weekly astrology forecast for creatives | december 4th to December 10th, 2023 - intense desires, smooth flow, good news, big ideas, healing opportunities, watch your wallet and your expectations

11 months ago 34

This week looks, dare I say it with Mercury in sober Capricorn ... pretty good :)Lots of Venus activity this week, so relationships, money, women and beauty are likely to be front and center. Let's unpack the week!MONDAY  -...

This week looks, dare I say it with Mercury in sober Capricorn ... pretty good :)

Lots of Venus activity this week, so relationships, money, women and beauty are likely to be front and center. Let's unpack the week!

MONDAY  - Venus enters Scorpio

TUESDAY - Venus trines Saturn, Third Quarter Moon in Virgo

WEDNESDAY - Neptune stations direct

THURSDAY - Sun trines Chiron, Mercury trines Jupiter

SATURDAY - Venus opposes Jupiter

On MONDAY, the Moon is in practical Virgo now and for the next couple days. Her aspects are mixed, so emotionally we could feel up and down. Her final aspect is an empowering trine to Pluto on Wednesday morning, . 

Now that both the Sun and Mars have left Scorpio for Sagittarius, it's Venus's turn to leave her home sign of Libra for the deeper/richer waters of Scorpio. Venus will be in Scorpio until December 29th. Scorpios and Scorpio risings become more attractive - meaning, both easier on the eye AND able to attract what they want. 

All of our Scorpio houses become more attractive, too. 

The surface beauty/balance/symmetry that appealed to us so strongly with Venus in Libra cedes ground to something DEEPER, richer, more immersive/entangled, messy

This is a Venusian 'commit or quit' placement. 

Relationships can feel enriched/passionate/smothering. I've always liked Venus in Scorpio for finances, but there can be a price to pay for what enriches us now. We will talk more about this transit as we move through it.

On TUESDAY - Venus trines Saturn and we have the Moon in Virgo squaring the Sun to give us this month's final Sun/Moon square before next week's fiery New Moon in Sagittarius.

Trines create smooth energy - the brakes are off - the vitality will flow and work together naturally. The Venus/Saturn trine will apply to our natal Scorpio and Pisces houses and their themes.

Now these houses are always in trine, but today, inhabited by attractive Venus and hard-working (although potentially a bit tipsy in Pisces) Saturn, the vibes are particularly useful

If Venus and Saturn were people they would be a young, loving, attractive woman and a serious, responsible older man. You can see how these two people could bring out the best in each other (not in a sugar-daddy kind of way - Saturn ain't nobody's free ride).

We carry both these archetypes within us - what can we do now to cement their merger?

We could make a commitment (Saturn) within a relationship (Venus) now. We could make a commitment with our money. We could make a commitment to valuing ourselves. We could commit to the hard work of being more beautiful (ie Venusian) or birthing something beautiful. We could beautify (Venus) our career (Saturn). This would be a great time for cosmetic changes within a business. Spruce ups now will pay off over time.

Venus/Saturn is not going to be about developing some trendy thingamajig because with Saturn the payoff comes over time and our trendy thingamajig will be gathering cobwebs in the corner. For creators this isn't so much about new styles as new methods. Both form (Venus) AND function (Saturn) will matter here. People will be drawn to more traditional, quality items that will last. Venus/Saturn will only be together for a couple days, but this is the card to play now.

Our existing relationships can grow stronger. There is a mutual respect here. Relationships between people of different ages started now would likely be long-lasting.

Mentors (Saturn) and muses (Venus) can show up. Take what you want seriously. Maybe you will get it.

This is also the day the Moon in Virgo squares the Sun in Sagittarius. This is tension/frustration. Mutable squares require change even more than other squares, so what needs to change? This is kind of a 'buzzkill' energy. The practical Virgo details interfering with Sag's big picture. They won't be ignored and we toss the whole thing out of whack/push the problem down the road and the small snowball becomes the not-so-small snowman's ass if we try to. Stay flexible/open minded. If criticism comes in, it will likely be useful or, at the very least, need to be factored in. 

On WEDNESDAY, Neptune stations direct at 24 degrees Pisces. He had stationed retrograde back on June 30th at 27 degrees. If you have something within this field of play, from 24-27 degrees Pisces or the other mutable signs - you will have something DISSOLVING. And, the good news is, you are now one step closer to the end of this foggy mess. Something will start to move forward, although Neptune's forward in Pisces can be vague and hard to quantify. Even so, we like our illusive planets at least  moving forward, so this is a shift in the RIGHT direction. Neptunian subjects that have been held up - artistic projects, spiritual work, mental health and addiction issues, things done in secret or behind our back - will begin to come unstuck. 

The Moon is in Libra now. We are nourished/nurtured by beauty and balance and other people. A square to Mercury today could make for some testy relationship words and conversations. 

On THURSDAY, we have Mercury trining Jupiter and the Sun trining Chiron. Good news. Optimistic words/conversations. Healing opportunities. Opportunistic ideas. Confidence. It's a good time to say YES. The Moon will be in Libra sextiling the Sun, pulling in our relationships and supportive of the trines and echoing the GOOD VIBES. This energy, will, fingers crossed, flavor the week, as it applies and unwinds. 

Note - Mercury is going to trine Jupiter two more times with her/his upcoming retrograde, so keep in mind there will be changes and revisions which whatever is happening now.  

On SATURDAY, Venus opposes Jupiter, so we will want to watch for excesses. This can make for a fun weekend if we don't overdo it, BUT - watch you wallet. Watch your mergers/over-sharing. Watch over-doing and over-promising. Watch your EXPECTATIONS. Giving/receiving/attracting is amped up/inflated. The Moon in Scorpio will also be opposing Jupiter echoing this. 

Heads up next week we have a big New Moon in fiery Sagittarius AND Mercury stations retrograde - get your shopping finished up folks. Back with a Mercury in Cappy post - December's big astro storyline that is already in play and kicks off strongly next week!

xo all

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