Annular Solar Eclipse 14 October 2023

10 months ago 54

On 14 October 2023, at 15:03 UT, there will be an annular Solar Eclipse. The duration of the maximum eclipse will be 5 min 17 sec. The eclipse will be visible in Canada, parts of the United States, Mexico,...

On 14 October 2023, at 15:03 UT, there will be an annular Solar Eclipse. The duration of the maximum eclipse will be 5 min 17 sec. The eclipse will be visible in Canada, parts of the United States, Mexico, and many countries in South and Central America. This eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses which can be seen from within the USA. The eclipse follows the ’Great American‘ total eclipse of August 2017 (see my article, here) and takes place six months before the Mexico-US-Canada total eclipse in April 2024.

The chart, cast for Chicago, shows the event:

Before we will discuss any possible effects on the individual, we have a look at the mundane astrological implications of this eclipse. To be able to do this, we need to establish where the eclipse is likely to have its greatest effect. For this purpose we need to look at the countries or cities falling under the rulership of Libra, the sign wherein the eclipsed Sun resides during the event. We also have to take into consideration that the eclipse’s visibility will greatly enhance its effect. Looking through traditional source material, we find that Arabia, Argentina, Bactriana (Persian Asia), Canada, Ethiopia, Jamaica and Thebes are the locations traditionally thought to fall under the rulership of Libra.

Next, we have a look at the map showing the angularity of the eclipse point:

What becomes apparent is the fact that Canada, which falls under the rulership of Libra, has the eclipse point tightly conjunct the Midheaven, suggesting a particularly strong effect. Also, people in the USA and Mexico are likely to be affected by this eclipse.

The Sun is placed in the third decanate of Libra, ruled by Jupiter. Therefore we have to look at Venus and Jupiter as eclipse rulers. William Lilly writes in his Annus Tenebrous, that this placement: 

“… premonishes of high Controversies amongst the Nobility, and great Detriment in their estates, much prodigality amongst them, and the extirpation of some one family ”. 

The eclipsed Sun is, of course, in his fall in Libra, and so is Venus in Virgo, who is also opposed by a retrograde Saturn. All of this can be seen as detrimental signs.

On the other hand, we also have to take into consideration that Jupiter and Venus are the Greater and the Lesser Benefic. William Lilly wrote that Venus as eclipse ruler generally indicates peace and harmony, stating that 

“…it is the fore-runner of a quiet, peaceable time upon earth … in those Countrys where the Eclipse is visible.” 

Time will tell though, how much the influence of the planets’ essential debilities and Saturn’s opposition to Venus will diminish those beneficial effects.

An eclipse usually affects only a small number of people. To establish the possibility of any effect to take place, the birth chart should be scrutinised for any of the following:

Sun and Moon are in or around 21* Libra, or around 21* Aries Sun or Moon are in or around 21* Cancer or 21* Capricorn (square) 21* Libra is culminating in the birth chart (conjunct Midheaven) 21* Libra is ascending in the birth chart (conjunct Ascendant)

Should it be the case that one or even more of these factors apply, an in-depth reading of the birth chart may be necessary to find out if, how and to what extent the native could be affected.

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