December 24th, 2023: Yes, but...

9 months ago 45

Waxing Inconjunct between the Gemini Moon and Capricorn Sun (2 deg)Moon square Saturn in Pisces (2 deg)Sun sextile Saturn (2 deg)The Waxing Inconjunct is a final, awkward adjustment before the culmination of the Dec 26th Cancer Full Moon. Additional...

Waxing Inconjunct between the Gemini Moon and Capricorn Sun (2 deg)

Moon square Saturn in Pisces (2 deg)

Sun sextile Saturn (2 deg)

The Waxing Inconjunct is a final, awkward adjustment before the culmination of the Dec 26th Cancer Full Moon. Additional choices or messages arrive and disrupt traditions/authority. There are a couple more details to consider and you may feel reluctant because it's a bit messy - the neatly defined issue has some addendums. The matter is not black and white - there are dualities and shades of grey as you see that the person in control has another side or the confirmation has a "Yes, but..."

Adding to the difficulty, the Moon squares Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) so those choices will be enforced. Or, you may feel doubt, anxiety, depression as you struggle to navigate multiplicities while the weight of responsibility or solitude bears down. It's uncomfortable and maybe you just want to passively go along with the rules but you have to consider the questions. 

It's complicated and you're tired.

Sun in harmony with Saturn is what you can fall back on. Yes, there will be annoying extras to deal with. But if you approach this with maturity and patience, you can work through it. There's no ego here - you'll have to give something up and work quietly. Maybe no one will notice your skillful management of last-minute info but this is not about applause. It's about the adjustments you have to make. Do it right and your reward will consist of arriving at the Full Moon with the knowledge that you identified the correct choice, wrangled the dangling questions and corralled the random bits of intel while keeping your eye on your ultimate goal. 

I've written a post outlining the major aspects and ingresses for 2024. Available for the $1 Patreon tier.

Painting by Glyn Warren Philpot: Wikimedia Commons

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