Lunar Nodal Axis shift into Aries/Libra

10 months ago 52

As the lunar nodal axis has moved into Aries/Libra until January 2025, let us remember what William Lilly wrote about the Head and the Tail of the Dragon in his Christian Astrology: “The Head of the Dragon is Masculine,...

As the lunar nodal axis has moved into Aries/Libra until January 2025, let us remember what William Lilly wrote about the Head and the Tail of the Dragon in his Christian Astrology:

“The Head of the Dragon is Masculine, of the nature of Jupiter and Venus, and of himself a Fortune; yet the Ancients doe say, that being in Conjunction with the good he is good, and in conjunction with the evil Planets they account him evil.

The Tayle of the Dragon is Feminine by Nature, and clean contrary to the Head; for he is evil when joyned with good Planets, and good when in conjunction with the malignant Planets.

This is the constant opinion of all the Ancients, but upon what reason grounded I know not; I ever found the North Node equivalent to either of the Fortunes, and when joyned with the evil Planets to lessen their malevolent signification; when joyned with the good to increase the good promised by them: For the Tayle of the Dragon, I always in my practise found when he was joyned with the evil Planets; their malice or the evil intended thereby was doubled and trebled, or extreamly augmented, &c. and when he chanced to be conjunction with any of the Fortunes who were significators in the question, though the matter by the principal significator was fairely promised, and likely to be perfected in a smal time; yet did there ever fal out many rubs and disturbances, much wrangling and great controversie, that the businesse was many times given over for desperate ere a perfect conclusion could be had; and unlesse the principal significators were Angular and wel fortified with essential dignities, many times unexpectedly the whole matter came to nothing.” (Christian Astrology, p82)

A conjunction between the transiting Dragon’s Head or Dragon’s Tail and any of the natal planets may activate these planets.

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