weekly astrology forecast | November 27th to December 3rd, 2023 - Full Moon in Gemini, lies and self sabotage, power struggles, cutting our losses, sober language and making the dream real

11 months ago 37

Lots of Mercury and Venus this week - so we will be busy with lots of communication and information and relationship/financial situations coming up PLUS a big Full Moon in Gemini - see that post HERE.MONDAY - Full Moon...

Lots of Mercury and Venus this week - so we will be busy with lots of communication and information and relationship/financial situations coming up PLUS a big Full Moon in Gemini - see that post HERE.

MONDAY - Full Moon in Gemini, Mercury square Neptune

WEDNESDAY - Venus conjunct South Node, Sun inconjunct Jupiter

FRUIDAY - Mercury enters Capricorn

SATURDAY - Mercury sextile Saturn

SUNDAY - Venus square Pluto, Mars inconjunct Jupiter

On MONDAY we have a big Full Moon in dualistic Gemini as Mercury, ruler of Gemini, squares Neptune. It will be hard to know what is real/true, but with Gemini there are always OPTIONS. Best to keep yours open. 

On WEDNESDAY, Venus moves over the South Node as the Sun hits a rock-and-a-hard-place with Jupiter. Venus/South Node brings a focus on imbalanced relationship situations. Power struggles. Losses. Passive aggressive nonsense. People and situations and things from the past can dominate and come up to be released. What we used to love/obsess over, the way we have mishandled our finances are highlighted, so that we can move in a new more self-sufficient and brave direction. Note - Venus is OPPOSING our best way forward, so it will be easy to slide back into old habits/relationship dynamics, that are keeping us stuck.   

The Sun's inconjunct with Jupiter - echoed later in the week with Mars/Jupiter says DON'T GO OVERBOARD. Yes, the Sun is in Sag and we want to go big with something, We may be restless. But, Jupiter in Taurus alerts us to the need to stay practical - yes, Jupiter is practical this year folks. 

On FRIDAYMercury gets serious/goal-oriented and heads into realistic Capricorn. 

So he/she/we got the big idea/the truth/the expansive news from Sagittarius and now he takes this information into sober Cappy to see what he/she can realistically DO WITH IT. 

(note this is going to be a process that will take us back into Sagittarius over the next few weeks as Mercury stations retrograde and we go back over things that are going on now)

Capricorn is a serious sign. It rules the dead of winter and that indomitable mountain goat who just puts one foot in front of the other until he reaches the summit. With Mercury (thoughts, communication, ideas) moving into Capricorn, our words will want to be taken seriously. Communications will be fact-checked. Sentences will be properly punctuated and spell checkers will be applied. Ideas will be more traditional, at least for awhile. Words that are focused and precise will be most effective now.

This isn't Mercury's favorite place to hang out - he prefers words be fast and flexible and Capricorn is the opposite of this. Words are solid and sturdy here. Flowery language isn't welcome. We mean what we say and we say what we mean. When we take our words and ideas seriously other people will, too. 

Once Mercury gets into Capricorn he/she will sextile Saturn in Pisces - this is exact on SATURDAY - and, yes, after all this time, Saturn is only now getting back to 1 degree Pisces! I love Cappy/Pisces sextiles - making the dream real. Sober words/plans are supportive. Traditions provide structure. Limits are our friend and bring our dreams closer to reality. Good for common sense and self-discipline. Following our intuition. Remember sextiles require action to get to the good stuff. We want to be walking our talk now. 

On SUNDAY, Venus squares Pluto as Mars hits a rock-and-a-hard-place with Jupiter. I hope everyone is watching their wallets! 

Venus/Pluto is kind of echoing the Venus/South Node stuff. Power struggles. Vices. Now we can toss in obsessions. Jealousy. Manipulations. Frustrations and tensions around intimacy, merged money and even life and death situations. The Mars/Jupiter is Sag/Taurus. Going big vs being practical. Making a big move vs staying stuck. Maybe we can't afford what we want. Maybe we can't afford to stay stuck. Rocks and hard places are just what they sound like - no soft spaces to land. We will have to apply some give and take and be satisfied with untidy results with this one. 

The Venus/Pluto, with the aid of the waning Moon and Venus on the South Node, is good energy to release what is no longer valuable/clear out our lower chakras:

1. The people and groups who drain our resources - do you feel energized after being with/talking to someone, or depleted? Venus is the ruler of our collective 2nd house of self-esteem and Pluto rules power. Do these interactions make us feel more or less powerful (self-assured)? Relationships (Venus) can become vampiric (Pluto) when we give too much of our power away. We could also be the vampire draining another person/situation of its energy. Sometimes simply by staying too long at the party ...

2. The things and situations that drain our resources including all those bills that we mindlessly pay through some kind of autopay - let's have a look at them now. What are our goals? Remember we are not the same people we were last year or the year before that. What are our priorities now? The Moon is waning - what expenses can be cut? What are we spending money/time on that doesn't support our integrity/wholeness? How can more of our money/time be freed up?

All this Pluto answering to Saturn since 2008, is designed to break us out of our chains, (the chains we have always been strong enough to break anyway, but like elephants born in a circus we have been trained to think are stronger than we are) - the chains made of fear, procrastination, perfectionism, people-pleasing, clinging to our make-believe safety net, holding onto things that are dead (lifeless). If it feels stagnant - get it moving. If it feels suffocating - this is powerful energy to push that pillow away from our face and stand up.

I know it is high-flying Sag season, BUT the transits now tell us it's not a time to keep adding more and more into our life and then we sit there with all this stuff all squished together and wonder why nothing is GROWING. 

Imagine a farmer doing this in her field. 

Just adding more and more with less and less time to tend to everything and no space for anything to flourish. Be choosy about what you take on now, because with Mercury in Capricorn we are going to have to do what we say we are going to do. 

If nothing feels like something you want to commit to - it's time to clear. Imagine your new life - the stuff you can't take with you, that's the stuff that needs to go. 

All this Pluto could make us, and everyone else, a bit ruthless. But remember, the situations we need to separate from, need to separate from us, too. 

We are as much a strangler as the one being strangled in all 'strangley-type' situations.

I hope something here is helpful.

xo all

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