Pisces Compatibility

10 months ago 43

Pisces is the most complex sign within the zodiac and with that, their energy can be compatible with some and horrifying to others. This blog post will explore Pisces compatibility with the other signs, what to consider and comparing...

Pisces is the most complex sign within the zodiac and with that, their energy can be compatible with some and horrifying to others. This blog post will explore Pisces compatibility with the other signs, what to consider and comparing archetypes.

PS - Please do not base overall compatibility off of sun signs as we are all a combination of energies. Please apply “Pisces” to whatever placement you or a partner have within Pisces.

Pisces Archetype

Pisces is the “fish” and just like our aquatic friends, they thrive within watery environments (think places close to water or in water), emotional situations and highly benefit from going with the flow.

Pisces is the beginning and the end of the zodiac. The sign of Pisces encompasses all signs at once which can be overwhelming at times but Pisces are uniquely equipped to handle the intense ebb and flow of energy. Because Pisces is a water sign, they are highly intuitive within their emotional body often “knowing” things because they “feel” it. Logic does not have a real place within the life of a Pisces which can drive some people mad but it’s part of how Pisces operates, beyond rhyme, reason and logic.

Pisces intuition is beyond what most can comprehend and most of what they are feeling and experiencing is valid although sometimes Pisces is experiencing something vividly from the past or future which can get confusing within the present moment. Pisces is a highly creative and spiritual sign, often drawing inspiration from the cosmos and beyond. Pisces can sometimes rely on “escapism” from this “reality” but Pisces also knows well that reality is subjective and we may all be experiencing different but similar things.

Pisces is highly romantic and crave partnership, often not having or wanting any separation between them and their lover. Not everyone meshes well with Pisces energy, here’s a breakdown by sign of those compatible with Pisces and those who are less inclined to get along with the free flowing spirit of Pisces natives.

Pisces and Aries Compatibility

This match can end up being a match made in hell unless both the Aries and the Pisces are emotionally mature, which is easier for the Pisces than the Aries. Aries is a fire sign and Pisces is water, automatically we can tell there may be some issues here based on the incompatibility of the elements. It is a rare occurrence that fire and water aid each other in a meaningful way. Typically what happens is the fire (Aries) burns too hot and the water’s (Pisces) natural response is to burn it out. Or the water of Pisces is so deep and volatile that the fire of Aries never stood a chance against it.

This pairing is like taking an old, wise, intuitive sea god and pairing them with a hot headed toddler who has an eternity of lessons to learn. This pairing might work if the Pisces is bored and wants to be entertained or steal energy but overall these two signs are very different from one another and have limited compatibility.

(PS - Please check your astronomical placements and not just tropical or sidereal for these interpretations)

Pisces and Taurus Compatibility

Pisces and Taurus *can* work out, but, will they? Likely not. And not due to lack of love by any means but moreso different priorities within life. One way this pairing could absolutely work though is if the Taurus provided the Pisces with the structure they needed in order to be their free-flowing creative selves. That would take a lot of generosity and sharing resources for the Taurus though, something they aren’t always willing to do if the other person isn’t pulling their physical/financial weight.

Pisces nature would likely drive the determined and diligent Taurus a little crazy, especially since the Pisces would be within a different dimension most days whereas Taurus likes to know and understand the ground they are standing on, and stay there as long as they can. If the Taurus is completely fine with being a provider then this pairing can work, but if not it will leave the Taurus drained and resentful of their free-flowing, non-plan needing Pisces.

Pisces and Gemini Compatibility

Pisces and Gemini energy can be a great match for each other in the way where both parties are constantly evolving, adapting, and staying curious about the mystical and multi-dimensional reality we exist within. The Pisces will enjoy Geminis inquisitive nature and free-flowing energy. The Gemini will appreciate Pisces ability to go with the flow and to question things on levels most are unwilling or unable to go to.

