Pisces Conspiracy Theories in the Age of Aquarius

12 months ago 53

Is the world any crazier now compared to say 20, 40 or 60 years ago or even compared to previous centuries or millennia?  My observation of history over the last 10,000 to 12,000 years strongly suggests that most things...

Is the world any crazier now compared to say 20, 40 or 60 years ago or even compared to previous centuries or millennia?  My observation of history over the last 10,000 to 12,000 years strongly suggests that most things are getting much better, and this improvement has amplified itself since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius over 500 years ago coinciding with what historians state was the appearance of early modernity.  However, while most things are getting better over the long term, many things can deteriorate over the short term – sometimes very seriously.  For example, while the world is a much better place now compared to the 19th century, the early 20th century saw the unprecedented killing of over 100 million people due to two world wars, the Spanish flu and gross mismanagement or genocide by the new communists.  Those 100 million people certainly did not experience a better world, or if they did, they did not get to experience it for as long as they would have liked.

In a smaller and less deadly way, conspiracy theories seem to have mushroomed in recent years even though they have been around for a long time.  For example, there were many conspiracy theories associated with the death of Nero as Roman Emperor in the 1st century AD and several clones pretending to be Nero appeared in the following decades. From the perspective of the subperiods of the astrological ages the 1st century AD was the closest century to the 21st century. Every sub-period from sub-age down was identical. This only occurs around every 2,000 years.

My personal introduction to conspiracy theories occurred in my early 20’s when I encountered the works of the pseudo-historian Velikovsky – especially his book Worlds in Collision published in 1950.  I was very impressed and looking back, I remember feeling good being part of a minority who were pioneering a belief that was not supported by mainstream academia.  This was a time when the Establishment invaded Vietnam, and so our governments were the enemy!  Any allied institutions such as mainstream academia were suspect!

“Conspiracy theories make people feel as though they have some sort of control over the world. They can be psychologically reassuring, especially in uncertain times.”

Daniel Romer

There have been a number of conspiracy theories over the last few decades including the death of President Kennedy, George Soros’s supposed secret control of a large portion of the world’s wealth and governments, the International Jewish conspiracy, Holocaust denial, 9/11 conspiracy theories, Barak Obama’s birth conspiracy, the deep state in the USA (believed by 48% of Americans), Pencilgate, Pizzagate, HIV/AIDS denialism, misinformation related to Covid and associated vaccinations, the fake US Moon landings, climate change denialism and the list just seems to go on.[1]  It is very possible that there may be some truth in some conspiracy theories, and perhaps the occasional one is actually correct in part or full.

Cartoon possibly by Harvey Kurtzman in Humbug magazine (1957 – 59) and later editor of MAD magazine.

The key to finding the zodiacal archetype associated with conspiracy theories is that “belief in conspiracy theories is generally not based on evidence but in the faith of the believer”.[2]  Faith and beliefs are ruled by Pisces.  This explains why the delusionary sign of Pisces is most appropriately assigned to conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists supported by Rex E Bill’s association of conspiracies with Pisces, Pisces’ ruler Neptune and the 12th house.[3] It is also highly relevant that the strongest or most influential sign in the world currently is Pisces due to the overflow from the Pisces age.

In the 26,000 years cycle of the ages, the most potent period for the influence of Pisces is the first half of the Age of Aquarius (1433 – 2507) where Pisces is the strongest entrenched sign and Aquarius is the strongest emergent sign.  This is because ages behave like waves, not bricks in a wall.  However, the whole Pisces age and overflow (715 BC – 1433 AD – 3581 AD) is a seedbed for conspiracy theories with the most potent time 1433 AD to 2507 AD (the third quarter).  This Pisces transcends a very large spectrum of time, so the recent rise in conspiracy theories depends on more than just the Pisces age overflow. [see Age of Aquarius for Dummies for details on the mechanics of the astrological ages]

I don’t know of any widespread statistical analysis of conspiracy theories, but I have my own anecdotal evidence.  I have been very surprised at the number of my friends, acquaintances and people I encounter who have subscribed to what is generally labeled conspiracy theories.  About 10 years ago I came across my first serious conspiracy theorists who explained to me about false flag events, and the elite running the world for their own benefit and the news merely staged deceit by some kind of secretive cabal.  Most of what was said went in one ear and out the other.  However, the tempo for conspiracy theories seemed to significantly pick up with the Covid pandemic.

