The World that is Coming - Pluto trine Uranus

10 months ago 49

The New HumanIf Pluto in Aquarius were the only big feature of the years to come, the necessary work would only be half done. Yet, no, Pluto would be supported in very original ways by his ruler, the ruler...

The New Human

If Pluto in Aquarius were the only big feature of the years to come, the necessary work would only be half done. Yet, no, Pluto would be supported in very original ways by his ruler, the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus! They will work in concert like a happily married couple, with positive cooperation, mutual collaboration, smooth complementarity and understanding. 

Nice! Because together, they are bringing fresh air to the world. Don't misunderstand me though. The transmutations will not be without much fracture (Uranus) and demolition (Pluto) as usual. The fact that they will work in harmony (trine) doesn' t take away any of their usual symbolic performance. 

Since they are such slowly moving planets, similarly to their first quarter Square that perfected seven times between 2012 and 2015, the Trine will perfect five times as follows. 

July 18, 2026

November 29, 2026

June 15, 2027 @ 4:12:13 in exact Small Trine with Neptune 

January 13, 2028

May 9, 2028 

The insistence marks the intensity like a grinding rock on a flour mill. Similarly to the mill, these planets will destroy the old to create something new in a productive way. 

The Trine happens in Air Signs, which indicates powerful and radical transformations of the collective consciousness. This entails changes of the mind, ideas, intellect, society, relationships, communication, science and technology. Obviously, every aspect in society will progressively experience a renewal. Haven't you been thinking that if people would change their minds, the world would change? Yes, you got it, and this is it! Isn't it a wonderful perspective for the world to come?

Moreover, the cherry on top of this amazing 'cake' is the perfect Small Trine they form with Neptune at the apex. Richard Tarnas explains that last time these three Titans joined forces harmoniously in a longstanding conjunction was between the 590s and the 550s BCE! The closest conjunction happened within 2º orb between 577 and 576 BCE. 

"These decades constituted the very heart of the great Axial Age that brought forth the birth of many of the worlds principal religious and spiritual traditions. This was the Age of Buddha [...]; of Mahavira [...]; of Lao-Tzu [...]; followed a decade later by the birth of Confucius, Lao-Tzu's younger contemporary. This same epoch coincided  with the sudden wave of major prophets in ancient Israel - Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Second Isaiah. In Greece, the period of the triple conjunction exactly coincided with the birth of Greek philosophy itself, as the first Greek philosophers, Thales and Anaximander, flourished during these decades of the 580s through the 560s, and Pythagoras, towering figure in the history of both Western philosophy and science, was born."1 

A great awakening catapulted Humanity to a higher level of mental development, with great works in Literature, Creative and Performing Arts, and Politics. 

"On yet another front, these same decades brought the statesman-poet Solon's revolutionary legal and economic reforms in Athens that paved the way for the development of democracy, so characteristic of the Uranus-Pluto cycle's correlation with periods of radical change, liberal political reform, and an intensified impulse for social and cultural progress."2  

This human evolutionary jump coincided exactly with the only exact triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the whole history of Humanity!  According to Tarnas research, 

"The great figures and events, ideas, movements, awakenings, and transformations of the collective consciousness that were brought forth during this prodigious epoch have pervaded the subsequent evolution of humankind." 3 

 The exact Small Trine between Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in 2027 is a rare and unique event, that will most probably bring back similar mental awakening impulses, especially considering that they take place in Air and Fire Signs. Let's remember that Humanity is now fully into the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions cycle in Air Signs, as well, for 200 years. The Chronocrators will be setting the pace in 20-year installments. Jupiter sets the growth, and Saturn organizes it, and gives it form. 


As it was during the Renaissance Period, the previous 200 years of the Chronocrators meetings in Air Signs, this New Era starting now is defined by the absolute transformation of the Collective Consciousness. The collective mind will raise its capacity to better understand reality and make sense of it. The intellectual and social paradigms will raise their level, through the discovery of a broader cosmic reality that will expand the mind in a scope never reached before. 

