weekly astrology forecast | DECEMBER 11th to 17th, 2023 - New Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury stations retrograde, a light on our best path forward, leaky boundaries, wet weather, dis-information and inflammation

11 months ago 32

After last week's strong Piscean flavor, as Neptune turned and stationed direct - leaving some of us sick or waterlogged - this week's strong emphasis on FIRE should help get things moving. Keep in mind, Mercury's station retrograde mid-week...

After last week's strong Piscean flavor, as Neptune turned and stationed direct - leaving some of us sick or waterlogged - this week's strong emphasis on FIRE should help get things moving. Keep in mind, Mercury's station retrograde mid-week is designed to slow down this 'get-moving' thing and pulls whatever we thought we had solidified back into the fire for a re-forging. This retrograde will be good news and bring second chances for those who have placed their ladders against the wrong walls/been climbing the wrong mountain.

Let's unpack the week!

MONDAY - Mercury sextiles Venus, Venus sextiles Black Moon Lilith


WEDNESDAY - Mercury stations retrograde

FRIDAY - Sun trines North Node, Mars trines Chiron

SATURDAY - Sun squares Neptune

On MONDAY, Venus, at 7 degrees Scorpio sextiles Black Moon Lilith in Virgo, followed by Mercury, at 8 degrees Cappy sextiling Venus

So, Venus in deep/probing and compulsive Scorpio (because we are often working from subconscious and hidden needs and desires) moves into a productive sextile with Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is activating any resonance we carry about being shamed for being ordinary, practical or analytical. Sextiles are opportunistic aspects, but require some action on our part. BML healing is always about ACCEPTING parts of ourselves that have been shamed/alienated for wanting something we were perfectly entitled to be wanting - in Virgo, this might be something about wanting things to be orderly or routine, etc. So, maybe this sextile with Venus allows us to see/accept the ways we sabotage ourselves by NOT being orderly/taking care of the details and, maybe even the very old/very deep reasons for our actions/nonactions. Virgo can also be about taking care of our health. 

Venus then moves to 8 degrees Scorpio and sextiles Mercury in Cappy. Maybe she is taking what she learned from Black Moon Lilith (this very old shame that needs to be accepted) and TALKS ABOUT IT, can work with it in a productive way through ideas and information. 

Mercury/Venus is stabilizing words of love/caring or financial news that is stabilizing. Some will get good news. Keep in mind this is a sextile, so will require us to do something with the conversation/information or maybe just require us to be out and about to have the experience. Serious flirtations/seductions are possible now. 

On TUESDAY - the Moon and Sun meet up at 20 degrees Sagittarius, giving us our annual New Moon in Sagittarius - BIG POST NEXT about this fiery fresh start.

On WEDNESDAY - just as the Sag party gets started, Mercury (bah humbug) stations retrograde in Capricorn - I wrote a post about that HERE and will get back to it this week (I have been sick, Neptune conjunct my ascendant in my first house - changes of direction of any of our first house planets sometimes have health consequences). 

On FRIDAY - the Sun trines the North Node while Mars trines Chiron

It is a time to take action. Our actions are healing very old wounds as we move with confidence, courage and independence. The Moon is waxing/growing now and something in our life is, too. Meanwhile the Sun, finishing up in Sag and crossing the Galactic Center (our homing signal) trines (brakes off) the North Node of Fate - our best way forward. 

There is a LIGHT on our best path forward. It's a good time to be out and about and paying attention. 

To move the right things forward shouldn't take much efforting on our part. Trines are smooth aspects, SOMETHING FALLS INTO PLACE.

The caveat with this energy, since we live in a 3D reality is 

SATURDAY'S Sun square Neptune aspect, which speaks of the need to keep our feet on the ground now. Not everything is real. Some things can drift off course. Watch your self sabotage or escape tendencies. We could get caught up in a lie. Our boundaries can be leaky. Plans get rained or snowed out/people get sick. It's not the time to take things at face value. It is a time to take your vitamin C and D. Keep in mind, squares are corners that must be turned to keep going, and the Sun in Sag can be pretty high-flying and unrealistic, so maybe there is a disappointment here we need to deal with, as we move through this New Moon cycle. Get enough sleep.

Back with the New Moon post. 

xo all

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