Pluto Ingress Aquarius - Starting From Scratch

10 months ago 36

January 20, 2024Have you ever had to start your life from scratch all over again? Well, believe it or not, this is what is happening to Humanity currently. Why? Astrologically, the World is entering a New Era of Air...

January 20, 2024

Have you ever had to start your life from scratch all over again? Well, believe it or not, this is what is happening to Humanity currently. Why? Astrologically, the World is entering a New Era of Air lasting 200 years. What is this? Jupiter and Saturn, the Chronocrators or Lords of the Times, will only join forces in Air Signs. Although, the first time they actually joined in Air Signs was in Libra in 1980-1981, as follows.

Dec 31, 1980 Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 9º Libra 30’
Mar 4, 1981 Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 8º Libra 07’
Jul 24, 1981 Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 4º Libra 56’

There was another conjunction in an Earth Sign before they finally started to join only in Air with the conjunction of December 20, 2020 at 0º Aquarius.

Let's look back to History 700 years ago. Very similarly to our current period, the Pluto Saturn conjunction happened in December 1284, at 26º Capricorn. Just a year later, in December 1285, Jupiter and Saturn met at 7º Aquarius, just as it happened in 2020. Back then, it was the start of the Renaissance in the Western Civilization. Direct result of the Crusades, the Renaissance was born out of the new knowledge brought back with the Crusaders’ travels to the Middle East. Islamic countries had kept many classical Greek and Roman texts that had been lost in Europe, and they were reintroduced by the returning crusaders.1

Then, with Saturn and Jupiter conjoining in Air Signs, the evolutionary transition took a couple of centuries. It is said that the Black Plague of mid 1300s set the stage for the Renaissance, by creating a complete chaos and vacuum of social structures and authority. Sounds familiar? Will our evolution take that long? Will it take a prolonged pandemic, a massive extinction, or a genocide?

Society became lighter with numerous improvements to daily life. Intellectual and scientific studies soared, Universities were created, the fine arts were perfected, all of which had been relegated during the Middle/Dark Ages. There were new concerns with healthy living, cleaning, and lightening up of the spirits.

In a sense, since 1802 when Saturn Jupiter started meeting in Earth signs, people had gone back to the dark ages of materialism. With the industrial revolution, humanity developed heavy machinery, to exploit material resources. Until today, progress was synonym of material wealth. It can be said that with the Saturn Uranus conjunction at the very end (anaretic degree) of Sagittarius the Globalization took the materialism to unsustainable extremes. And by the end of this Earth Era, the excesses have presented severe consequences.2

However, there is no doubt about the fact that the technological progress the Globalization promoted has paved the way for this new Era of En-light-enment, a Neo Renaissance in Humanity's evolution.

Similarly, to the Renaissance, now, that Jupiter Saturn meet in Air signs for the next 200 years, progress is synonym of scientific, cultural, and intellectual wealth. The fine arts are coming back, inspirational music, poetry, performing arts are on the rise. Scientific and intellectual development serve Humanity as a whole, promoting a higher stage of evolution and civilization.

Humanity’s business is literally getting rid of the heavy weight of Earthly material concerns, to lighten up embracing abstract matters. After a transitional period of devastation, Humanity enters a New Era of Reason, abstract mental development, and high level of intellectual creativity.

As this starts the collective in a new modus operandi, the old ‘world’ is crumbling down, as there should be an end before a new beginning. And that has been the work of all the slow-moving planets transiting the last quadrant of the zodiac (Capricorn through Pisces) during the last decades. First was Uranus, then Neptune, and now Pluto have all been closing a greater cycle. All material structures (Saturn) and their expansions (Jupiter) are decomposing in front of our eyes (Pluto).


The 0 degree Aquarius has been activated several times in significant ways since 2018. Mars was at 0º Aquarius, the exact day Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, made his entry in Taurus forming the waning square on May 16, 2018. Exactly on that day, the news informed us about serious social issues related to the generation of life, sex, death, a preamble to the arrival of Pluto. One of the headlines for that day reads,

“Palestinian officials say the Israeli military shot dead two more Palestinians in Gaza on Tuesday, only one day after the Israeli military massacred at least 61 unarmed Palestinians and wounded 2,700 more for protesting against the Israeli occupation and the opening of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. The United States is refusing to criticize Israel after the massacre.”3 Other news that day relate to the reemerging anti-abortion issue, rumors of war in the South Korea Sea, digital attacks against Human Rights Activists in Pakistan, and other issues of sexual harassment and assault, and separation of children from their migrant parents. All these issues relate to Mars very well for their aggressive aspect, but they also show their incipient and gestational (corresponding to 0º) significance considering the future developments.

