December 23rd, 2023: Mercury Rx Enters Sagittarius

9 months ago 41

Mercury Rx backs into Sagittarius (1:17 am EST)Mercury Rx opposite Vesta in Gemini (29 deg)Mercury retrograde re-enters to Sagittarius, so you're returning to a belief, promise or hope. Maybe this is a second chance to put your belief into...

Mercury Rx backs into Sagittarius (1:17 am EST)

Mercury Rx opposite Vesta in Gemini (29 deg)

Mercury retrograde re-enters to Sagittarius, so you're returning to a belief, promise or hope. Maybe this is a second chance to put your belief into words or say "yes". Or, maybe what was promised hasn't delivered so you need to go back and look more closely. Is your belief still valid? Perhaps there's more to learn.

This is about reading the fine print that you initially overlooked. Or, reconsidering your philosophy/sales pitch.

The opposition to Vesta (in Mercury-ruled Gemini) says an exclusive focus is being challenged. A specific detail, choice or duality is receiving an opposing view- you need to look beyond this detail, even though it feels sacred. If it's truly worthy, it can handle some questioning.

Mercury was last at 29 deg Sagittarius on Nov 30th/Dec 1st so this is roughly the timeframe you're returning to. A message/messenger from the past can emerge, urging you to question the big picture.

Mercury stations direct on Jan 1st at 22 deg, exiting Sagittarius on Jan 13th.

I’ve written a post outlining the major aspects and ingresses for 2024. Available for the $1 Patreon tier.

Painting by Walter Gay : Wikimedia Commons

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