The World That is Coming - Saturn & Uranus

10 months ago 39

The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn, Oil on panel by Giorgio Vasari, 16th century.Palazzo Vecchio, FlorenceThe World We've Lived in, since 1988 The Saturn Uranus have been legendary enemies because Uranus challenges the traditions, the rules and the rigidity of...

The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn, Oil on panel by Giorgio Vasari, 16th century.
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

The World We've Lived in, since 1988

 The Saturn Uranus have been legendary enemies because Uranus challenges the traditions, the rules and the rigidity of Saturn structures. Uranus offers new ways of doing things. Their conjunction is an opportunity to combine both types of energies. It happens every 44 to 46 years and, for the collective, it gives the modus operandi of the corporative business and how corporations implement industrial science to produce goods. They give a functional structure to the industrial innovation in all aspects of the economy.

Since 1988 when Saturn and Uranus joined in Sagittarius, the innovative business structures started to aim far and wide around the world. The ambition has been to expand the economy by reaching, establishing and developing foreign markets. Countries have gone thousands of miles away to find resources to feed their industries and their population. Industries have moved to foreign shores and settled in far away lands looking to lower costs of production. The economy has become global, with global markets, and a global currency. It's not surprising that the One World Power was a nation with Sagittarius rising, that has a history of unstoppable expansion. However, in order to sustain this system there has been a need for global transportation, which, in turn, needs a global exchange of energy resources. 

A great disregard for natural physical laws has created dangerous unforeseen consequences, because business has not planned its growth considering the factor of a finite Earth. Moreover, this unbridled progress has destabilized the perfect harmony in the Earth's ecology, disrupting Nature's equilibrium. The globalization has been based on an illogical, whimsical belief (Uranus in Sagittarius) that economic growth should be exponential and constant, ignoring that resources are limited. The natural physical laws need to be obeyed to maintain equilibrium, and that everything produced is later discarded and needs to find a way to go back to Earth without destroying it. Our behavior has been like eating and pooping at the same dining table. 

Saturn and Uranus Sagittarian relationship is now at the closing stage. During the last couple of years, the cycle was at the waning square (270º). This Crisis in Consciousness point means that the development of their work together has already peaked (180º or Full Moon position) by reaching the maximum potential of the so called 'globalization'. Now it's harvest time. The period when the results are obvious and speak loud about the excesses to which the Jupiter ruled Sagittarius have taken all the issues related to ambitious corporative business (Saturn) and industrial scientific innovation (Uranus). 

Humanity is now integrating all positive and negative consequences. For example, for the developed countries, it has been a cycle by which life has become easier for certain sectors of society which have increase their financial solvency, whereas for the underdeveloped countries and lower strata of society, it has meant more poverty, drain and exhaustion of resources, and a great decrease in the quality of life. Overall, the rich have become richer and the poor, poorer. 

For the Earth, not only does it mean the exploitation and exhaustion of raw materials, but the irreversible destruction of ecological systems to the point of causing the extinction of thousands of vegetable and animal species, and the pollution of the environment. These are only just a couple of examples of the devastating consequences of expanding (Sagittarius), exploring, and reaching out too far. This ruthless drive is explained by the Jupiter placement in Aries in the chart of the 1988 conjunction. As a Jupiter ruled sign, Sagittarius under this Martian conquering influence has a tendency to aggressive excesses, with disregard for consequences. 

For Saturn and Uranus cycle of Sagittarius, the horizon was always elusive, and their gallop never fast enough. Consumers have grown accustomed to not being able to live without the latest trendy gadgets, and have forgotten the survival skills necessary when resources are scarce. It's interesting to remember that their conjunction happened at the anaretic degree 29º??52' in the Sun decan square to the Nodes of the Moon. The eagerness to explore science and technology without constraint, to mass produce its achievements, and to expand markets to a global scale has perfectly reflected the collective trend and destiny during this period, indicated by a boundless North Node in Pisces, in Scorpio decan.

At the closing of the cycle, the entire Human Kind is now realizing that such excessive expansion has brought upon us challenges never seen before. Climate disturbance, extinction of innumerables species, massive pollution, out of control illnesses, to name just a few. The globalization excesses have put some nations at the expense of other nations that have demonstrated not to be as friendly as expected. In fact, international relations have become so enmeshed with complicated and less than honest exchanges that certain countries are now victims of the same network in which they have participated to obtain economic benefits. For example, during the covid19 pandemic, certain countries didn't have essential medical equipment and medicines such as masks, and basic analgesics, just due to the fact that they had been manufactured in a very far away place. Man power and transportation were not available.

It was exactly during these years that Saturn formed the 270º square to Uranus, or the closing square in the cycle. This square was repeated four times over a two year period, when people had the opportunity to realize that things-as-usual were not working properly any more. The upcoming sextile in 2025 and 2026 will help us make a transition to a new kind of world order. 

The World That is Coming

As Saturn approaches a new conjunction with Uranus, we are moving to a new kind of world. They will conjoin again in 2032 in the Sign of Gemini 28º, exactly opposite to the 1988 conjunction in Sagittarius. It's not difficult to imagine, their cycle will be exactly the opposite. The trend goes from global to local, and from one world power to a competitive bilateral one.

Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is a dual Sign, that's why is the first social Sign, where one start relating and making deals with others and the environment. For example, it's the age of the toddler who starts to name things around him or her and learns to relate with people close by, namely siblings. It's then, the sign of business par excellence, more specifically self-made business, nowadays mainly internet based. 

Mercury, the Lord of this Saturn Uranus conjunction in Gemini, is in Leo and square North Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus. Notice that Pluto in Aquarius also squares the Nodes. This signals a collective mind that expresses its authority. Youth will probably play an important authority role during this period, by demonstrating that they know how to do things. 

Gemini is the Sign where we learn skills, so it rules trades, or manual work business, especially local ones. Global trade and world economy will be done with, in favor of the local economy. People will create resources, goods, products locally and gather together with neighbors to create community vegetable gardens or local cooperatives, in order to satisfy the needs of the small town or neighborhood. Local industries will be created. 

Due to a greater development of communication and transportation technologies, the new jobs in those areas will call for learning new technical skills for manual work.  Entry level positions and apprenticeships will be created, for robotics for example. Some people will do more than one job, using different abilities in order to make ends meet. Most new jobs will require teamwork, and small business will be created by small groups of people pooling their resources together. The new trend for small businesses will be the cooperative system where each member participate in the investment and in the profit. 

Instead of wanting to explore far and wide, people will seek the exploration of the immediate reality.  Unfortunately, airplane and airline companies going to far away places will decrease their activity notably, and many of them will disappear. Very few people will go on Cruise Ship vacations to foreign countries, which will also hurt that line of business. Instead of going to conquer the world, people will be more interested in caring for the immediate environment.  As people work closer to their place of living, they will want to keep their own neighborhoods clean, neat and tidy. You will build closer relationships with your neighbors and town people.

Say goodbye to imported goods and produce, export will go down as well. International commerce will lose its attraction because the cost of transportation will be so high that it will be impossible to continue. On the other hand everything produced locally will have better prices. This will promote the needed employment for all, especially for young people.

People will stop focusing on the big world picture, instead they will be 'nearsighted'. International travel, adventures and tourism have already gone down, and will stay that way during this Saturn Uranus period. Say goodbye to imported vehicles, and individual cars. Say hello to collective public transportation. Instead of you driving your own bubble to work, you will be using the bus, a small motorcycle, your bike, and even walk to work. Electrical flying vehicles will see their day.

With Neptune in Pisces, mass migrations will end up mixing cultures of all kind. At the time of the Saturn Uranus conjunction, Neptune in Aries is dissolving the idea of ethnic identity.You will look for new experiences closer to home, mainly learning new skills, like foreign languages in order to communicate with peoples of other cultures.  

Uranus innovate Saturn structures at all levels. Governmental civil works will focus on repairing and building bridges (Gemini) and other city infrastructure will be upgraded. 

In the area of education, a restructuring can be expected to introduce modern methods and contents. Because trades will become more important, people will be more interested in learning to make things with their hands than learning philosophy or doing higher studies. Young workers will work with data and information gathering. Some will recover their interest in knitting, pottery, gardening, sewing, embroidery, making clothes at home, home cooking, wood work, writing, speaking, teaching, broadcasting, etc. 

Higher knowledge will fall into disfavor because of the need for practical knowledge and manual skills, arts, crafts and abilities that allow people to work with the new technology inventions. People will not be so much interested in attending Universities, institutions of higher education and organized religions, unless they offer trade training, like robotics, cybernetics, AC technician,  IT specialist, electrician, etc. Primary education should incorporate more computerized activities and learning methods. Already from Elementary School, children will start learning how to work with and develop technological devices, like robots.  

Ideologies, philosophies will have to become popularized by coming down to the common folk, in an accessible vocabulary that everybody can understand, especially if the ideas are useful and practical. Theoretical thinking will be useful only for first hand experimental research. Surviving religious ideas and morals will be those applicable to the day to day civil interactions.

Independence and the expansion of your vision towards the world will be replaced by interconnection and interdependence. People will learn the art of harmonious teamwork, by depending on each other to achieve their practical projects. This way, a higher level of civilization will be developed, because people learn to share our time and abilities for the benefit of the group.

Even though information has been available to all, and anybody can share their ideas through the Internet and reach a large audience, only useful practical information will be appreciated. Original thought will be favored. The most favored professions will be those of mentors, craftsman teachers, communicators of all kinds, broadcasters, journalists, merchants, electronic technicians, online elementary educators, translators, interpreters, commerce agents, stand up comedians, traders, apprentices, dealers, technicians.

There will be a great transition towards increase and very active local social life. People will revive their social activity, but not by wandering around the world, rather making contacts and meeting friends nearby or through the Internet. At the same time new internet structures will improve or replace the old social media, emails, messaging, and phone calls. People will want to learn, know, read, write, and keep in touch in different ways. The local information sources will be more sought of and valued than the ones coming from the media corporations. It can already be seen that people do not rely or trust on mass media news, because already they understand how reality is manipulated and twisted by them to serve those who are in power. 

What other Gemini structures could be upgraded? What innovations do you imagine for your neighborhood, elementary schooling, and other Gemini themes? Comment below!


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