December 2023 astrology!

10 months ago 53

 During December the Sun transits through Sagittarius and into Capricorn. Mercury enters Capricorn and turns retrograde mid-month and Venus transits through 3 signs; Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Mars, the planet of actions remains in Sagittarius this month and at...


During December the Sun transits through Sagittarius and into Capricorn. Mercury enters Capricorn and turns retrograde mid-month and Venus transits through 3 signs; Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Mars, the planet of actions remains in Sagittarius this month and at month’s end the most beneficial planet turns direct! We will experience a new moon in Sagittarius and a full moon in Cancer. Now, the details.

Mercury enters Capricorn December 1st

Mercury enters serious minded Capricorn December 1st-February 5th, changing Mercurial energies once again. While in Capricorn Mercury turns retrograde December 13th, and will re-enter Sagittarius via its retrograde December 23-January 14th, 2024 and then re-enter Capricorn again on the same date, repeating the entire Capricorn cycle once again after Mercury is direct.

Mercury in Capricorn will bring us down to earth in terms of our thinking, speaking and all communication. While Mercury is in Sagittarius our planning and communication is big, grand and bold. While Mercury is in Capricorn we can expect to be operating from a place of being goal-oriented and much more grounded.

While Mercury in Capricorn may not be the most exciting of transits it can enable us to turn the ideas and plans we have into practical reality (once it turns direct). There is a time to dream big, and a time to be grounded and practical and now is the time to be a little more conservative in our thinking and communications and see what benefits we can actually reap as they may be more than you expect.

Capricorn rules business and leans toward a goal of success through efficiency and hard work. With Mercury in this sign our thoughts are clear and our communication is direct. Now is the time to access your business and professional life and plan for the future. This transit can help provide you focus on the practical nuts and bolts issues of life and work. Results will matter most with Mercury placed in Capricorn.

As Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is serious in nature we must use care not to become too serious, tiresome or authoritative while Mercury is in this sign. At worse we can come across as pessimistic and have a difficult time with taking leaps of faith as Capricorn wants concrete results which are not always possible to predict.

Mercury turns retrograde December 8th-January 2nd, 2024; the winter retrograde

Mercury turns stationary retrograde in Capricorn December 13-15th, and then begins its backward motion.  While 'stationary retrograde,' or even stationary direct, Mercury is at its most frustrating. This is the point where glitches and changes often occur and it may even be hard to think.

Retrograde Mercury is the planet that causes delays, glitches, breakdowns in computers and equipment, relationships, slowdowns and brings hidden factors to the surface. It is however part of a natural cycle, and this period is meant to recess, redo and reconsider plans and situations in our lives.

Plans can be put on hold, miscommunication can occur, relationships can end or change, and cars, computers and other machinery can break down at the most inopportune moment.

When planets retrograde, their effects on humans are different than when in direct motion. Thinking is deeper, situations often appear to go underground for a time, or change altogether, and sometimes our focus shifts. Mercury retrograde is the most talked about retrograde, because it is a fast moving planet that controls our thinking, speech, travel, and cognitive skills.

When Mercury retrogrades, I always tell people, ‘Mercury retrograde is a wild card.” Sometimes, relationships can be fixed and problems brought out into the open if it is worth saving. Sometimes the karma of a relationship will play out as retrograde cycles are karmic in nature.

 Expect delays, changes of plans and try and not have situations set in stone.  In other words, prepare to be flexible.  Mercury retrograde is often a frustrating time to be looking for a job.  Don’t give up though, just keep plugging on and stay on top of all communication. And make sure you are direct and to the point in your communication with others.  If you don’t understand what someone is telling you, by all means ask for clarification.

It is important to understand this process is nothing to fear although it can be maddening.  No is the time to re-access and re-do, not start or buy new things.  This is a natural cycle and more can be gained by going with the flow of it, than by fighting it.

As Mercury is in Capricorn we will be concerned with the basics: business, security, work, home and family, money.


-Get married

-Buy a new car

-Buy expensive items or computers

-Paint or re-decorate unless planned well in advance and there are no guarantees even then

-Start new businesses

-Sign documents if it can be avoided

-Start new ventures


-reconnect with those from the past

-Plan and re-access

-reconsider investments, job situations and moves, or anything else

-Clean out closets or anything else

-reconsider alternatives

Mercury re-enters Sagittarius

December 23rd, Mercury re-enters the sign ruled by Jupiter where it will spend the rest of the retrograde.

When Mercury enters Sagittarius again on December 14th we will repeat the last part of the Mercury is Sagittarius cycle that occurred November 26 -December 1. Does anything come to mind about this time, or has something been left unfinished? If so, don’t be surprised if the same things don’t re-occur as Mercury reenters Sagittarius.