During Covid, I was told wholeheartedly by several concerned people that I would be dead in a few years due to the ‘contaminated’ Covid vaccinations I was foolishly taking.  Following the pandemic, conspiracy theorists appearing in my life have seemed to have multiplied like rabbits.  Rarely a month goes by without someone telling me that the mainstream media grossly and purposely misinforms, Russians are maligned by the West, the Ukrainians are fascists, the Chinese are innocent and just minding their peaceful business (don’t mention the Uyghurs or the South China Sea) – and of course the USA is a travesty but Trump and his followers are trying to save the country and Make America Great Again by draining the swamp. 

These conspiratorial beliefs are not lightly held but with deep sincerity by most supporters.  Many of these people were usually Covid anti-vaxers.  They feel liberated from the oppressive environment of mainstream media and politicians.  But they do seem to exhibit not only conformity to their anti-establishment beliefs but also conformity in their response when challenged.  They seem to exhibit obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) when encountering opposition.  I have now experienced this several times. They usually look for a retaliatory response to any questioning or rejection of their beliefs – and their responses can often get heated, and sometimes nasty.

However, even a conspiracy theorist with OCD remains sincere, but a self-delusionary aspect remains a part of mental instability or at least a social disease.  I am proposing that the astrological ages and their sub-periods can pinpoint when craziness in the world is significantly above average as it is now. Pisces may promote conspiracies, but Aquarius and Cancer are also involved plus fleet-footed Gemini the trickster plays an important role.

Aquarius promotes extremism and extremists.  Society is more prone to venture away from the straight and narrow when Aquarius is strong.  Very quickly upon the arrival of the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) political craziness increased significantly with Trump in the USA promoting his MAGA and swamp clearing while Boris Johnson convinced the UK to go against their own best interests and embrace Brexit.  The UK is a Leo nation that will experience greater than average turmoil in any Aquarius period. [see Background to Brexit for more details ]

Table 1 – Micro-age decans in the current Cancer-Gemini micro-age

It is not accidental that at the midpoint and December 2019 highpoint of the Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow COVID became a reality and introduced another Aquarius archetype – interruption.  COVID did more to interrupt the world than anything else since the previous significant Aquarius period.  The last most powerful experience of Aquarius the world has experienced is the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910 – 1925 – 1940) with its Spanish flu, Communist revolution, two world wars and the Great Depression.  Aquarius can turn the (Leo) lights off on a bad day!

However, Covid fostered numerous conspiracy theories that for over two years made headlines worldwide.  The spread of gross misinformation about Covid was declared an “infodemic” by the World Health Organization.  A Cornell University study of 38 million articles in English-language media around the world found that former US President Donald Trump was the single largest driver of the misinformation surrounding Covid.[4]

This seemed to be the high point for conspiracy theories in general, as once someone jumps on the conspiracy wagon, perhaps inspired by Covid, they then enter a new and exciting world.  Covid coincided with the high point of Cancer mixed with Aquarius.

Cancer is the opposite of Capricorn – the sign of rationality, logic and wisdom.  These elements are usually at a low point in a Cancer period and the absence of rationality, logic and wisdom will foster any form of delusion, including conspiracy theories.  Coincidentally, the world is currently experiencing an overlap of rationally deprived Cancer with abnormal Aquarius.  The Cancer micro-age and overflow (Feb 2000 – Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) overlaps with the Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) and though the full extent of this overlap is the period (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024), the most potent part is from December 2019 until November 2024 when both periods are in their potent overflow stage.  Is this a mini highpoint for conspiracy theories?

There is an additional quality from Cancer that feeds conspiracy theories.  In Cancer periods, people are hypersensitive and so elevate problematical issues to a far greater degree than they would normally deserve.  I am constantly surprised at the number of negative comments made by people about the state of the world today as if the world is in some kind of greater turmoil than normal. Compared to the first half of the 20th century, the contemporary world is benign – but this is not how it is commonly perceived. Furthermore, when hypersensitive people recoil from the perceived shenanigans of the world, under Cancer, they tend to confer with each other instead of looking for (Capricorn) rational answers or wisdom from people who understand the world today in context with history.  Fearful people turn to other fearful people and look for scapegoats – and conspiracy theories provide the necessary scapegoats to fulfill these needs.

