2024 Tiger Horoscope and Feng Shui Secrets

10 months ago 57

Discover the Tiger horoscope for 2024, the year of the Wood Dragon! The Chinese New Year will begin on February 10, 2024 and will… The post 2024 Tiger Horoscope and Feng Shui Secrets first appeared on .

Discover the Tiger horoscope for 2024, the year of the Wood Dragon! The Chinese New Year will begin on February 10, 2024 and will bring a lot of prosperity in the lives of those born under the sign of the Tiger.

Since the dragon is a representation of strength, significant changes will occur and Tigers will receive great opportunities, luck and wealth.

The Tiger is a majestic animal that symbolizes strength and luxury, while the Dragon is a magical creature that brings prosperity and life force. These two signs will encounter each other in the year 2024, and they may have some disagreements.

This means that the year will be full of new experiences for the Tiger natives, some of them easy, some of them hard.

According to the Chinese zodiac, the Tiger belongs to the wood element and the Dragon belongs to the earth element. The wood element dominates the earth element, in the cycle of the 5 elements. This can create a conflict between these signs in the year 2024. So, it will be wise for Tigers to avoid arguments and control their sharp words from the start of the year to prevent troubles.

In 2024, the Tiger natives will face some highs and lows in all aspects of their lives, and they should stay away from risky investments and impulsive choices.

To understand how the Tiger and the Dragon relate and what challenges the Tiger natives will have to overcome to succeed this year, imagine how hard it is for a tree (Tiger wood) to grow on rocky mountains (the earth of the Dragon).

But, in Chinese mythology, when the Tiger and the Dragon join forces, they become unstoppable. They are both so driven that everything they do is not only good, but extraordinary.

So, in 2024 we can expect Tigers to aim for leadership and their ambition to be boosted by the Dragon energy.

Money & Career

In 2024, the North- Eastern direction will be influenced by the 6th Star, which represents guidance, fortune and professional achievement. This is a favorable star for the Ox and Tiger people, who can benefit from its positive energy and attract mentors or benefactors in their career.

Your work relationships will not be very harmonious this year. You may experience some conflicts and frustrations. You may also tend to be stubborn and independent, neglecting the importance of teamwork. This will make work a major source of stress for you.

Financially, the Tiger will go through a period of transition in 2024, a period of re-evaluation of his priorities. It would be advisable for him to adopt a balanced and calm attitude that will allow him to reflect on what matters most to him.

The Dragon Year 2024 is an ideal time for the Tiger to clarify his financial goals. With the help of the lucky star Yi Ma ??, which will boost his confidence and motivation, the Tiger will make some smart financial decisions. He will be able to expand his existing investments and start new ones, which will increase his income.

2 Feng Shui Tools for Success in 2024

In 2024, Tigers could encounter unique problems in their connection with the Dragon. These problems might seem complicated, but there’s a method to strengthen their defenses and handle these complicated situations.

Tigers can use Feng Shui objects like powerful good luck charms to keep them safe and balanced during the Year of the Dragon. Below are two important Feng Shui items that Tigers should think about.

Good Karma Bracelet Set of Luck & SuccessCheck the price
Tiger's Eye Lava Onyx Wrap Check the price

The Tiger’s lucky numbers for 2024 are 3, 9, 12, 18, 24 and 36. These numbers could lead to success and prosperity in the Year of the Dragon.

The color that will bring luck to the Tiger in 2024 is green which is also the color declared to be lucky by feng shui experts globally. Green stands for balance, vibrancy and harmony, which are essential for the Tiger in a year of challenges like 2024.

I also have a special treat for you today. I want to share with you an audiobook that will help you discover the secrets of Chinese astrology and Feng Shui. The book is called “Feng Shui Modern” and it is written by Cliff Tan, a renowned expert in this field. He will teach you how to use your own style and colors to create harmony and prosperity in any space, whether it’s a small studio or a large mansion. And guess what? You can get this audiobook for free ! Isn’t that amazing? See It


The Year of the Dragon 2024 will bring romance to the Tiger, who may encounter new prospects for love. However, he should be careful not to set unrealistic standards that could ruin his chances.

For those who are already in a relationship, the Tiger should focus on keeping the spark alive and avoiding boredom and delay. He should also watch out for his jealous tendencies, which could cause conflicts with his partner.

Some plans may have to wait, but the second half of 2024 will be more favorable for communication and understanding between couples. The Tiger should make the most of this period and share his deepest feelings and emotions with his partner, as romance will be abundant throughout 2024.

