December 20th, 2023: Vesta Rx Returns To Gemini

9 months ago 50

Vesta retrograde backs into Gemini from Cancer at 5:06 am EST. You're returning to a fact, choice or duality that requires extra attention. You may be looking inwards as you re-evaluate a previous focus. Did you miss something? Vesta's absolute...

Vesta retrograde backs into Gemini from Cancer at 5:06 am EST. You're returning to a fact, choice or duality that requires extra attention. You may be looking inwards as you re-evaluate a previous focus. Did you miss something? 

Vesta's absolute energy means certain things can be overlooked due to tunnel vision. Now, you have a rare chance to look at the other side of the issue or the other choice. Or, perhaps you're reconfirming the sacredness of a message or mode of communication - Vesta is the flame of devotion (what's inviolate) and here it may be questioned or confirmed. Don't be afraid to look as closely as possible at an area of multi-tasking.

Gemini also rules siblings, students, twins, hands and tricksters so these one or more of these issues may require your undivided attention. 

Vesta will station direct on Feb 8th at 21 deg, exiting Gemini for Cancer on Mar 31st. 

Painting by Joseph Thurman Pearson, Jr.: Wikimedia Commons

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