Eclipse Season commencements with Mars and Mercury Squaring Saturn in Aquarius whilst Conjunct in Scorpio November 10th 2021

10 months ago 38

When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven Saturn is just as stubborn as all...

Star Medicine TarotbyTashi 2021 Nov 10

When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven Saturn is just as stubborn as all the Scorpionic force we have available in our skies right now.

Hello dear hearts,

How are you?

As the Mars and Mercury conjunction blasts its way into the 10th of November and simultaneously squares Saturn, please do not expect this week, leading up to the partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 18th/19th to be that of an easy one.

Scorpio intensity meeting with the Aquarian energy riffling through Saturn is a mess of its own.

If the days are heavy-weight, confrontational, slower paced and yet full of irony, connect it to the message of these planetary events and give way for working with those skeletons in our closet.

When Scorpio and Aquarius meet in such a manner, we are negotiating with a vicious bipolarity that cannot be tamed through logic. What many of us forget is how an Aquarian driven Saturn is just as stubborn as all the Scorpionic force we have available in our skies right now.

So, what is the actual tension all about? Could it be that such conjunctions and squares are fighting for the same King? I would like to think so but there is actually a catch, and we are all going to be potentially deceived by it.

Before I announce in red-writing what the catch here is, could we take a sweet moment to examine just how impatient we are becoming? If we are noticing our anxieties, needs and expectations getting raised without explanation, we can too, connect this to the oh so intense cosmic condition.

There are a handful of reasons for this fuss and one of them is another voice that wishes to speak. If we just take the time to listen, or rest enough to let the communication process through us, the entire approach to this Eclipse Season should firmly align.

A dear friend of mine has made her way into the mountains to simply be, the call for solitude and contemplation are speaking to her. I concur, as such planetary influences need all the quiet and aloneness we can get. They are not silent diggers of our fates! These planetary influencers are the bigger players when it comes to what makes and shakes this world, we need to know how strongly placed such squares and conjunctions can be, as well as the leap of opportunity that is often underestimated within them.

If we read my own Diary entry from the last few days, it would read how heavy things have been atmospherically and, how hard it has been to adjust to the cosmic condition well-enough to enable its opportunities. You would also read about the weather itself and how the grey in the Sky strengthened as Saturns squaring approached. I wrote in bold: please do not condemn your anxieties, needs and impatient demands, for them to be calling out to you with more emphasis proves of their importance.

Going over this with you now confirms that we have to enthusiastically apply a gentleness as all of this dirt starts to become visible. I am not solely referring to a personal level here, a lot of collective dirt is about to present itself and as that becomes apparent, I do not think it is going to be easy for us to all emit tenderness, but we are going to have to try.

It is going to be natural to witness flair ups of power-struggles, the blame game and long put to rest disappointments resurface. We will too, hear about just how fed up so many of us are and borderline incapable of marching on with the same optimism that was present when 2020 first started.

The Catch is however: to not assume the exhaustion a permanent phase, to not get comfortable in the will of stagnation. We will be deceived if we think this slump is part of the long-term cosmic condition for it is not.

Since we rarely can control the pressure-cooker like experience of Eclipse Season, let us do what we can to be present for how it wishes to exchange with us. As many Astrologers are saying, this month is cosmically noisy and so will the dying portion of the year be. In apprehending all of this, you may stumble into that ticket of opportunity and unleash what both Scorpio and Aquarius have in common: POWER.

Even though the Planets are currently challenging they are simultaneously empowering, and Scorpio wont shy away from the challenge, Scorpio organically thrives when provoked.

Lets pick up the pieces of where our POWER currently lives by noting down where the Scorpio/Taurus axis is situated in our Star Maps. To understand how the lessons will unfold for us personally, let us make a note of where Aquarius and Leo is.

Whatever rugged sense of progress is in the air, appreciate the grounding because whether Saturn in Aquarius likes it or not, Mars, the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio are going to kick that discipliner in his bottom. Uranus in Taurus as well as the upcoming Eclipse is supporting this.

What exactly happens when Saturn gets a big kick in the bum?


He no longer manoeuvres the fates so rigidly.

He will have to negotiate.

So, I guess what this means is, NO World War 3.

Love, Light and Cosmic Conditions,


Ps. As we are magnetised towards the Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, things will matter. I am talking about literal, useful and collected things. What we own, our possessions, what makes us feel safe, our self-worth, our bare and naked essentials, all of what we refer to, our references and above all, that which we earn to survive. As these themes start to make noise, please keep a pen and paper handy as there will come a time, wherein you will need to remember. If you ask me personally, I am sincerely looking forward to this Eclipse Season.

The post Eclipse Season commencements with Mars and Mercury Squaring Saturn in Aquarius whilst Conjunct in Scorpio November 10th 2021 appeared first on TarotbyTashi.

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