Mercury turns direct

The planet of communication goes direct January 2nd at 22 degrees of Sagittarius. Once again the stationary direct phase is the most frustrating and things can change direction once again.  Even though Mercury is direct, the cycle really isn’t yet over. The stationary direct phase will last from January 2-January 5th, and is often a significant time. After the 5th, Mercury slowly returns to normal, but is not out of its shadow period until January 20th, when once again things return to normal.

Venus enters Scorpio

The planet of love, money and values enters the sign Scorpio December 3rd and will remain in this sign until December 29th.

We are leaving behind Venus in Libra which is 'lighter,' and more harmonious, and Libra generally seeks balance and harmony whereas Scorpio is more intense, and can be considered heavier or even obsessive in nature at times. Love is a serious matter to those with Venus in Scorpio, as is money, and Venus rules both along with our values.

No sign is better than another but a planet can be better placed where it operates easily and more smoothly. Venus in Scorpio is considered ‘at its detriment,’ by astrologers which means it doesn’t operate as easily as in does in other signs and the energy can misbehave, so to speak, and so can we!

 Venus in the signs is a matter of love styles. If you were born with a Venus in Scorpio your approach to love will be far different from a Venus in Libra or Cancer or any other sign for that matter.

Venus in Scorpio can attract others with their intensity and a willingness to make commitments. Feelings run deep, but at times they can display jealousy or a desire to dominate others.

Venus in Scorpio can become so intense that at worst some could feel obsessively entangled with someone they may not even know that well. Since Scorpio is water sign feelings and emotions can seem overpowering and this can be difficult for some, especially for Fire and Air signs.

Scorpio is known as the sexiest of the twelve signs and for Scorpio sex is at the top of the list. Scorpio is complex and craves intimacy like air but they are not always open in terms of what they should tell or express to their lover. Scorpio is secretive in nature and can be looking for power over his/her lover or to use sex to manipulate those feelings. Venus in Scorpio will bring intensity and passion to the bedroom. Scorpio considers sex personal, erotic and necessary to emotional survival. Once burned, Venus in Scorpio never forgets, and can spend years dwelling on someone they feel hurt by.

On the other hand Venus in this sign can be a magical and passionate time that you never forget. Loyalty is important to Venus in Scorpio and it is typically reciprocated. Scorpio can have a wonderful ability to heal and regenerate both yourself and others.

Neptune turns direct

Neptune turns direct December 6th after it’s nearly 6 month retrograde in the sign Pisces. Neptune retrogrades every year and while its retrograde is not dramatic like retrograde Mercury, it nevertheless can have a profound impact, especially if it is making an aspect in your personal chart.

Neptune is the planet associated with illusion, confusion and delusion, addictions, lies and deception, self-deception, and the seamy side of life. It also rules religion, spirituality, creativity, movies, the oceans, psychics and psychic abilities and theatre to name only a few. Neptune is also associated with compassion and can represent a desire to help others. It also represents what lies in our subconscious mind, as well as the subconscious of the collective.

As this powerful planet turns direct confusion may increase for the time, and events may be revealed for what they really are, especially if Neptune is aspecting other planets in your chart in a harsh angle. Neptunian events have a tendency to appear as surprising, but in actuality the basis of what gets revealed was there all along, just hidden in a fog of confusion and obscured from recognition.  Examples of this can frequently show up relating to matters of the heart. For example, the person you are interested in does not feel the same way, or is committed to someone else, or involved with others all along and you are faced with the reality and having to take off your rose colored glasses. We may feel the person we were attracted to is our soul mate or a perfect partner which leads to discouragement, depression and disenchantment. Often when Neptune retrogrades we find out that our dreams were not based on reality and we can experience a period of confusion.

Alternatively, this could affect any aspect of your life depending on where transiting Neptune is in your personal chart. Others may barely notice a change if Neptune is not aspecting their personal charts. 

If Neptune is making a positive aspect in your chart you may feel that you have achieved some type of dream or things may appear or seem ideal for a time.

Spiritual and creative issues are internalized when Neptune is retrograde and we may do a great deal of inner work during this time. When Neptune turns direct we can realize the benefit of our inner work. It could also become easier to present any type of artistic and creative ventures to the outside world.

As Neptune turns direct matters concerning the disenfranchised in our society may come to light and demand attention. The plight of the downtrodden will be taken more seriously and more avenues to solving the problems could become available.

The New Moon in Sagittarius

This month’s New Moon falls at 20 degrees of Sagittarius and the lunar peak occurs on December 12th at 6:32PM, EST. Sagittarius is ruled by planet Jupiter and is the natural ruler of the 9th house of travel, education, world view and foreign places and people. Since the 9th house also rules courts we may expect to hear news of courts or laws at this time. Since Mercury turns retrograde on the same day, events connected to the New moon may not play out immediately but at some point before the Full Moon on December 27th.

