December 17th, 2023: Waxing Sextile

9 months ago 72

Waxing Sextile between the Aquarius Moon and Sagittarius Sun (25 deg)Venus in Scorpio quincunx Chiron Rx in Aries (15 deg)The Waxing Sextile is an opportunity to progress via innovation and exploration. Freedom is emphasized - the freedom to travel,...

Waxing Sextile between the Aquarius Moon and Sagittarius Sun (25 deg)

Venus in Scorpio quincunx Chiron Rx in Aries (15 deg)

The Waxing Sextile is an opportunity to progress via innovation and exploration. Freedom is emphasized - the freedom to travel, learn, stand apart from the crowd. You can step out of line and discover some benefits that you would never have seen otherwise. But it's up to you to act on this - there's no tension here to compel change so you can just as easily let it pass you by. 

Venus/Chiron is the jab of insecurity. The desire for a deeper connection may be stunted by fear of rejection (you come off as too heavy). And it's true that going beneath the surface won't be painless - a relationship moment will be awkward and heavy or wounds will get in the way of what you really want. Hurt cannot be avoided but rather than shutting down or becoming obsessive, consider honouring what's secret/intense while making room for the inevitable vulnerability. 

By Victor Wang - Provided by the author Victor Wang, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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