10 months ago 39

Sunday ~ At the threshold of Scorpio New Moon, the Moon opposes Jupiter and prepares to oppose Uranus on Monday morning, right near New Moon time. Taurus, temporary home to these two planets, relates to our sense of security...

Sunday ~ At the threshold of Scorpio New Moon, the Moon opposes Jupiter and prepares to oppose Uranus on Monday morning, right near New Moon time. Taurus, temporary home to these two planets, relates to our sense of security and rootedness in the world. Jupiter aims for growth in every way. Uranus aims to free us of anything habitual or impeding, yet sometimes does this in extreme and unforeseen ways. Matters of prosperity, income, job, value, real estate, land, and also philosophy of living come into play during this New Moon. Hopefully, world events will not uprise even more than they are already, but this too is a possibility. Uranus throws the ultimate curve at New Moon. How it will play out is anybody's guess. The topics above are the most likely, though your own chart plays a role in how you're personally influenced. Today's color is Black.

Monday ~ Read Sunday's forecast. The Moon meets both the Sun and Mars for fiery action and responses today. Matters will not be taken lightly. This is a deep, intense, emotional and activated New Moon. The Sun and Moon both oppose Uranus in Taurus. Some topics with this relate to how authentic you feel you can be in a given situation or time of life. How much can you be spontaneous and if someone or something is limiting or oppressing you, what do you need to do to change your situation. It's likely something radical and out of the norm. Is it worth it? Is the time now? Chances are this New Moon will force some situations and it becomes ready or not here are the changes. Pluto and Neptune add what I feel is a surreal quality to what's becoming evident and being initiated now. New Moon at 4:27 am ET.  Void Moon 6:03 to 9:23 pm ET. Today's color is White.

Tuesday ~ Sagittarius Moon meets Mercury and aligns with Venus in Libra. Plan an adventure to take together. This could be a chatty day or a day for meetings. Personal friendships and romance are highlighted. Conversations may lean to the philosphical and big ideas. It's a nice vacation day. Could you extend a long weekend one more day? Turquoise is today's color.

Wednesday ~ From a deep and powerful as well as potently emotional New Moon, to Sagittarius influence and focus on Mercury and Venus, hopefully things lightened a bit since Monday. Today, Mercury and Venus align for collaborating, teaming up, dates, and potential forgiveness and release. Can  you find the difference between forgiveness and overlooking real issues in a relationship that need addressing? Void Moon 5:57 pm on. Travel carefully and stay aware. Wear Purple for wise discernment, today.

Thursday ~ Capricorn Moon 2:41 am ET, with overight alignment to Saturn in Pisces. Wisdom in all matters, especially the ones that tug the heartstrings, relate to enabling or boundaries and also employment matters, possibly between employees and whoever is in charge. Stick with limits worth sticking to. Remember that comsequences are meaningless if they're not followed through. In some cases, we'll need to do the harder thing and not give in or take excuses. If your excuse is a worthy one, present it sensibly and without drama. Later, the Moon and Jupiter align which feels more like opening the heart, pleasure, and excitement about opportunities and learning. Study with a partner and absorb each other's knowledge. Take action on repairs and functionality in the environment at home or workplace. Today's color is dark, pine Green.

Friday ~ Mars trine Neptune. How can you combine your strong willful side with romance and softness? These types of traits in combination are a theme of the day. Avoid escapism while embracing imagination. Notice how they are different while having some overlap. Take a creative approachthat is perhaps less extreme or less draining. The Sun also trine to Neptune helps us tap into our feelings and express them, hopefully calmly (though I don't guarantee the calm part). Capricon Moon meanwhile, aligns in harmony with Mars, the Sun, Neptune and Uranus and this basically ties together the whole week. Maybe that increase our own chances to tie up loose ends and make things happen or understand something better. Today's color is Blue.

Saturday ~ The Sun and Mars meet in Scorpio at 12:42 am ET. The fire of these two heavenly bodies has been a dramatic part of our week. It could have arisen as anger or self expression or deep internal exploration, perhaps to find the course of action needed. That course of action may come today, if not yesterday. It's a dreamer's overnight as the Moon and Pluto meet. Release overthinking in favor of mental and physical space for intuitive ideas. Void Moon 3:27 am to 6:28 am ET when the Moon moves to Aquarius. There's a very social aspect to this weekend, fueled by a personable Aquarius Moon. Gather. Today's color is Silver.

Leaping Waters' Studio features New Moon Sound Bath Sunday the 12th 5:30-6:45 pm with Rachel Rivera

Just ahead is Floating Full Moon Yoga Nidra, a meditative session, on Sunday Nov 26th for Full Moon. Led by me, rest in the aerial hammock or on a mat. Choose at sign up

Community Reiki means Reiki hands on energy work offered in groups of 2-4 people. Look for monthly sessions on Thursday the 16th and Wednesday the 29th of November. Sign up on the Schedule.

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