New Moon in Sagittarius | December 12th, 2023 - a fiery enthusiasm that is subject to change, revisions, confusion and disappointment, keep the faith and your eye on what is working

11 months ago 34

On Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 at 6:32 PM EDT, the Sagittarius Moon catches up with the Sagittarius Sun, giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in fiery and optimistic Sagittarius.Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for...

On Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 at 6:32 PM EDT, the Sagittarius Moon catches up with the Sagittarius Sun, giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in fiery and optimistic Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a mutable signThe mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season and this Moon really has her work cut out for her! New Moons are the time to set new intentions and working with Sagittarius themes (and the themes of your Sagittarius natal house) NOW allow the natural energies to work with us. As the Moon waxes (grows) over the next two weeks, and really over the next 6 months, so does whatever our intentions set into motion.

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign (ruled by Jupiter and ruler of our collective 9th house) that rules travel, freedom, adventure, the legal system, higher education, politics, publishing, good luck, faith, religion, weddings, optimism, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, THE QUEST  - it also rules, if these positives are taken too far - carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Besides the monthly lunar energy of "new beginnings" this particular Moon has its own relationship with the other players in the heavens based on its position. That is where the real juice of any particular New Moon can be found.

So, let's unpack the chart!

The Moon meets the Sun at 20 degrees Sagittarius. 

The New Moon is sandwiched between the Great Attractor at 14 degrees Sagittarius and the Galactic Center at 27. The New Moon is conjunct Mars, squares Neptune and trines the North Node of Fate, Eris and Chiron. The New Moon is inconjunct Uranus and squares Juno. The Moon is EXACTLY conjunct asteroid Huya. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, and so the ruler of this lunation is still retrograde in Taurus.

The Moon and Sun meet in the greener grasses/bluer skies of Sagittarius. THIS IS A FRESH START FUELED BY OPTIMISM AND HOPE and a stretch about what is possible. 

The Moon is conjunct Mars, so we are taking, or feeling the impulse to take, some kind of bold action. There are some obvious caveats with this. Once we get a bit into January, things are going to move forward VERY FAST. And Mercury is about to station retrograde. Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today. AND don't rush into anything right now either. 

The square to Juno in Virgo, speaks of tension/frustration between our New Moon fresh start and our committed relationships and contracts. There could be something we are wanting that our spouse is not onboard with. With Juno in Virgo, there could be practical considerations standing in our way. Juno was the spouse of Jupiter (ruler of this New Moon) making this square more impactful. Any contracts signed/commitments made during this New Moon cycle will need to be VERY well scrutinized. Something here could be misleading (Juno opposing Neptune). A partner could lie, escape, dissolve (?). Or we could simply misunderstand them or vice versa. Juno is about marriage, but also the space in our chart where we will do what we need to do to 'hang onto the power we get from something or someone powerful'/stay next to the king. Juno did alot of damaging crap out of jealousy and fear, so stick to the high road in relationship and contractual matters. Juno in Virgo can also speak of imbalanced power within relationships and the square to the New Moon speaks of this bringing tension/frustration with whatever is starting/happening over the next couple weeks.

(with Juno being Ukraine and Jupiter being the United States via our Goddess War series, I think it likely the U.S. is rethinking its financial investment - Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. Juno in Virgo is answering to Mercury who will be retrograde in Capricorn within hours of this New Moon, so Ukraine will be re-thinking their goals and ambitions)

The trine to Chiron tells us there is power in befriending our wounds. Being brave. The trine to Eris speaks of the spaces where we have been 'left out' motivating us now. 

The closing square to Neptune is not the best final aspect. Maybe what it really tells us is that we 'won't know' (and Sag energy is prone to thinking it does), so proceeding with this in mind is a good idea. We have the knowledge of astrology to get a 'heads up' and know what to watch out for: escapism/our actions drifting off course, deluding or sabotaging ourselves or being deluded by others, misleading information, unhealthy habits. 

Squares to Neptune can require a sacrifice/surrender in order to move forward. 

Remember this is a New Moon in Sagittarius which is all about faith and optimism and trust. "Not knowing"/the Pisces square doesn't have to be a big problem. The problem is going to be the DISTRACTION that pulls us off our game. The debbie-downer. 

