The Cold Full Moon In Cancer

10 months ago 42

The Cancer Full Moon is the last full moon of the year. See what’s in store for you.

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

On December 26, the last and longest Full Moon of 2023 will occur at 4:33 PM Pacific Standard Time and 7:33 PM Eastern Standard Time. It will be in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, which symbolizes a significant emotional release to welcome the new year. This marks the completion of a story that started a year and a half ago during the New Moon in Cancer on June 28, 2022. We are concluding that narrative and transitioning towards a state of enlightenment will provide us with insight into past events and allow us to move forward into 2024 positively.


Under the influence of the Full Moon, Jupiter retrograde in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces offers us an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our emotions and expand our perspective. With Jupiter's optimistic influence, we can bring good energy into our lives and look at the bigger picture of our circumstances. Additionally, Saturn's influence allows us to ground ourselves and recognize the significance of our sentiments and how they affect others. We can take this opportunity to make amends and offer apologies if necessary, and vice versa. Also, we will understand how our actions can impact others and how we want to augment that in the future. All of the things that we've been holding within ourselves are going to come to a boiling point, offering us a chance to release them and let them go, which is a perfect way to end the new year because then we won't be dragging this energy into 2024.


Black Moon Lilith, which is currently in Virgo, will add a tinge of tenacity to the lunation, offering us the strength to break out of old habits and feelings we've been holding within ourselves. The fixed star Tejat Prior aligns with the Full Moon, offering up a tender send-off to the energy. Be careful, as this fixed star can stir up old drama — especially since Mercury is still moonwalking through its retrograde journey.


December 26 also marks the end of the retrograde journey of the centaur Chiron that started on July 23. This is a crucial moment for us to heal ourselves and others. It's essential to avoid bringing up topics that may trigger others and lead to conflicts. Instead, we should aim to learn from our past experiences and embrace the wisdom of the universe by choosing a higher vibration.


Let's leverage this Full Moon to our benefit, and use it as a driving force to grow and transform. It's an opportune time to work on ourselves and become more attuned to our emotions. All we need to do is walk away from issues tugging at our hearts and trust our instincts while being mindful of our internal voice.



What To Manifest?

Now is the perfect time to cleanse and fortify your home with some magical protection. One effective way to do this is by using Florida Water to get rid of any lingering negative energy that may have accumulated in your living space. Be sure to pay special attention to the room's corners and the areas near the doors while cleaning.


Another way to eliminate negativity is by cleansing with herbs like cedar and black sage. After that, take either a white or silver candle, as these are the colors most closely associated with the zodiac sign Cancer, to purify your home and protect your energy. Take a moment to close your eyes and focus on what you want to protect and cultivate.


light the candle while keeping your intentions in mind. Doing this will help you clear away any negative emotions that have been weighing you down and give you a fresh start.


How Will The Full Moon Affect You?


This is your time to connect with yourself on a deeper level and honor your intuitive instincts.



Opt for kindness and consider how your words may affect the person you're speaking to.



You are experiencing a positive self-image, which leads to an increase in your confidence.



You're letting go and releasing emotions which is freeing your heart up.



It's time to decompress and focus on ring things that are positive for your mind, body, and spirit.



Old friends are returning to your life, which is why you should welcome them with open arms.



You're finding a new direction in your work, which gives you the energy needed to set new goals.



Your perspective on matters is changing, offering a chance to see the larger picture of your life.



Use your intuition to gain a deeper understanding of your feelings towards circumstances.



Strengthening relationships can lead to a stronger bond between you and the people who matter most to you.



Allow yourself to be more flexible with your daily routine and embrace the flow of life.



Your creativity will reach its peak, enabling you to utilize your ingenuity and artistic skills.

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