There may be another supporting sign to be added to the equation.  It is only since 1970 that the Age of Aquarius, an air sign (promoting mentality – both positive and negative), has encountered a sub-age that is also an air sign.  Despite the Age of Aquarius being entrenched in the world for over 500 years, until 1970, it has not been supported by an underpinning of air support as the following demonstrates.

The first four sub-ages in the Age of Aquarius are:

Capricorn sub-age (1433 – 1612) – Earth Sagittarius sub-age (1612 – 1791) – Fire Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970) – Water Libra sub-age (1970 – 2149) – Air

What these four sub-ages suggest is that it is only in the period since 1970 that the air element has been significantly elevated resulting in a stronger focus on mental issues.  This is reinforced by the current Libra sub-age (1970 – 2149) with its Gemini sub-age decan and overflow  (1970 – 2029 – 2088) and further enhanced by the Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) with Gemini’s focus on mental faculties (and dishonesty and deceit).  The world is entering an age or period of cheats, liars and scammers which is a work in progress that will peak in late 2029, and then strongly affect the following almost 60 years. The modern barbarians are on the internet or phone with you in their crosshair.

Gemini is opposite the sign of Sagittarius – the sign that rules honesty.  Honesty is at its lowest point in a Gemini period.  This ocean of inherent dishonesty is currently so pervasive, that Australia’s military chief recently declared that Western societies must deal with the fracture and fragmentation due to disinformation spread by bots, troll farms and deepfakes, inducing “truth decay”.  Gemini is the sign of fragmentation.[5]  What this means is that we are in a century where instead of general agreements upon facts and truths by society, there is a multiplicity of opinions parading as truths, what I think Trump called alternative facts?  We are entering a minefield where one did not previously exist.  This is a good example of how some areas of life can deteriorate in the relatively short term. 

Of course, social pundits and commentators are freaking out about this new path to social disintegration, as also with AI, but humans have shown resilience over the last 10,000 years.  No matter what has been thrown at them, human society has survived, prospered and increased over the long term. 

One fixed date we can apply for a change in the intensity of conspiracy theories is October 28 2017 with the first online post by someone calling themselves Q (commencing QAnon)[6].  This occurred during the following periods:

Pisces nano-age (Jun 2017 – Sep 2018) Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) Cancer micro-age decan overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) Gemini micro-age (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) Cancer micro-age overflow (Dec 2014 – Nov 2029)

Pisces’ inherent delusion sitting in the background combined with irrational Cancer and abnormal Aquarius plus Gemini’s innate dishonesty and lack of ethics have provided the recipe for our crazy world of today with the likes of Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Putin and the host of wannabe acolytes breeding in this crazy political environment and promoting conspiracy theories if not outright lies.  This is not to insinuate that any follower of Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Putin etc is crazy or mentally insane.  The average person is sincere, and sincerely follows their beliefs as if they are the Gospel truth.  I would suggest, for example, that the average Trump supporter sincerely believes that Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread for the USA and many British feel the same about Brexit.  The new breed of ultra-right populace leaders unleashed by Cancer and Aquarius however depend upon the same qualities in their supporters and followers to not let facts get in the way of political prejudice. 

Aquarius is soon to depart the scene when the Aquarius micro-age decan (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) comes to an end in late 2024.  This will leave Cancer in place until late 2029 when the Cancer micro-age and overflow (Feb 2000 – Dec 2014 – Nov 2029) comes to an end, and though the Aquarius-Cancer duopoly will not be in place after late 2024, Cancer is powerful and should maintain the momentum of conspiracy theories – even if at a reduced level.  However, Capricorn is looming to put Cancer back in its place next decade.  The Cancer micro-age and overflow ends in November 2029 with the arrival of the Taurus micro-age (2029 – 2044), and Taurus will have a Capricorn decan.   Specifically, the Capricorn micro-age decan and overflow (2029 – 2034 – 2039) is the first decan encountered in the coming Taurus micro-age and will influence all the 2030’s, especially the second half in its overflow period.   

The departure of Aquarius in November 2024 and Cancer in November 2029 and the arrival of Capricorn will not doom conspiracy theories or theorists, but it may bring the conspiratorial world back to ‘normal’. However, the new normal for this century will probably include a high level of truth-decay, with viewpoints and opinions parading as facts.  The departure of the Aquarius micro-age decan in November 2024 is only a short respite, as the massive Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029 – 2088 – 2149) will soon be at our doorstep, and while this will bring an unprecedented boon to modern astrology, it will also bring more of what we have been experiencing, but at a greater and more powerful level.