Once these two can learn about each other and adapt to each others needs, it can be a wonderful connection. Gemini might be a bit more logical than Pisces and may not feel things as intensely, allowing the Gemini to be more emotionally detached than the Pisces. As long as the Gemini can learn how the Pisces needs to be loved and cared for with their intense emotions, this pairing can be one for the long road. It DEFINITELY won’t be boring!

Pisces and Cancer Compatibility

Just because these two are both water signs does not automatically make the fish of Pisces and the crab of Cancer get along swimmingly. Both Pisces and Cancer have high emotional needs (moreso than say a Capricorn for example) and if both parties are both dealing with intense emotional situations on a regular basis, it can sometimes feel like there isn’t enough emotional energy left for the self because of the constant need of the other. The empathy between Pisces and Cancer can be beautiful and healing in it’s higher aspects but in the lower it can lead to even more emotional issues between the two.

Pisces has endless love to give and Cancer does as well, but when two hyper-empathic people come together there can be an overall lack of stability when there is only water to grasp onto. Both of these signs can be extremely family oriented and it can work out if they both have similar goals and focus on emotional regulation and maturity but also like BFFR. These two would likely make better creative partners than romantic ones.

Pisces and Leo Compatibility

Pisces and Leo is mixing water and fire again but Leo’s energy is a bit more stable than the first fire sign we mentioned, Aries. Leo is a fixed sign allowing them to not waver while maintaining their spark and creativity. Leo loves hard and so does Pisces, these two actually make a good pair when it comes to passion, inspiration, love and deeply caring about one another. If the Leo can learn to place the relationship before themselves and their more self-serving desires, this can be a wonderful partnership where both parties appreciate each other for their minds and creative nature.

When there are sparks though there can also be blow ups. If either of these two are immature within the relationship it will likely not work out. Both parties might fall back into their own ways if the love is tarnished in any way and takes away from the magic of the connection. Pisces and Leo will see each other as gifts and blessings from the universe in their highest expression, helping each other to shine creatively and through a heart-space. Just a little drama involved and they are both into it.

Pisces and Virgo Compatibility

Astrologically, Pisces and Virgo are technically “sister signs” or complete opposites. Opposites definitely CAN attract but with these two signs, it would take a lot of work to make it work.

On one hand, Virgo is able to provide Pisces the structure they need in order to make their grand ideas come to life in a tangible way, but sometimes this “structure” can feel overbearing. If the Virgo is smart enough to understand Pisces needs fully and can provide stability while the Pisces flows and it can end up being a very well balanced relationship. Virgo loves to serve the other and Pisces enjoys giving to their partner as well. Virgo will study what others need in order to feel loved and Pisces will just love intensely. Virgo typically has a different way of showing their love than Pisces does so the Pisces will likely have to initiate much of the romance while Virgo will love getting physically intimate with their Pisces partner. An aligned sexual relationship could actually end up being the backbone of this pairing.

Pisces and Libra Compatibility

Pisces and Libra energy can both work very well together due to their dualistic natures. Both Pisces and Libra are able to see things from multiple sides and understand there is rarely just a black and white way to look at things. Pisces will likely be more emotionally invested than the Libra but the Libra values love and partnership to the point where they will be willing to adapt to the intense emotional needs of their Pisces, even if they don’t understand it fully.

Libra has a strong sense of justice and fairness and if Pisces is aligned with what the Libra is advocating for then they can also put their emotional energy behind it, aiding the Libra in their campaign. Libra tends to enjoy the analytical aspects of life and being able to talk through things whereas Pisces generally bases most things off of how they are feeling about something which can sometimes be frustrating to Libra but they are smart enough to understand and work through issues, often before they even come up.

Pisces and Scorpio Compatibility

If you ever needed someone to help you cover up a murder, it would be these two signs. Scorpio and Pisces are both water signs and DEEP ones at that. They feel deeply, think deeply, fuck deeply… everything. Neither Pisces or Scorpio is at all afraid of the dark sides of life, in fact, they tend to embrace them especially when their energy ends up playing off one another’s. If there is trust established and an unbreakable bond, then these two signs can definitely work out. It will be one of the most intense relationships of your existence.

