December 22nd, 2023: Sun Conjunct Mercury Rx

9 months ago 58

Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Capricorn (0 deg)Mars in Sagittarius square Juno in Virgo (20 deg)The inferior conjunction marks the halfway point of Mercury's retrograde. This is clarity about why delays have been occurring - you understand, you get...

Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Capricorn (0 deg)

Mars in Sagittarius square Juno in Virgo (20 deg)

The inferior conjunction marks the halfway point of Mercury's retrograde. This is clarity about why delays have been occurring - you understand, you get the message. It's happening at the very first degree of Capricorn and the next day Mercury backs into Sagittarius, so this adds extra significance- a tradition or responsibility is hi-lighted and you are compelled to go back and look more closely at a belief. You know more which leads to more questions.

Sagittarius to Capricorn is the shift from potential to reality. At this moment, something about that shift is not quite right so you need to backtrack. Maybe the definition needs to be reworked. Maybe the truth about what you signed up for is finally emerging.

Mars square Juno (in Mercury-ruled Virgo) adds some tense moments in a relationship contract. Actions are pushy as one person's impatience reveals a disagreement over how the contract should proceed. Certain details cannot be rushed. Or, dwelling on what's "broken" will disable progress. Arguments over commitment are likely.

This crisis point draws your attention to radically different approaches to the partnership, but also a possible flaw in relationship. Sun/Mercury delivers essential information about this, plus a prompt to go back and rewrite some aspects of the contract.

Painting by Philip Hermogenes Calderon: Wikimedia Commons

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