting your insecurities and fears get the better of you, know that your ship is coming in. The more pressure you put on yourself, the less able you’ll be to make it happen. Remain patient. Your time to shine is coming.



Reconnecting with old friends and family can help you set the tone for the new season. You might feel like there's some unfinished business that needs to be addressed before you can have a joyful reunion. Take the time to work on your relationships and heal any wounds to establish the connection you truly desire.



While it's disappointing that you may not receive the admiration you’re hoping for, it's important to remember that your work is valued. Instead of dwelling on the negative, try to focus on the positive aspects of your job. Maintaining a positive attitude will help you appreciate what you do have and matters in your life.



Now is the perfect time to rely on your intuition. It's understandable that you've been uncertain about what's genuine and what isn't over the past few months. However, you can now turn to your heart and inner feelings to make choices based on what feels right for you at this moment. Believe in your instincts.




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