The ideological progress will be led by the ongoing discoveries in the Cosmos. As it happened during the Renaissance with the realization that the Earth moves (Galileo Galilei), and that the Sun is the center of the Solar System (Copernicus) with all the planets and Earth orbiting around it, new discoveries will certainly change our spiritual conceptions. As Richard Tarnas explains about the Copernican revolution, the "epiphany was at once intellectual and spiritual, psychological and cosmological, and all their research and thinking served the new vision [...]"4

Space observatories working in coordination around the world and last generation telescopes, like Hubble, Kepler and James Webb allow us now to dig deeper into space. The space exploration has accelerated in the last few years changing our perspective of the Earth place in the Uni?verse or Multi?verse. New understanding of the Cosmos, and our place in it will lead to a different perception of reality, to the review of religious beliefs (Neptune), philosophies, and ideologies (Uranus). Pluto stimulates our  investigation of the mind and psyche, the curiosity for mysteries and metaphysical studies. 


Pluto in Aquarius brings powerful transformations to society. However, with the smooth support of Uranus, Aquarius ruler, instead of a traumatic revolution, society experiences a progressive and innovative evolution based on ideological changes. Aquarius and its ruler Uranus are extremely impersonal, they operate at the abstract intellectual level. Then, the collective social reforms could take an experimental turn, using new scientific approach and innovations in networks. The ideology will most probably be led by an intellectual elite through mass communication, through media outlets of all kind, existent and new ones. People could be empowered or disempowered by the spread of knowledge and ideas, depending on the individuals' critical thinking skills. 

Since the missing leg of the Grand Trine is Libra, relationships and agreements may not play a great role except during the times the faster moving planets transit this Sign of Libra. For example, from August through October 2026, Mercury, Venus and the Sun will transit Libra. During the period between 2026 and 2028, the North Node of the Moon will be transiting Aquarius adding a boost to the Plutonic energy, increasing its power. 

Even though, Uranus and Pluto will cooperate with each other, it doesn't mean that they will lose their 'malefic' influence. Pluto shadow in Aquarius shows up in the excess of intellectual freedom. They could manifest as crazy scientific inventions. The unbridled freedom of expression without respect for the rights of others has already shown its dark face in violent responses. During the French Revolution those who rose to power perverted the ideals trying to exert extreme control over the population, and the movement ended up in the Reign of Terror.  

This way, Pluto may also represent repression in the flow of necessary information, by which the media only allows for the spread of ideas from official political sources. In this way, some sectors of society are empowered, whereas others are disempowered. The powers that be determine how we are allowed or not to interact socially, or what information we can access. Already evident in the use of social media, who regulate what you can and cannot say, this may take a greater proportion with Pluto in Aquarius. 

Healthcare Administration

The current Uranus Pluto cycle started in 1965-1966 in Virgo, associated with health, work organization, and problem solving. Since then, the healthcare administration accelerated its organization and automatization of health record keeping. Patients health information privacy is just an illusion given the numerous insurance staff members, clinical, and administrative staff that can access it without your expressed permission. By now, the Healthcare record keeping systems have reached monster proportions. And as long as people are not using their critical thinking skills, they will continue to fall victims of the system.

Now, after and due to the pandemic, the WHO has a plan to integrate all the associated countries' healthcare systems, project that aims at centralizing the healthcare administration. Of course, they say, this is to ensure 'your safety'. Typical of Pluto's influence, is the instillation of profound fear, the fear that runs your spine up and down and makes you crunch. Of course, with Pluto in Capricorn, people has had plenty of fear promoted from governmental institutions through official media. No wonder people are desperate for protection, hungry for surveillance, and strong-fist authorities or military intervention. They are ready to sacrifice all privacy and freedoms for the sake of safety. 


The unrestrained spread of negative and controversial sexual subjects in the name of freedom of expression, brings into question moral issues. Children are already exposed to inappropriate sexual information for which are not yet mature. Pluto in Aquarius may mean that sexuality could be increasingly a subject of study and manipulation by the health science. Pornography may spread to new levels, and become rampant online to the point of being unavoidable by those who do not like it or use it. Pedophelia and pornography networks will continue to shape, distort and pervert the concept of human sexuality. In the practical way, the normalization of this trend could contribute to lower reproduction rates and the decrease of the human population.  