The current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) is a preview to the Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029 – 2088 – 2149) but the time of greatest impact is from around 2088 onward.  It’s the intensity of the Gemini sub-age decan and overflow (1970 – 2029 – 2088) in its second half (2029 – 2088) that will be of our main concern in the coming decades.  I recently read an online post at an astrology site that was written by the new breed of artificial intelligence (AI).  Its grammar was excellent, but the information was garbage.  The future will be a minefield of garbage and facts, but we have already experienced this with the Covid pandemic, and there is no reason why humanity cannot muster the resources to tread through the mental minefield of this century.

While Pisces is so strong in the world, normal will always include delusions and a lack of clarity and therefore promote some popular conspiracy theories.  The world will remain at the highest level of potential delusions and thus conspiracy theories commencing in 1433 and extending to 2507. The level of craziness within this extended period will oscillate with the arrival and departure of Cancer and Aquarius sub-periods, and these three signs are supported by Gemini.  A replica of the current Cancer-Aquarius mix occurs about every 165 years, the last one was 1851 to 1861 leading up to the beginning of the American Civil War.  Did conspiracy theories or something similar factor in the Civil War? It is also necessary to take into account that the Cancer period associated with the American Civil War was far stronger than the current one as the Cancer micro-age and overflow (1851 – 1866 – 1880) was sitting in the middle of the Cancer sub-age decan and overflow (1791 – 1851 – 1910) which, in comparison to today, shifted the emphasis from dishonest Gemini to hypersensitive and fearful Cancer. Cancer will also undermine Capricorn hierarchies that stratify society including slavery.

The publication of the Humbug magazine (1957 -59), where the cartoon was most likely sourced, occurred in a Cancer micro-age decan (1955 – 60) of the Scorpio micro-age (1955 – 1970) sitting at the end of the massive Pisces sub-age decan and overflow (1851 – 1910 – 1970) within the Scorpio sub-age (1791 – 1970). This possibly suggests that Pisces is the key sign for conspiracy theories, and the addition of either one or more of Cancer, Aquarius and Gemini provides extra color, flavor and/or intensity?

The following table highlights previous similar periods to today’s for possible conspiracy theories in the world since the arrival of the Age of Aquarius.  Each highlighted Gemini micro-age is the same time period as the Cancer micro-age overflow with the Gemini micro-age providing the Aquarius micro-age decan:

Table 2 – The first four sub-ages in the Age of Aquarius dissected to their respective micro-ages.  The highlighted Gemini micro-ages are in the same time frame as the Cancer micro-age overflow.

The current pandemic of conspiracy theories suggests that we do not live in a modern world.  We live in a world with lots of Aquarian technology and elements of liberal democracy but retain many (Pisces) medieval tendencies.  Without an appreciation of the medieval element that strongly affects our current cultural values, we cannot appreciate our situation – we live in the Age of Techno-Medievalism.  The modern world is not due until around 3580 AD when Aquarius reaches its full potential and Pisces Medievalism ceases to be anything other than a quaint memory.

There is a personal element to the rise of conspiracy theories and alternate facts.  People with certain peculiarities in their natal horoscopes appear more prone to conspiracy theories and alternate facts than the average person.  This is available at Conspiracy Theorists Horoscopes


[1] “List of conspiracy theories.” Wikipedia, 8 Aug. 2023. Web. 10 Aug. 2023.

[2] Conspiracy theory. (2023, August 25), Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory

[3] Rex E Bills, “The Rulership Book”, 1976, p 29

[4] COVID-19 misinformation, Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_misinformation

[5] Daniel Hurst, Democracies face ‘truth decay’ as AI blurs fact and fiction, warns head of Australia’s military, Thu 14 Sep 2023 23.22, The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/sep/14/democracies-face-truth-decay-as-ai-blurs-fact-and-fiction-warns-head-of-australias-military?utm_term=650373158dacc6776dbc691a45737e10&utm_campaign=MorningMailAUS&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=morningmailau_email

[6] Griffin, Andrew (August 24, 2020). “What is Qanon? The Origins of the Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Spreading Online”

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