Scorpio can be very secretive whereas Pisces is often a bit more expressive. Both signs can deal with paranoid notions but most of the time they are dipping into other timelines subconsciously and it can take increased mental and emotional clarity for these two signs to fully trust. There is also a fear of being abandoned after such an intense emotional connection between these two leading to both of them “being good” in the relationship out of fear of losing each other. Jealousy and emotional possessiveness can also massively come into play with these two intense water signs. This pairing is not for the weak but Pisces is far from weak.

Pisces and Ophiuchus Compatibility

“Ophiuchus isn’t a sign” shut your dirty mouth lmfao yes it is you’re just not aware of it and that’s actually a you problem at this point but don’t worry I wrote a whole blog post about it so you can catch up too.


Ophiuchus and Pisces can actually make a really good team and partnership. Both signs are extremely spiritually in touch and able to perceive things beyond what most others have ever even thought to think about. Both Pisces and Ophiuchus are guided by forces beyond this world and it can take a unique understanding within a partner when you’re constantly being pulled into different channels for various reasons. These two signs will never judge each other and will hopefully give each other the space required to fully step into their spiritual mission, whatever that ends up looking like.

It won’t always be rainbows and sunshine though, both of these signs have a darker side that can trump their healing energy. Essentially, if both of these people are into the dark arts then things could get really messy and terrible between one another but if they treat each other with respect, autonomy and give space to heal one another, this could be one of the most powerful spiritual couples on the planet.

Pisces and Sagittarius Compatibility

These two signs are actually pretty compatible overall. They are both deep thinkers and feelers and can offer each other perspectives in new ways, through old ways. Philosophically and spiritually, Pisces and Sagittarius can be extremely aligned. But the freedom seeking Sagittarius will likely have trouble with Pisces sometimes co-dependent relationship style. If Sagittarius feels trapped or smothered, they are OUT whereas Pisces literally wants to merge souls with their partner as if there were never any separation in the first place.

Pisces will typically be more invested in the longevity of the relationship than the Sagittarius. These two would likely be better off experiencing each other for what the other has to show them/teach them and find people who are more aligned to create long term relationships with. I do see these two working well within a friendship or creative partnership, but once those Pisces emotions kick in, it will likely be challenging for the Sagittarius to keep their empathy high.

Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility

Honestly, just, no. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

No fr just stop it.

Halt. Cease.

Pisces and Aquarius Compatibility

Pisces and Aquarius can actually work pretty well and they are similar in ways most people don’t understand as Aquarius pretends to not be. Let me explain.

Aquarius truly wants a partner and lover that is on their level, is their best friend, companion, all of that. They find this easily in Pisces. Pisces will force the Aquarius to go deeper into their own waters, Aquarius is an air sign but is considered the water bearer. Normally Aquarius is more comfortable observing their emotions than actually feeling them, but with Pisces they can finally let their emotions flow. It can be scary at first for the Aquarius as it will feel like they are losing a sense of control but that’s what it takes to be within the divine flow of Piscean energy, and Aquarius is willing to surrender for the partnership, love and overall experience.

Aquarius knows there is room to grow and if they can admit they crave deep intimacy, they will be able to find it within their Pisces partner.

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

Pisces and Pisces, can it work? Yes, it can, but it will be a weird time.

The other placements are going to matter a lot within this pairing so please do not base compatibility just off of one placement like a sun sign, for example.

Pisces has a dualistic nature and if the Pisces partners can balance each other out then this connection can work, if not though, they will be riding highs together but then also experiencing lows together and without their partner to pull them back into physical reality, they both might get lost in the Pisces sauce.

If the Pisces can intuitively read each other and then create a flow that can help the other reach equilibrium while also maintaining themselves, this can be one of the most healing and beautiful relationships on the planet full of unconditional love and care.

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