As of late the New and Full moons have been especially harsh and this one is no exception. The Moon squares Neptune and opposes Mars.

Neptune’s opposition to Mars can be indicative of anger, frustration and upset especially among or toward women. Blow ups can occur along with emotional upsets and conflicts. The best way to handle this energy is to focus on the positive, and avoid situations and people that can contribute to these types of emotions. Physical exercise can be helpful at this time, and at times a transit like this signals busyness and activity.

The Moon’s square to Neptune leans toward powerful dreams, intuitive experiences, compassion and confusion.  Neptune transits tend to confuse the issue, obscure the facts and in some cases represent gaslighting.  All in all, this is not a good few days to make any important decision. Moon-Neptune aspects lean toward anxiety in individuals who are prone to this as well as drug and alcohol issues if they are already present. This Moon however, is not powerful enough to bring on issues like this that don’t already exist.

Moon-Neptune aspects are often associated with water related weather conditions.

December’s Full Moon in Cancer

This month’s full moon falls at 5 degrees of Cancer on December 26th. Cancer rules the 4th house of the chart associated with home and family. This Moon gains planetary support through its trine to Saturn and sextile to Jupiter, the planet of gain and expansion. As with every full moon it opposes the Sun, which amps up emotions.

The more significant aspect during this full moon is Mercury’s square to Neptune, and Mercury is retrograde. This aspect is prone to tiredness, confusion, misinformation and even lies. Since Mercury is retrograde new information may be revealed at this time that was previously unknown but there is no guarantee that it is accurate.

You could experience vivid dreams or intuitive experiences. Question what you hear at this time as this is a prime time for absorbing incorrect information. Be careful driving as this aspect is accident prone since many people will find it hard to focus with this aspect.

The Sun enters Capricorn; Winter solstice December 21st at10:27PM, EST

The winter solstice marks the first official day of winter, and the Sun enters Capricorn, the first Cardinal sign of winter which is the shortest day of the year.

Winter solstice is seen as a significant time in many cultures and countries, and it marks the day the Sun enters Capricorn and winter officially begins. The Sun will remain in this sign until January 20th.

During this time we will focus on important matters, perhaps a little (or a lot) more serious than when the Sun was in Sagittarius, which we have now left behind for another year. Capricorn energy is more down to earth, focused and committed to accomplishment. After all, Capricorn is known as the workaholic of the zodiac for a good reason. Capricorn people are usually, stable, responsible, business oriented and driven to achieve. Cappy is the natural ruler of the 10th house of work and business. We can save the ethereal energies for the Pisces season in about 2 months because now it is time to focus on what we want to create for ourselves! There is a time and season for everything, and Capricorn likes reaching for and attaining goals in a tangible sense.

Expect to find yourself more concerned with practical matters and success in the material world we all live in. Of course this does not mean Capricorn can’t have fun, but it is usually more restrained and work often comes first.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which represents both privation as well as great wealth. Saturn is restrictive in nature, so unless your ruling planet is Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) you may feel more reserved under a Saturn transit, or at least like reigning things in somewhat. On the other hand, Capricorn represents extreme wealth and is the sign that rules big business.

Under Capricorn transits we get down to the basics that allow personal achievement to occur. Now is the time to figure out what you really need, as opposed to what you want.  What is the most important; taking off for a 2 week cruise or saving to buy that house you have been dreaming of? Chances are the house will win out during the Capricorn season.

Capricorn is an Earth sign along with Taurus and Virgo. These are the signs that are considered reliable, stable and connected to the physical/material world and all it encompasses. Saturn/Capricorn rules land, buildings, marshes, the earth, teeth and bone structures.  It rules the knees, and Capricorn is known to have trouble in this area. Capricorn also rules authority, work, and quality of work and honors.

Capricorn isn’t just all about work though; it is about dedication, success, knowledge and understanding of how things can actually work, allowing us to get to where we really want to be. Capricorn takes action which leads to concrete results so we may actually manifest our dreams.

Famous Capricorns include Michelle Osama, Diane Sawyer, Sissy Space, Denzel Washington, Seth Meyers, Lebrun James, and Kate Middleton and Dolly Parton. These are people who reach for the stars and get things done!

While Capricorn is about dedication, mastery and achievement, there is also a sensual side as it is tuned in to the Earth and the material world. Capricorn can be deeply attuned to the body’s desires and mastery of those desires so Capricorn is not a totally stodgy sign focused on all work and no play. Capricorn can enjoy life like everyone else but part of their pleasure in life is connected to achievement.