(Netflix putting out the movie Leave the World Behind during the Christmas season - wth - talk about sapping/dissolving our enthusiasm! leave that off your holiday 'must watch' list)

The inconjunct to Uranus can make us feel anxious. Things won't be tied up with a red bow, even in the season when that is all we are asking for.  

With Mercury set to station retrograde in just a few hours and with Mercury's retrograde bringing us back to 22 Sag, so very close to this New Moon and the mid-point between this New Moon and Neptune, we know Sag situations, including whatever is started now, are SUBJECT TO CHANGE and some backtracking

Also keep in mind the nature of Sagittarius to inflate - if something feels too good to be true, it most likely will be too good to be true. If something feels like the end of the world, it most likely will not be. 

And, having said that, we need to keep in mind the New Moon's best aspect is an applying trine to its North Node in Aries (the Sun makes this aspect on Friday which could be when whatever this energy brings us is showing up). We want to keep our eye on what IS falling into place. Focus on what IS working. There is a path here and an opportunity to be more authentic, brave, independent. This is a fire trine ands comes before the Moon's square to Neptune, so will get diluted by the water, yes, but there is a reason for the trine/falling into place energy - a path now lit. AND, there is a reason, likely because Sag is over-blown and its ruler Jupiter is still retrograde, for the diluting square. 

We can't get too far ahead of ourselves just yet. With no air in this chart it can be hard impossible to be objective.   

The New Moon is EXACTLY conjunct Asteroid Huya. Asteroid (actually Trans-Neptunian object) Huya, named for an ancient Columbian/Venzuelean Rain God, was discovered on March 10, 2010 as Neptune and Chiron were exact on the U.S. Moon and President Obama made his final pitch before Congress for the Affordable Care Act which passed a couple weeks later and became known as Obamacare. With Huya EXACT on the New Moon there could be something about, yes, rain/water/snow, but also maybe health, healthcare, 'rain-making' type action (ie something that produces results for the group or profits), etc, connected to what is started now. This God would have been prayed to, for many centuries, by people looking for more than rain - they were really asking for sustenance, resources, security - think Jupiter in Taurus. 

The New Moon is happening at the midpoint of the Great Attractor - some type of galactic anomaly of dark/devouring (don't necessarily conflate this with 'bad') energy and the Galactic Center - our homing signal, center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The outcome of this isn't easily analyzed, but I would certainly assume - especially when factoring in the trine to the North Node and access to spiritual/luminal Neptune - FATED beginnings. Between now and the middle of January when Mercury crosses the Galactic Center for the third and final time we want to bring our attention to what we are FINDING and pull our attention away from what we are losing. 

Expect new downloads and plenty of revisions. 

With Mercury's retrograde offering us repeating trines to Jupiter as Jupiter changes direction, it's as if life is slowing down/moving backward for our LUCK TO CATCH UP WITH US. 

This New Moon is part of the process of THAT. 

The New Moon with Mars and that trine to the North Node of Fate and Chiron encourages us to move forward. We can see we are going to have to work the back-and-forth process of this through Mercury's upcoming retrograde and that is GOOD NEWS because it pulls in multiple chances to get lucky. We can also see - that final aspect diluting square to Neptune - that we could do a hell of alot that amounts to not much in the end. This means we 1. watch for self-sabotaging tendencies 2. don't over-invest ourselves right now and 3. watch for restlessness and a need to escape with no focus 4. notice the debbie-downers/rain on our parade. Keep our attention on what IS falling into place, making us more self-sufficient, brave and independent.


As always, write your New Moon intentions down by hand in script. Use strong ink and a clean sheet of paper. Do this in a quiet, respectful manner in a clean space. Light a candle.


Trust the process. We have used our words to cast our S-P-E-L-L. People always say that affirmations "only work if we take action". And this is true, but not in the way some people think because the affirmation is action. It sets the energy in motion.

Words are not just words. If used properly, in the right frame of mind, they line us up energetically with the thing we are seeking. The New Moon is a time of darkness.  

Think seeds in the ground. Our words/our thoughts/our beliefs are our seeds.

Set those intentions. 

Know that life has heard you. Know these things are already yours. 


xo all

now let's start looking at 2024!

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