Full Moon: The Power of Surrender

10 months ago 63

If you ‘do’ Moonology, you will know that every Full Moon, we’re invited to surrender to the rhythm of the universe and release what no longer serves us. But – there is a big but! This is not about...

If you ‘do’ Moonology, you will know that every Full Moon, we’re invited to surrender to the rhythm of the universe and release what no longer serves us.

But – there is a big but!

This is not about idly sitting back and doing nothing and expecting everything to come to you by Moon magic…

Rather, it’s about actively engaging in the art of surrender—a concept beautifully woven into the practice of Moonology and something I learned about for real in 2005 during my first visit to the Sri Narayani Peedam ashram in India.

As the Full Moon casts its silvery light, we’re reminded of the ebb and flow of our own lives. I encourage you to embrace this  Full Moon moment as an opportunity for release and renewal.

Let’s delve into the transformative power of surrender and how it can open doors to the new…

Understanding Surrender:

– Surrender vs. Inaction: Surrender is often misunderstood as a passive state of inaction. In truth, it’s a very dynamic spiritual gesture, an active participation in the Divine ebb and flow of the universe.

It’s a conscious release of our grip on the reins of life, trusting that the cosmic currents will carry us to our next chapter.

– The Gift of Surrender: Surrender should be seen as a Divine gift that we give ourselves; an opportunity bestowed upon us by the Universe or God. It’s an invitation to step back from our ego and to trust in the higher powers at play.

This surrender is not a forfeit of power but a strategic retreat, allowing the universe to unveil its plans.

Engaging with the Universe:

In the midst of life’s chaos, surrender teaches us to find stillness. It is an art form where stepping back allows us to observe the storm without getting caught in it. This act of stepping back isn’t about disengagement but about re-aligning ourselves with the tranquil and purposeful energy of the universe.

The Full Moon is our monthly reminder to let go.

As it shines brightly, it illuminates areas that require our attention and release. This luminary phase guides us in shedding the unnecessary, so we may manifest anew. It’s a cyclical cue for release, as natural as the tides drawn by the moon’s own gravitational pull.

Manifesting with the Moon:

To manifest effectively, we need to consider what we offer to the field of infinite potential. The universe echoes back the energy we put out; so reflecting on and refining our offerings is crucial.

It’s about sending out vibrations that resonate with the experiences we wish to attract.

And at Full Moon, it’s about showing the universe we have faith in our own highest good.

Lunar Rituals for Release

Incorporating the Full Moon exercises into our spiritual practice as taught in my Moonology Diary 2024 can significantly enhance your ability to surrender and manifest.

These rituals might involve writing down what we wish to release and burning the paper, or perhaps meditating in the moonlight, envisioning the dissolving of old patterns. There are 12 Full Moon rituals in the as taught in my Moonology Diary 2024.

Summing up; the Full Moon is a monthly invitation to engage in the powerful act of surrender.

It’s an active alignment with the cosmos, an acceptance that sometimes, the most powerful action we can take is to trust in the universe’s wisdom.

By surrendering, we not only honor the natural cycles of the Moon but also celebrate the cycles within our lives and the greater cosmic tapestry.

So tonight, under the Full Moon’s watchful eye, release and trust in the magic of surrender, and may we be transformed in the process.

Get your guide to surrender!

If you don’t already have a copy of my as taught in my Moonology Diary 2024, grab it now before it sells out!

And then join our communities and join me in the sacred practice of surrender at each Full Moon. All the details for how to do that are in the diary.

Plus if you register your copy here, you’ll get literally hundreds of dollars/pounds/euros worth of freebies.

Together, we can discover the boundless joy and peace that comes from trusting in the universe’s plan…

The post Full Moon: The Power of Surrender appeared first on Yasmin Boland.

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