Stellar Insights: March 27 - April 2, 2023

10 months ago 42

With messenger Mercury uniting with expansive Jupiter this week, there’s a sense of unbridled expression.


Photo by Amy Shamblen via Unsplash

With messenger Mercury uniting with expansive Jupiter this week, there’s a sense of unbridled expression. Given they are both in Aries, we can tap into the courage it takes to give ourselves permission to name and claim the ideas that stream forth, and to communicate them with others. Boldness is the name of the game and what is expressed has the potential to catalyze new growth as well as have us advocate for causes we feel need championing. The blossoming energy of Aries may have us feel more aligned with a sense of youthfulness, inspirations that arise from instinct and which are not limited by editing. Yet, just remember that this alignment can also bring forth the desire to move quickly and communicate with rapid fire speed, as well as the impatience that can come along with this.

This week we’ve also got the union between love planet Venus and seek-independence Uranus, both in earthy Taurus. And with that, we’re encouraged to shake it up when it comes to that which we find pleasurable and beautiful. Keep an open mind in terms of how you define value and richness, allowing yourself to be surprised by who and what you find truly attractive. Additionally, in connecting us with beauty, Venus also aligns us with art; and with the Uranus tie-in, we may find ourselves connecting to and discovering artistic expression in non-expected forms.

With Venus also relating to relationships, expecting the unexpected when it comes to interactions with those you cherish. It’s a moment to realize how not only may we want to claim more freedom to be who we are, but reflecting that desire, it’s also important to gift the need for space and independence to others. Stay bouncy when it comes to social plans, considering that when Uranus is potent, pivots and detours may not only be quite common but can also open up pockets of unanticipated joy and delight.

The third notable alignment this week is a harmonious trine between assertive Mars in emotions-oriented Cancer and structured Saturn in intuitive Pisces. Thoughtfully tune in and account for what you desire and the ways in which you want to move. Tap into your feelings as to the best way to get something done. As Saturn reminds us not only of the importance of building a strong infrastructure but also how time is an essential ingredient in any recipe, going slow and not rushing towards an outcome may truly serve us well.

Given it’s a week of unbridled and instinctive communication, in which our sources of art and beauty may come from unforeseen sources, and that we can look to our feelings to see how to craft things for ourselves and others, as I was writing this, I had an out-of-the-blue idea…

I asked my 10-year-old stepdaughter Simone—a being of grace in her own right whose artistic skills and nascent interest in astrology delight me to no end—if she wanted to help me with writing this week’s Stellar Insights. I briefly shared the planetary alignments with her, and she came up with the following story/reflection. I hope you enjoy her poetic take on the week.

“There is an enormous clock that is right in front of us, that’s in the center of the earth. It’s spinning around us and shows us what our paths are and what we stand for.

There is also an enormous cloud raining down memory raindrops, which makes us have spring fever. It has an enormous entrance that is big enough to fit all of us. It is like a merry-go-round, a carousel that will always spin and spin, like the earth does, and will never stop.

There’s a big compass that is right in front of us which gives us direction based upon who we each are, pointing us to our own individual path.”

- Simone

Have a beautiful week!

xxStephanie (and Simone)

Astrological Highlights

March 28: Mercury/Jupiter Conjunction

March 30:  Venus/Uranus Conjunction; Mars/Saturn Trine

All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (-4 hours GMT)

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