Top Sun Nakshatra for Female Pop

10 months ago 42

IntroductionSaturn’s Influence in MusicMost Common House Placement for SaturnMost Common Sun SignLove and SaturnConclusionIntroductionThe present article attempts to explore the influence that the planet Saturn has in modern day pop music, exploring the charts of female musicians, both winners and nominees, in the...

IntroductionSaturn’s Influence in MusicMost Common House Placement for SaturnMost Common Sun SignLove and SaturnConclusion


The present article attempts to explore the influence that the planet Saturn has in modern day pop music, exploring the charts of female musicians, both winners and nominees, in the pop vocalist category (one that has been discontinued since 2010). It features a total of 123 female musicians. In the future these results will be combined with female musicians of other categories (country, rock, r&b etc.) as well as combined with male musicians in the respective categories.

Saturn’s influence in music

The nakshatras listed below are not the only ones that were common among these females’ singers, as for example Swati and Ardra were very prominent as well, but considering this essay focuses specifically on Saturn and its nakshatras, other placements will be referenced only minimally?—?if at all.

It is also important to remember that different genres, cultures, and time periods are dominated by different planetary energies. For example, classical composers (the likes of Mozart and Beethoven) tend to have Jyeshta moon and understandably so, because these traditional instruments of the piano and violin require incredible technical dexterity and discipline?—?mars (Scorpio) and mercury (Jyeshta) are the two technical planets, related to application and the use of the hand.

Therefore, it is important to remember what Saturn’s role in music is. It does not necessarily bless one with ability in this field, as do other planets, but it is very prominent in Pop music and mainstream music in general.

Most common house placement for Saturn

The above charts include a list of 123 female musicians from the GRAMMY Awards Winners & Nominees for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance (GRAMMY Awards Winners & Nominees for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance, n.d.).

As we can see, the house Saturn was most prominent was by far the 1st and of all planets through houses, this was the most dramatic results second only to Venus both 8th and 11th from the moon. It should be noted that, we would expect to see different results when looking at male performers.

One way to understand Saturn’s prominence is its relation to social power. Saturn and Rahu relate to dominating over one’s social class or collective, Saturn through more legitimate means and Rahu more deviously. Because Saturn is so naturally in tune or acclimated to its environment (its culture, its nuances) it is all very well positioned to influence it and dictate it itself. This is a different way of achieving power than the Sun, who is so naturally “untouched” by norms but is so radiant that others submit to him?—?and indeed, we find more of the Sun’s prominence in the chart of male pop stars.

Saturn relates to the sphere of our society and so individuals with strong placements relating to it can place themselves in positions where they “set the rules” so to speak. From being so attuned to the current trends, they can proceed to set their own?—?which also explains its heavy prominence in the fashion industry (a subject for another time). Saturn, though being the planet of ignorance, is quite an intellectual planet for it is akin to a petri dish under a microscope?—?those with a heaviness of its energies possess a curiosity, not quite as random as that of mercury, but of one curious to study the activities of a particular space in depth.

Of course, such things as an interest in trends, setting or following them or an interest in pop culture in general (which are occurrence, again, within the globe of a reality) are matters of concern to women and girls more so than they are for men and boys. It is then understandable why female celebrities, the most influential among them, would carry its energies as women, already being so concerned with the goings-on of fashionable society, would emphasize this aspect of Saturn much more.

The most common sun nakshatras

As we can see, generally the most common sign was Pisces, but I will be giving more emphasis to Uttara Bhadrapada, since it carries much of the Saturnian energy that I will be elaborating on further.

One way of understanding the difference between the sun and the moon is by consider the Shiva and Shakti dichotomy. The sun represents the force of creation and the moon the form. The sun is the fundamental energy that powers creation, and the moon is what plays with the sun’s energy and with its, designs and constructs reality. The sun represents the goal and purpose of the individual and the moon is how this goal is accomplished. The sun is the fundamental essence of the chart, and the moon is how this essence is formed.

The Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada suggests that underneath whatever superficial/terrestrial forms the moon has taken, underneath it all the message is one of letting go of your life as you know it, abandoning it for something higher and greater. Take for example a Swati moon with an Uttara Bhadrapada sun?—?underneath the dreaminess and fantasy portrayed by Swati is a message of inspiration out of this world. With an Ardra moon, through exposing the ugliness of this world, we are meant to discover that only the next has any real value.

Below are names of some of the more prominent artists famous especially for love songs.

Examples such as:

· Aretha Franklin, Uttara Bhadrapada Sun

· Celine Dion, with Pushya ascendant, Uttara Bhadrapada sun and sun conjunct Saturn

· Maria Callas, with Anuradha sun and possibly Ascendant in Anuradha

· Diana Ross, with Uttara Bhadrapada Sun

· Tina Turner, with Anuradha Sun

· Patti Labelle, with moon conjunct Saturn

· Toni Braxton, possibly Anuradha moon and Saturn opposite sun

· Adele, Moon Conjunct Saturn and Saturn opposite Ascendant

· Katy Perry with moon conj. Saturn & Saturn in 1st house in Libra giving more strength to Saturn

· Mariah Carey with Anuradha moon

Love and Saturn

As we know, it is a common phenomenon for planets to share offices, and for all planets to occupy an individual department within a larger establishment ruled by a single planet.

Take for example, the senses, which are ruled primarily by Venus and the moon but within this establishment, each department (sight, sound, hearing, taste, and touch) is controlled by its very own planet: mars, Jupiter, mercury, Venus, and Saturn respectively. Much is the same when we speak of love.

Venus is commonly regarded as the planet of love because it is the planet of provocation. Venus provokes anger, jealousy and yes, even lust and these then become the driving forces fueling her victim’s pursuit of her. But, within the establishment of love, ruled by Venus, the department of faithfulness and devotion are ruled by Saturn.

The very basics of Uttara Bhadrapada is that it relates to longing.

If you have read my previous article on Uttara Bhadrapada and how Saturn ‘deletes’ our identity in a negative way, you can now understand how Saturn can erase your sense of self or ego in a beautiful way?—?by erasing it and uniting it with a great force. Uttara Bhadrapada is, of course, the stage where one breaks away from their mundane humanity, leaving it behind like a worn-out costume to then swim in the oceans beyond. But as it relates to love, Uttara Bhadrapada is the abandoning of one’s lower self for a great love. This is, of course, what so much of modern-day love music is all about, going on and on about how “nothing else in life matters to me, if not you” or “I am nothing without you” or “you complete me”. Saturn’s objective is to work us, grind us, and reduce us but not because it wishes to destroy us?—?or, destroy the “real” us?—?but because it wants to wear away our false identity. Harsh energies like Saturn and Ketu are only “evil” for those who cling to “the body” or cling to the false self.

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”?—?Matthew 16:25

Saturn and ketu are horrific and terrifying for anyone who wants to “save their lives” by running away from their trials and flames. If you feel fear at the thought of walking over burning coal, it is because you believe that this could be your undoing… but if you believe that anything can undo you, then you have not discovered the true self, for the true self can be destroyed by nothing. And therefore, those who embrace these energies by submitting to the picking and prodding of Saturn end up so formidable, for any weakness has been swallowed by Saturn?—?as opposed to the weak, who were simply… swallowed.

Saturn is the planet of limitations, yes, but he is also the planet of timelessness, for submitting to him properly is key to eternal life. Our fear of him is suggests a notion of our own mortality, but by sacrificing yourself to Saturn and this measly mortality, he promises you immortality. Love, in this sense, is also a terrifying concept for many who cling to their own “individuality”, afraid of losing themselves in the other, little do they realize that it is the embrace of true love that is their bridge from death to heaven. By letting go of this bag of flesh we foolishly call the self and giving ourselves over to God or Goddess in all his or her guises, we are rescued.