Single Tigers will feel the urgent need to have a relationship. Although this will awaken their inner fire and creativity, they will also have a disadvantage, which is that they will run in circles and look for love in the most inappropriate people. Love won’t come from a one-night stand, nor will they find it at a party.

The best way to find love is to take a look at those mates you’ve been reluctant with lately, because one of them will rekindle the flame of love in you.

On the other hand, it’s a year of breakups for some natives. There will be many relationships that will end up falling apart during this year.

If you’re wondering if there’s any chance of saving the relationship, the answer is yes. It’s all about passion and lust. If you’re the one who has started to stop feeling that burning fire, then don’t try anything else, all will be lost. But if it’s about the feelings of the one/someone next to you, take on an uninhibited role and the relationship will be reborn.

2024 Tiger Horoscope by Element

In Chinese astrology, the sign of the Tiger is under the influence of one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal or Water. Each element confers specific attributes to the Tiger and molds its overall experiences in the Year of the Dragon. Let’s see the horoscope predictions for those born in Tiger according to their birth year:

Wood Tiger (Born 1974):

Tigers born in 1974 will focus on work at the beginning of 2024, and later in the year they will give priority to private matters. Courage and an will of iron will help them achieve their goals. They won’t be put in awkward, difficult situations, so they handle any kind of endeavour well, without needing to turn to others. On the business front, it’s time for the Wood Tigers to complete and review old projects.

 Fire Tiger (Born 1986):

The year 2024 promises to be a year of many accomplishments for the 1986-born Tigers. They will be much more focused on personal development and from the first months of the year they are confident of completing all their professional projects.

Even though they will be faced with some delicate career decisions, Fire Tigers should not be in a hurry and should consider very carefully all the options available to them.

Earth Tiger (Born 1998):

Tigers born in 1998 will experience plenty of achievements and satisfactions thanks to their hard work and determination to excel every time.

Despite being taken by surprise by certain events, the Earth Tigers will manage to overcome them and manage to find a solution even when they least expect it. There will be ups and downs in their love life, but they shouldn’t worry because these problems will work themselves out.

 Metal Tiger (Born 1950):

Although Tigers born in 1950 will not experience serious health problems during 2024, it is recommended to have relevant tests done to know what stage their health is at. This way, it will be possible for Metal Tigers to determine if there is any inconvenience, as it will be the perfect time to take the necessary measures and improve any potential anomalies, however small

 Water Tiger (Born 1962, 2022):

Tigers born in 1962 will enjoy many happy moments with their loved ones, as there will be a great possibility to get a promotion at work if they are still employed or make a good profit from their business.

Water Tigers will go through a quiet period during the Dragon Year 2024 which they have not lived for a long time. They will enjoy peace and well-being in couple .

Tiger’s Monthly Prediction for 2024


In February, the Tigers will enjoy many social events and gatherings with friends. They will have a busy schedule, and they might not have much time for themselves. Their work and financial efforts might not pay off as much as they hope, but they should not lose hope or motivation. They should keep working hard and persevere.
This month, the Tigers should be careful with their money and avoid risky investments. They might lose money or face financial difficulties if they are not prudent. They should also focus on their work and be diligent and responsible. They should avoid spending too much on unnecessary social activities.?


In March, the Tigers will have a great financial luck. They will benefit from their investments and financial management. They might also get promoted or receive a raise at work. However, they might have some conflicts with the older or younger members of their family over minor issues, which might even lead to some injuries. They should be careful of their health and safety.


This April, the Tigers should pay attention to their health and avoid dangerous sports activities, such as rock climbing and mountain climbing. They might get hurt or sprain themselves if they are not cautious. They should also avoid traveling for business or pleasure this month, as it might cause them trouble or stress. They should also maintain a positive and optimistic attitude this month.


In May, the Tigers will be in a very good mood, and they will have a good luck in all aspects. However, they should not put too much pressure on themselves in their work or school. They should do their best and be satisfied with their performance. As for health, they should take care of their sleep quality and go to bed early at night.


In June 2024, the Tigers can expect a lot of success in their academic pursuits. Students should seize this opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge. For the working Tigers, they should challenge themselves by taking exams to obtain more qualifications, which can boost their career prospects. In terms of love and relationship, the singles will have a high chance of finding a romantic partner and getting married. However, they should not rush into anything, but seek the guidance of their family elders.

The post 2024 Tiger Horoscope and Feng Shui Secrets first appeared on .

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