Celebrate the Capricorn season by getting down to business and discovering just how you can actually accomplish what you want in the material world. This is not limited to work or going to an office building; maybe you want to climb Mt. Everest, do volunteer work or explore another culture. Whatever the case the Capricorn season is a chance to make your hopes and dreams come true irrespective of how wild they may seem. In the end Capricorn is not really about work and toil, but mastery and success in the tangible world, whatever your personal idea of success entails. Whatever your dreams may be Capricorn can help you get there.


Venus enters Sagittarius

Venus enters Sagittarius December 29th where it will remain until January 23rd, 2024

This energy will be far different from the Scorpio energy we have become used to over the last number of weeks. While Scorpio is deep, intense and sometimes brooding, Sagittarius is lighter, more adventuresome, buoyant and geared toward new experiences, trying new things and living life to the fullest. This will of course work great for Sagittarius who may look and feel their best during this time. It will also work well for the other Fire signs; Aries and Leo.

Venus in Sagittarius has been known to gallop away quickly if things get too heavy or serious, especially if a new relationship is involved. Typically, Sagittarius can be the most restless of signs and cannot stand to be bored! Venus-Sagittarius does not like confrontations or discord and sometimes likes to wear rose colored glasses.

Venus in Sagittarius is associated with freedom and experimentation as well as jovial and upbeat times. Serious minded lovers may find this hard to take or those who a looking for a commitment.

Emotional drama does not typically go over well with Venus in this sign. Sagittarius is about expanding your outlook and definition of what pleases you. You may find yourself in a more idealistic mode over the next few weeks and expect your lover to keep up. This may singe the wing of the more sensitive types as can the typical Sagittarius blunt honesty.

During this transit of Venus you may have to decide if you would rather be totally ‘honest’ in your most intimate relationships and risk hurt feelings of others that may not be so easy to repair in the future. Think about what you have to say before you say it as Sag has a reputation of putting both feet in their mouth!

Venus-Sagittarius is far less focused than Venus-Scorpio. Sagittarius love begins with friendship and may seem more like a universal type of love. Romantic adventures, truth and higher meaning are the qualities that will take priority during our time with Venus in Sagittarius.

Jupiter turns direct

This year the planetary Gods have saved the best for last since Jupiter turns direct on December 31st. Jupiter is the planet of gain and expansion and is the most significant planet associated with money and finance; the other benefic being Venus. It turns direct at 5 degrees of Taurus.

Many things that have been delayed will start to move forward again in the days to come. If you've been planning a business, new project, or new anything it will be easier to get started now.

But, as Mercury is still retrograde until January 2, it is not yet time to move forward with new plans.

While Jupiter is retrograde we grow more in an inner way and when the 'great benefic' moves forward the growth occurs in a more outward manner in the world. We can take what we have learned and discovered now (or soon) and project it outward.

If Jupiter turns direct on a personal planet in your chart this can be a positively significant time, depending on what it is aspecting. Sometimes money can pick up as well, or you can achieve something you want.

Jupiter or any other planet that is stationary direct is very powerful so if this aspects a planet in your chart at this degree, luck could be significant.

Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 25th, when it enters Gemini. This should be a positive year for both Taurus and Gemini, barring some other negative influences in the chart.

Other aspects of significance;

December 3rd, Venus squares Pluto-This is a powerful aspect that can affect love, money and personal or collective values. This aspect is powerful a few days before and after it is exact. We should expect this to be a heavy news day and on an individual level this can create chaos in relationships, money or anywhere else this falls in the natal chart.

Love matters may become obsessive or some relationships might end. Pluto has an obsessive quality about it which can translate into jealousy or bring up deep seated emotions. Pluto deals with sex and control so these may be issues that are front and center. At times this can connect us with issues or others from the past.

December 9th, Venus conjuncts Jupiter-You may not feel very ambitious today as this aspect is better geared toward relaxation and social activity. Things may become blown out of proportion and this can include your diet!

December 16th, the Sun squares Neptune-With any Neptune transit new information can be revealed. This is prone toward compassion, creativity, confusion and lack of clarity.

December 20th, Venus opposes Uranus-This will be a day with unexpected surprises and events. Don’t cling to structure too much with this aspect as it will change something unexpectedly. Typically, this can be an exciting time if you just roll with the changes today.

December 27th, Mercury conjuncts Mars-This aspect is prone to irritation and arguments. Too much togetherness over the holidays-it happens. Otherwise this is accident prone so use caution and know this will pass within 24 hours. The Sun will trine Jupiter which is positive and upbeat, so go with this energy.

December 28th, Mars squares Neptune-This is a tiring if not confusing transit. Gaslighting may be a common theme at this time and Neptune always leans toward confusion. Neptune rules water and gasses. Don’t be surprised to see news stories about same sex couples.

Happy holidays and best wishes to you and yours!

Happy New Year, and may 2024 be the best!


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