One way or the other, we are trapped in Saturn’s vortex, the only choice we have in the matter is whether we emerge hard as diamond or sink like dust.

Of course, the Saturn nakshatras also teach us caution in these matters. Take Anuradha nakshatra, existing in Scorpio. Now, this sign and house are related to slavery and parasitical infections, which in a sense are the same?—?both are “lesser entities” that penetrate the body and dominate it. Therefore, those with 8th house and Scorpio placements tend towards a degree of paranoia because they have to, since they are more vulnerable to infections than the average person. Anuradha, specifically, relates to combining yourself to the flesh of the other, as Mitra, the deity of this asterism, was combined with Varuna?—?only separating from him when realizing that there’s was not a pure yoking (Shanti Parva). It’s curious how some natives of Anuradha nakshatra are often accused of being stuck-up and “not wanting to mingle with everybody”, but in a sense, they benefit from such “snobbish” behavior, for behind this cold and aloof exterior is one who is vulnerable and that easily clings to others, and far more than anyone else they are sullied by “bad associations”. More rapidly than any other, Anuradha can either climb to the ceiling or fall to the ground, given the association.

Saturn lends to music a quality of “rhythmic entrapment”. Being, of course, the planet of cycles and loops, it relates strongly to the aspect of music that is repetitive and deeply hypnotic. Modern day mainstream pop music is very much associated with Rahu (or rather, rahu’s nakshatras) as well as Saturn. I have spoken of the relationships between alcohol and drugs with Saturn and rahu before, but even upon such reflections, we can understand this effect in music. Pop music carries this, for lack of a better word, “addictive” quality in that at its most extreme, each individual piece or song contains little variety within it. There is no such variety as there is in the standard classical pieces of the likes of Mozart or Beethoven, nor is there the spontaneous fluidity of jazz music from the 60s. Instead, pop music spins round and round, utilizing a narrow range of notes and the mind is left swirling and swirling. Whereas the release from listening to a classical piece is its theatre?—?the conflict, the climax, the resolution etc.?—?the pleasure in repetitive music is that it numbs you, and you find yourself hitting repeat over and over.

There is a penetrative quality to pop music in that it is more immediately possessing and seductive than other genres and once it has gripped you, it traps you within its invisible, sonic sphere. Both relate, again, to Rahu and Saturn. Saturn relates to all repetitive processes: the rise and fall of the sun, the changing seasons, the spinning of the celestial bodies in the solar system, life and death as well as time and, being itself the planet of artificial realities, it is this very endless cycle that acclimates our consciousness to reality. If reality were ever changing, if every day were not like the last, if today the sun were orange, tomorrow red, and the day after the face of a newborn baby, our minds would never have opportunity to be lulled into slumber. It is change that provokes animation. It is changes that calls attention. It is changing that sparks alertness and gets us to question, probe, investigate and eventually pierce out of the smooth bubble of planet Saturn, thereby liberating ourselves. Such phenomena as sameness and consistency are what the negative aspects of Saturn depends upon to keep beings trapped within its invisible globe, having us mindlessly go through the motions, and it is this aspect of Saturn that is very much present in modern pop music.

But, Uttara Bhadrapada is where we can acclimate to the cycles of the organisms or realties of our choosing, as it is where we separate from the grosser reality we find ourselves?—?positioning us to be “in the world, but not of the world”. By acclimating itself to a plane of its choosing, even if the current plane dissolves, Uttara Bhadrapada will always be saved for its consciousness is not even here. And it is this that brings us to another reason why Saturn is so common in the chart of musicians because Saturn is that force within music that pulls us out of the grosser reality we are in and keeps us protected in the melodic worlds of our choosing.

