10 months ago 38

Beaver Moon, Full Moon in Gemini Monday, November 27th 4:16 am ETFloating Full Moon Yoga Nidra, just hours before, at Leaping Waters in South Portland Sunday 5:30 pmWelcome rest as you settle into a hammmock or with cozy props...

Beaver Moon, Full Moon in Gemini Monday, November 27th 4:16 am ET

Floating Full Moon Yoga Nidra, just hours before, at Leaping Waters in South Portland Sunday 5:30 pm

Welcome rest as you settle into a hammmock or with cozy props on the mat

Rsvp on the Schedule

Sunday~ The Moon is nearly Full. Today, Taurus Moon meets Uranus, planet that disrupts the balance & requires changes of plans and other adaptiations as well as tranformations. Neptune and Pluto add reflective qualities. While Neptune lends imagination, Pluto acknowledges the deep, inner knowing and experience. Create art, reorganize, do something differently, and let your mind be spacious and free. Meditation may be helpful as is tuning out 'the noise'. Voif Moon 4:52 to 7:40 pm , then the Moon shifts to Gemini energies (though remaining in the constellation Taurus). Moon and Saturn square for reality checks and a noticing of due dates and other obligations. Moon opposes Mars. Some will be confrontational. Avoid a fight. Practice calm and listening. To what or whom do you have an  emotional responsibility to fulfill? Today's color is Gold.

Monday~ Mercury squares Neptune and the Moon is Full at 4:16 am ET. Some themes include denying reality and potentially avoiding the truth. Notice double meanings and whether you're being clear or evading some kind of communication or message. Mutable signs host the action, highlighting versatility and willingness to yield and shift perspective. Feelings need healthy outlets and honest expression. Today's color is White.

Tuesday~ Gemini Moon opposite Mercury in Sagittarius, square to Neptune in Pisces and aligned with Venus continues our Full Moon cycle and  yesterday's themes of honesty and duality. Brainstorm ideas. Avoid arguements as they could heat up quickly.  Enjoy the company of someone who complements you, even if their approaches to things are different. Get past a writers' block or other creative block. Look for the Aha moments as Full Moon begins to wane. What has it shown you even if it took a day or two to become clear? Void Moon starts at 8:03 pm ET. Wear Blue.

Wednesday~ Cancer Moon from 1:54 am ET on. Saturn and Jupiter align in harmony with the Moon, for a cycle of expanding, including new roles and stepping into new power. There may be a sense of adulting, taking responsibility, adding on in some way and committing to that. Cancer Moon also keeps feelings and emotions at the center of it all. Do business kindly. Treat others like family. Notice where you need space or time to yourself and practice self care too. Today's color is Light Blue.

Thursday~ Cancer Moon aligns with Uranus. Feelings held back may explode to the forefront if that's what's needed. If you're suppressing emotions, seek a healthy outlet whether it's a long talk with a friend or a long walk to clear your head. Shifts around family and security are possible. Surprising announcements may come with this Cancer Moon. Today's color is Light Green.

Friday~ Mercury moves to Capricorn, a practical place for the planet of communication, words and planning. From 9:31 am on, Mercury spends some time in Capricorn before the retrograde begins on the 13th and moves back to Sagittarius on the 23rd. Finish holiday shopping particularly for items being shipped, things of a technical nature, and anything you're slightly unsure about. Save all receipts and know the return options before you buy. Cancer Moon gives way to Leo energy at 11:00 am after about 3 hours void of course. The morning may be quieter or more home oriented and the day expands from there, with fire element taking over as the Moon and Mars form a nighttime trine at 9:48 pm ET. This could be a fun night out, enhance the energy of performances and raise energy generally. Do something slightly out of routine and comfort zone. Today's color is Orange.

Saturday~ Leo Moon in harmony with the Sun continue last night's energy. Confidence and personal power are highlighted. We may feel energized or feel like other people and situations are filled with dynamic energy. Mercury and Saturn align and you may know just what needs to be done and focused on contracts, agreements, leases, and emotional bonds as well. Word things clearly and enter agreements with thought and care. Today's color is Red.

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