Neptune's Illusions

10 months ago 48

This post will be exploring some of the ways that Neptune can keep you in a foggy mindset about people, life situations, yourself and the world. Fighting through the fog and illusions will be important if you’d like to...

The planet Neptune is known for many things but one of my least favorite things that Neptune is responsible for is “Illusions and Delusions.” This post will be exploring some of the ways that Neptune can keep you in a foggy mindset about people, life situations, yourself and the world. Fighting through the fog and illusions will be important if you’d like to observe the world clearly and from a balanced mindset.

Now you might be thinking, “why have a planet that allows for illusions and delusions” and honestly, bad call, right?

The human experience is vast and at this point in our life or lives, we have seen and experienced a lot! Some good, some bad. The way life is set up for some is beautiful while others are struggling right next to them. Some people only know pain and lack whereas others have been able to experience pleasure and abundance on a regular basis. “Life is unfair” comes to mind when really, it doesn’t need to be like that and Neptune’s illusions or “Neptune’s Evil Fog” tends to keep us in a state of separation vs tapping into the higher energy of Neptune which is a connection through a heart space and an understanding of other humans on a deep, emotional level.

Keep reading to learn more about Neptune and its illusions!

Neptune’s Illusions:


Fear is a valid feeling to feel in many situations. It often serves as a stress response and thus, a motivator to take an action. If you find yourself in a fearful situation over and over again, the stress of that is asking you to act to get to a place of safety. This can be seen in relationships, emergency situations and daily life when your fight — flight — or freeze response kicks in as a response to various stimuli that you perceive to be a threat.

Fear is a real feeling. But it’s also an illusion.

One of the biggest illusions of Neptune is fear of death. Western and many other cultures have made people fear death when really it’s a beautiful passing between worlds or realms. The physical to the non-physical. The fear of others dying would be more valid, honestly, because we would then miss that person’s presence in the physical! This brings us to the next illusion —


We are all one. Yes, we are individual humans but we all come from the same “Source” energy. We are essentially source energy experiencing itself in different expressions of life. Neptune’s illusion can keep you in a cycle where you believe that no one else feels like you do and that you’re in this life thing all alone when that’s not the case. There are good people everywhere who will understand you and love you just the way you are right now, it’s an illusion to think otherwise.

Don’t get me wrong, you may have been through an experience that backs up this belief but beliefs are fluid and can change. Break through the illusion to understand that isolation is a choice and connection is also a choice. We are one and it’s time to act like it, collectively.


Having power in itself is not an illusion, the illusion is that others have more power than you or have power over you. I know this one can be hard to wrap your head around because we’ve been conditioned by society to give away our power to authority figures. At the end of the day, the “power” they (police, teachers, bosses, etc) have over people is literally an illusion designed to keep YOU out of YOUR OWN power and to give it away to them instead. Where has that gotten us? Nowhere good.

Tap into YOUR power and literally STOP giving it away. That’s what they want you to do so they can maintain their current position “over” you. PS — people who seek power over others know they are weak and have no control over their own lives. It’s an ILLUSION.

More thoughts on Neptune & its Illusions:

If you get stuck in an illusion, it limits your ability to see situations clearly.

Interdimensional travels lead to understanding physical reality but do not get stuck there, integrate the lessons back into 3D life.

Things may legitimately be true on another timeline but not within the one you’re currently on which can lead to confusion. It might be real on some level (or within a past life) but not on the level you’re on right now.

Illusions can be used again you to gain power and control over your spirit

Neptune’s Illusions feel VERY REAL and that’s part of the reason they are so challenging to break out of. Do your best to see situations clearly. Don’t get your hopes up when there is no physical evidence of why you should. Belief is important but so is clarity and groundedness. It’s a balance.

PS - Neptune will be in Pisces until approx 2040 (according to the real sky) so the quicker you understand the illusions mentioned above are illusions, the easier this long transit will be for you.

Sending all the love in the universe your way!

Love you,

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