A fight with your co-worker? Trouble at home? What better than a Michael Jackson song to drag you away from your mundane pain and thrust you into a world of smooth criminals and choreographed zombies. Feeling low? Is it raining outside? Close the blinds and stream your favorite Taylor Swift track and it will be sunny for as long as you want it. Indeed, this aspect of music that seduces you out of your current existence and helps lock you into a created dimension of your choosing relates to Saturn but also Rahu. Rahu being the air pump that fills the bubble with your fantastic projections and Saturn being the rhythmic cycle of this bubble that maintains its sturdy shape, keeping you trapped within it and so attuned to its melody that you are cut off from mundane existence and lose touch with any other reality?—?as Saturn is the cosmic bowl that separates the cosmic waters into unique pools of water.

It is appropriate to have a small section dedicated to this nakshatra as it was the most prominent among the three so-called “Saturn ruled nakshatras”.

Uttara Bhadrapada is aspiration. It is dissatisfaction with the current “saturnian bowl” and a wish to swim in the next pool over. Stereotypically this takes the form of an ascetic yogi who, though possessing a physical body and walking on earth, tries to live life as though he were already in another plane, denying himself the most basic animalistic needs such as water or rice or human contact, starving himself of all that the body requires for life for to him he is not even the body.

Relating back to my earlier statement of Uttara Bhadrapada’s ability to be “out of tune” with whichever reality it is currently within and to force itself to become “in tune” with whichever one it chooses?—?the whole, “in the world but not of it” point?—?we can understand the nature of their romantic music. Much of love music is not about having romantic love. The most popular ones are about longing for a deep love. And even the ones that aren’t about longing always have the effect of provoking that longing within its listeners, for who romanticizes that which is already within their grasp? Again, this nakshatra is one of deep aspiration or, as goes the stereotype of the Pisces zodiac, this nakshatra is about dreams. Yes, dreams! This can be said to be the ultimate relevance of Uttara Bhadrapada within music today, to provoke within others a desire for more, something greater. It is to stir an unquenchable desire for something true and get us to dream of things beyond.

The provoking or stirring nature of this nakshatra is interesting given Venus’ relationship to it. Venus is exalted in Pisces but Venus, in her form of Ma Lakshmi, is born in Uttara Bhadrapada specifically. Venus is the agent of provocation that ignites an appetite within man. Part of the purpose of this nakshatra is to teach us that there is much more to life than we see and to inspire us to never give up in the search for this “something more”. It teaches us that this “something more” is worth even our bodies and that we need not fear even death?—?all there is to do, is let Venus be our guide.

The superficially stoic and yogic aspect of this nakshatra belies how truly passionate it is inside. It is stern with the common world, rejecting it with a cold frown, but in its heart, it sings the song of birds on high for that is its true resting place, the laws of which it follows.


it’s interesting the effect of this music, it takes you to such emotional heights that to come down from them feels like a death, as if the next step after this intense, emotional fulfillment were dissolution. A curious sentiment because it does, in fact, relate to the very position of this nakshatra?—?discovering how unfulfilling much of life is, discovering what does fill you with life and abandoning yourself to it, such that you lose yourself completely.

The heart is the part of the physiology that most closely relates to the soul, in this sense only the heart lasts after death and only the heart is constant in our many incarnations. One whose consciousness is totally merged in the soul, and not the false identity, can escape the wheel of samsara. Samsara is based in ignorance, the false lights of our earthly existence. But after many lifetimes of melting away the grime that is the body and the mind, we reveal the gold that is the heart and only the heart has access to the celestial realm. The glow of the heart, the glow of Venus, as our guide under the darkness of materiality, we soar into the true light of our own personal heaven, trailing off into the dying sun, as the winds whisper “Near… far… wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on.”

Learn more!

To Learn more about the placements listed above, read my other articles:

General description of Pushya NaksahtraGeneral description of Anuradha NaksahtraGeneral description of Uttara Bhadrapada NaksahtraPurva vs. Uttara BhadrapadaVenus in the 12th houseMercury in the 12th house

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Top Sun Nakshatra for Female Pop was originally published in AstroCommentary on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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