Partial Lunar Eclipse 28 October 2023

10 months ago 50

There will be a partial lunar eclipse on 28 October 2023. It will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctica. The full eclipse begins at 18:02UT...

There will be a partial lunar eclipse on 28 October 2023. It will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctica.

The full eclipse begins at 18:02UT and lasts until 22:26UT. Maximum eclipse (Moon opposing Sun) takes place at 20:14UT.  The duration of the partial eclipse is 77 minutes.

The map below shows the visibility of the eclipse:

The chart below, cast for Tehran, capital of Iran, shows the event in astrological terms:

Before we will discuss any possible effects on the individual, we have a look at the mundane astrological implications of this lunar eclipse. To be able to do this, we need to establish where the eclipse is likely to have its greatest effect. For this purpose we need to look at the countries or cities falling under the rulership of Taurus, the sign wherein the eclipse Moon resides during the event. We also have to take into consideration that the eclipse’s visibility will greatly enhance its effect.

The map above shows the paths of angularity for Sun (red) and Moon (black):

What is particularly poignant is the fact that the eclipse’s line of angularity, showing the conjunction between the Midheaven and the eclipsed Moon is very close to Tehran, the capital of Iran. This is also visible in the astrological chart for the time of the lunar eclipse, above.

Looking through traditional source material, we find that, Arabia, Persia, Egypt (possibly the fertile delta region), the Kyklades Islands (southeast of Greece), Cyprus, the coast of Asia Minor, greater Polonia (Poland), northern Sweden, Russia, Ireland, Switzerland, Lorraine, and Campania, are the locations traditionally thought to fall under the rulership of Taurus.

From the above, it is noticeable that Iran (to traditional astrologers it was known as Persia) which is on the path of this lunar eclipse, is traditionally ruled by Taurus. This makes it highly likely that some eclipse related events will occur there. Adding to this is the fact that The eclipse Moon is conjunct fixed star Sheratan. In general star lore, it is said that fixed star Sheratan is of the nature of Mars and Saturn, causing injuries, defeat, or destruction by fire, war, or earthquake. Elsbeth Ebertin writes that she found that World War I soldiers who had this fixed star in prominent position in their birth charts, were acting in particularly bold and daring ways. 

Eclipses in Taurus usually affect business, trade, agriculture, as well as solicitors and agents who negotiate in other people’s affairs. William Lilly writes in his Annus Tenebrosus a lunar eclipse in the first Decanate of Taurus signifies that:

” … household Cattle are tormented with several unusual diseases, i.e. the oxen and horses of the Ploughman fall sick and dye, and the generall disease reigns amongst Cattell.”

Venus, who, together with Mercury is eclipse ruler, indicates a time of elegance and abundance, with friendly relations between governments.

If we put all of this together, we can assume that there may be agricultural problems as well as problems with livestock ahead for Iran. The conjunction between the eclipsed Moon and fixed star Sheratan also adds the energies of Saturn and Mars, the Greater and Lesser Malefic, to the mix. This suggests to me the possibility that the friendly relations between governments that were mentioned above, may refer to those between Iran and Palestine. We know that Iran and Hamas have been long time allies and it will remain to be seen how things will develop in the Middle East. Out of the darkness every eclipse represents, a bitter truth may emerge at a future point. Further complications may arise, due to the fact that the eclipse is also angular in Saudi Arabia. Recently, there have been reports in the news that Saudi Arabia was close to entering a historic strategic partnership with Israel, but this may become more questionable after the recent events in Israel.

For those particularly interested in mundane astrology, I add the charts of the current Sun’s Aries Ingress for Iran, and the foundation chart for the Iran Islamic Republic.

What does spring to mind immediately is the conjunction between the eclipse point and the lunar nodal axis in the ingress chart, above. Also noteworthy is the tight conjunction between the eclipse Moon and Solar Ingress Venus, reiterating the fact that Venus is also eclipse ruler. The ingress chart’s lunar nodal axis is also conjunct the Sun/Moon opposition, which suggests drastic events to follow.

On a personal level, an eclipse usually affects only a small number of people. To establish the possibility of any effect to take place, the birth chart should be scrutinized for any of the following:

Moon is in or around 5* Taurus Moon is in or around 5* Scorpio (opposition) 5* Taurus is culminating in the birth chart (conjunct Midheaven) 5* Taurus is ascending in the birth chart (conjunct Ascendant)

Should it be the case that one or even more of these factors apply, an in-depth reading of the birth chart may be necessary to find out if, how and to what extent the native could be affected.

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