Usually Pluto, and the slow moving planets for that matter, awakes the shadow side of the symbolism in the collective. With Pluto in Aquarius, trine Uranus in Gemini, the surveillance will probably continue through the Air Signs quality. Free and private communications may completely become a thing of the past. In the name of safety, surveillance could be generalized, and information may deliberately be programmed to brainwash the masses. The methods can be attractively innovative, and people may desperately run to buy new devices to keep up with the latest technology that supposedly gets them safe.  


This Neptune Uranus Pluto configuration correlates to the freedom and the power of the enlightened mind. Similar to the French Enlightenment movement at the end of the 1700s, there are already highly intelligent people who talk and broadcast lofty ideas. The human mind has developed a higher capacity for putting diverse ideas together and come up with innovative ones. Thanks to the AI, this capacity will further increase exponentially. Parallel to the progress achieved after the Gutenberg print that allowed a wider access to information, nowadays, the Internet has gathered all the thoughts of world in one pool, from which AI allows us to access any information we might need. Well, that, as long as the Internet regulators allow it. 

Nonetheless, this broader learning opportunity empowers researchers, scientists, technologists, educators, etc. and widens our cosmic consciousness. Unfortunately, the freedom of thought has never matched the freedom of speech. However, as I always say, the more you fight against something, the stronger you make it. 

These three planets in harmony help us understand that the more the freedoms have been repressed (Pluto in Capricorn), the stronger the need for liberation. This urge for liberation extends to politics and geo-political distribution of power. The stronger and more repressive the totalitarian regimes, the more rebellions will provoke. What you fight, you strengthen!

Liberation may not be achieved without much death and destruction. We will probably see the maximum level of society structural demolition when Pluto makes its final visit to Capricorn from September 2d to October 12, 2024. Be still. Looking at the heliocentric zodiac, during the Israel Palestine crisis, the Earth was transiting (Oct 7, 2023) conjunct Chiron in Aries! From the heliocentric perspective, during the Summer, the Earth was transiting Pluto in Capricorn, which coincided with numerous natural catastrophes. 

In the late 1700s and early 1800s, American colonies strove for liberation, and most of them declared their independence from their oppressive colonizing monarchies in Europe. Most probably, this time around, powerful movements of liberation will rise up around the world. Empires may fall, nations may reconfigure their alliances, and borders may radically shift if not disappear all together. There has already been talks about a global government; maybe some new form of government is experimented. Aquarius loves experimenting.

 On the dark side of excessive information availability and exchange, data falls in inexpert or malevolent hands and minds, who can use them to harm others. Anyone can become a hacker, anything could be hacked, copyrights may be a thing of the past, and many other unforeseen corollaries can occur. 

Let's hope for political and social transformations favoring the respect of freedom and basic rights of people and animals, like the right to live, occupy a space in peace, have housing, food, healthcare, education, work and enjoyment. 


 Let's also hope that a new educational system is developed, that focuses on practical empiric learning and the preparation for life in all its aspects. For example, in order to solve social problems, people need to be educated on how to parent their children, how to structure and manage a household. In order to avoid health problems, people need to learn early in life the basics of hygiene and healthy living that includes learning how to design a healthy diet, and to make beneficial choices. So far, food availability, and cultural customs define what one eats; in the future, a better education may help us understand that some of our traditions are unhealthy. 

There are many other aspects to the human life that will evolve with the collective consciousness shift. Many of us will not be here to see the development and transformations, just hope that our descendants can build this promising new world system and enjoy being alive a little better that us. Let hope grow!

Sat Nam.


1- Richard Tarnas, Cosmos & Psyche, Intimations of a New World View, Page 409

2- Richard Tarnas, Cosmos & Psyche, Intimations of a New World View, Page 410

3- Richard Tarnas, Cosmos & Psyche, Intimations of a New World View, Page 410

4- Richard Tarnas, Cosmos & Psyche, Intimations of a New World View, Page 9

Other sources consulted:

* Jessica Davidson, The Current Cycle of Uranus Pluto:

* Astrology King, Uranus Trine Pluto: 


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