The next reference about the themes of 0º Aquarius appears on March 31, 2020, when Mars conjoins Saturn at that degree. Certainly, nobody needs a memory refresher for that day. During the following months, the entire Humanity grieved not only the dead, but the end of the world we had known so far.

Then on December 21, 2020, Jupiter joined Saturn exactly at that degree, giving official birth to the 200-year Air Era. This event dramatically started the process of changing the spirit of the times.

Next hit was Venus and Mars travelling jointly from March 2 to 6, 2022 over Pluto, from Capricorn into Aquarius exactly the same way Jupiter and Saturn did from December 1st to 20 of 2020. The 'romantic' couple start kissing at 27º Capricorn and consummate their 'love' at 0º Aquarius in the same way Jupiter and Saturn did back in 2020.

They mark a quite rare event. Venus and Mars will never again meet together with Pluto in Capricorn for several centuries. Whatever development starts then (i.e. Russian invasion), its cycle will probably take at least 250 years.

Yet, at the same time Venus and Mars also start a new cycle in Aquarius. This may mean that two parallel cycles are running at the same time, one rock solid, the other airy.

Just a few days before, while Venus and Mars were within orb of Pluto, February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and the War started. By the time Venus and Mars were at 0º Aquarius, the headlines talked about more mass deaths, saying that strikes intensify, and Russia even hitting the Holocaust Memorial. As we will see in future developments, this is an extremely symbolic theme associated with zero degree of Aquarius. Massive displacements started of people fleeing the bombs in spite of the UN launching a humanitarian appeal.

The common thread of the news seems to be carrying the hints of Pluto themes related to death and buried secrets bursting out, announcing his future devastating work. Israeli Forces killing Palestinians, uncovering suspicious Indigenous graves. Nuclear talks with Iran, poisoning of young girls in this same country, a train tragedy in Greece, and other accidental poisonings and killings, some by storms others by human hand. There was one bright news though. Ironically, Panama recognizes the legal rights of Nature.4

The way Venus and Mars move from Capricorn to Aquarius represents the not so smooth archetypal transition from the solid structures of materialism to the lighter and lofty networks of thought. In order for us to ‘elevate’, we have to let go of the brick and mortar Capricornian structures. It means that during the last 15-year transit of Pluto the world pyramidal pillars of Capricorn social conventions and conditionings have fallen under a long process of decomposition.


Let us put our braces because that is not all. 2024 starts with a big bang! On January 20, the Sun escorts the Lord of Death and of the Underworld into Aquarius after their exact conjunction at 29º 59’ of Capricorn which indicates that 2024 is still a transitional year. Notice a good almost perfect trine from the Moon in Gemini, ensuring that there will be news!

On February 5, 2024, Mercury joins Pluto at 0º 29’ Aquarius. Notice their perfect conjunction with the Lot of Fortune in a 0º Aries chart. Mercury with Pluto is capable of venting very dark news. They could relate to the profound transformation of society due to the innovations of high tech science.

On February 13, 2024, Mars joins Pluto at 0º 46’. Notice the great imbalance of energy on the chart. With all planets in the two closing and the two opening Signs of the Zodiac, great endings and beginnings are in store for the world. Lilith as a singleton could play a dramatic role in issues of health. Through a profound disgust, she makes us realize how flawed Humanity is. Many could try to work hard to become 'good' to demonstrate the potential, or counteract the profound spiritual disconnection of so many others. Chiron in perfect conjunction with the North Node emphasizes the enormous existential vulnerability. This chart may correlate to mass death.

And just 4 days later, February 17, Venus makes also her baptism of Fire with the Darth Vader of the Zodiac at 0º 51’. Notice the almost perfect square from Mercury to Uranus. A financial transmutation is probably in store here.

Something is certain, by then, Humanity will get what 0º Aquarius means, for sure!

If someone hope for peace, flowers and the broken cross symbol of the Aquarian Age, may be ready for a big disappointment. The 20-year transit of Pluto in Aquarius may see, on the contrary, the transformation of society not without first horrific devastations and massive elimination of life in its many forms.

By hammering the 0º of Aquarius, all these conjunctions are preparing Humanity to build a different kind of social structures at a horizontal level. These new structures in the making, even though following inflexible (fixed quality) laws, are invisible, based on electrical waves, intermittent, softer and flowy in nature.

As indicated by the trend, many will suffer in the transition, especially those that are strongly attached to their material possessions. Some could die or be deprived unless they are able to sustain the incredible pressure of the times, that will be imposed by the transit of Pluto in Aquarius.

What is calling our attention lately and awaken our curiosity is the prevalence of conjunctions at 0º Aquarius. Some astrologers say that the first degree of a Sign has a very strong manifestation of the Sign’s energy. However, according to Lynn Koiner, at a personal level, a “beginning planet shows where the individual is young in their experience of the energy of that Planet and, therefore, it is not always used well, especially when starting or in a new situation.”5 My experience reading for people with these placements confirms the manifestation of awkwardness, and incipient skills of beginning planets.

A significant example is the birth chart of Sophia AI, the intelligent female robot. She was activated on February 14, 2016 @ 11:04 am in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Her birth chart has Mercury (mind, but also the electric circuitry) at 0º??29'. Even though, she is a great technological development, she is the first robot to have been recognized and registered as a citizen of a country, Saudi Arabia, on October 25, 2017. According to extensive research by ISAR President Astrologer Aleksandar Imsiragic, her birth is an iconic symbol as well as a precursory milestone to the Age of Aquarius. He argues that the 0º ?? is one of the degrees that plays a pivotal role in the Age of Aquarius.6


Pluto ingress in Aquarius, starts the process of reforming and regenerating the collective consciousness.

As Pluto has been straddling between Aquarius and Capricorn for three years, people have been struggling to get free from the oligarchic establishment that has seized extreme levels of power, control and wealth standing on top of the masses. Taken to the extreme, the system implodes on itself, lacking balance. The crushed masses becoming ever so weaker. No longer can they survive as it is. Around the world, the more the oppression the more the masses rise against it. The seeds of rebellion and the hunger for freedom are planted and germinating. The zero degree of Aquarius stores that urge for liberation, and budding freedom.


It is valuable to consider that the first seven degrees of Aquarius are also under the influence of Mercury, according to the Egyptian Terms, and under Saturn, according to Ptolemy’s Terms. Taking the traditional rulership of Aquarius, Saturn will double down its strength here with social obstacles, resistance, barriers to wealth, and much poverty. With the Saturn Mercury combination influence, 0º Aquarius brings out problems in trade related to the industries of communication, basic education, and transportation, to name a few.

Considering the rulership of Uranus over Aquarius, and combining the terms ruled by Saturn or Mercury, the result could bring out the rebellion of youth, calling things by their names, rejecting euphemisms, advocating change in the industries of communication, education, and exchange. Building bridges will be difficult, instead they might be destroyed, be it physical or figurative ones. There could also be barriers to social media, and even a stricter regulation or surveillance of Internet.

All these planetary hits to 0º Aquarius may empower and at the same time disempower the masses. During the short three months Pluto dipped the paws in Aquarius in 2023, people witnessed the destabilizing effects of highly developed technology on society. For example, ChatGPT and other AI technologies, like robots threatened the livelihood of workers in many industries. On May 2, 2023 the Writers Guild of America rose and came out to the streets protesting and demanding to have their work recognized and adequately valued.7 Yet, because Pluto came back to Capricorn on June 12, not much progress was achieved by this movement. Those who hold the power are more interested in their profit than in contributing to a sustainable social exchange.

On the one hand, technology development can empower certain sectors of society, yet on the other, it disempowers those who, in order to survive, attached to the certainty of the tangible plane. Even though its fixity, Aquarius is unreliable, intermittent and uncompromising. Uranus electrical impulses result in progress by leaps and bounds, for which, often, society is not ready yet. Some innovations are only accessible for the highly developed world. While Uranus is still in Taurus, it is difficult to rely on practical and material resources. The Earth is elusive, and so are its products. It is obvious that the transit of Uranus in Taurus is shaking Nature and its resources to the core.

All this makes for the incipient nature of the zero degree Aquarius. Like a newborn baby, it is alien to the world in which is born, it’s immature, doesn’t know how to adapt, doesn’t eat or walk on its own yet, it needs to be cared for, taught, guided and disciplined. And like babies, all things created under the 0º of Aquarius influence, may figuratively ‘spit, vomit and poop’ on people all the while making us smile a bit many times before they learn how to act properly.


Saturn Pluto Conjunction, published Dec. 17, 2029 Great Conjunction & Saturn Square Uranus, published Dec. 18, 2020 May 16, 2018. March 2, 2022. Lynn Koiner Webinar on Beginning and Ending Planets.Aleksandar Imsiragic Webinar on the Age of Aquarius, ISAR Archive.2023 Writers Guild of America Strike.

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