Chiron Turns Direct at 15 Aries, Healing moves

12 months ago 54

Chiron stations Direct December 26, 2023 at the mid-degree of fiery warrior sign Aries after 5 months of Retrograde motion since July 23 at 19 degrees 58' in his annual refkection in a cave and nursing his wounds period...

Chiron stations Direct December 26, 2023 at the mid-degree of fiery warrior sign Aries after 5 months of Retrograde motion since July 23 at 19 degrees 58? in his annual refkection in a cave and nursing his wounds period according to Greek Mythology. It will take until April 18,2024 for Chiron to overtake his Retrograde degree and real healing begins.

Was it any wonder that the Barbie movie premiered with Chiron Retrograde in Aries and Ken discovers the Patriarchy and reveals men;s wounds too by Barbieland as well as mirror women’s treatnent by Patriarchy?

CHIRON STATION at 15 ARIES is a very powerful degree.?All mid-degrees are strong. The War in Gaza/Israel started under this Chiron Retro and today Retrograde Mercury, conjunct warrior Mars in Sagittarius,on the 27th?is Clashes over religious ideologies, racism, and major protests about unholy or libelous wars will escalate under this aspect. Mars conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is an unholy war, all wars are unholy ironically fought for “religious reasons” for Centuries. I remember wiriting how the aspcts in the world replicated the Crusades of the 12th Century.

Chiron Retrogrades every year for 5 months. Last year it was from July 19 2022 to December 23, 2022, from 16 degrees 26 ‘Aries to 11 degrees 56 minutes, turning stationary Direct NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS.We were address and redress physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It took until April 16,2023 until Chiron trots ahead past his Retrograde Stationary degree.

If you have any planets at mid-degrees of CARDINAL of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn you will feel the push of this station fully.

During these periods we can do the deepest healing of our wounds if we surrender to them. That is the only way to get healed. The ARIES major alert macho defense system does not heal, it is attempting to be heroically masculine.

The truest and strongest heroes must be able to also be vulnerable and lay down their arms and their shields and their guns.

The greatest strength is being vulnerable. There is no war except our internal split between matter and spirit. To keep defending ourselves against our own pain is futile.

Heroic Toxic masculinity started thousands of years ago. It was ratified in the Old Testament by declaring an inherent insecure position by trying to conquer and control the Great Mother, to split off from Mother Earth and natural instincts and intuition and man’s own Inner Divine Feminine. The warrior, Colonialism, capitalism and top down survival of the fittest, the illusion of the individual stems from the masculine biological competitive nature, but this is not all of what a man is. Hierarchies are woven into our culture so we think they are natural but they are not.

A true warrior knows when to be vulnerable and intimate and honor his own nurturing Divine Feminine and to honor it in women and to create real intimacy and joy in relationships.

CHIRON was a wise healer in Greek Mythology. Part centaur, part human, part immortal, in Greek mythology he was a revered figure and taught the human Asclepius the arts of healing. There were numerous healing temples in ancient Greece founded by Asclepius based on Chiron’s teachings. There temples healed using plant medicines and dreams.

Chiron, whose symbol looks like a key is a space object classified differently by different organizations. A Centaur-half human half horse a la Sagittarius, Chiron in Greek Mythology was rejected by his Mother and learned to become an excellent teacher and healer. He was immortal but one part of him, like Heracles was mortal and in that vulnerable spot of course he was wounded. He gave up his Immortality and became mortal in order to stop the pain and die and was immortalized in the sky.

The Chiron Mythology describes our own humanness and frailities. How it is that we become wounded in the flesh, we have to suffer pain consciously, by expressing the pain, we allow the old wounds to die and we become healed, whole, conscious. We become once again immortal, as we came into this mortality.

By crying out to the Gods and Goddesses with our pain, by owning it, and crying out for healing of what ails us, by going through our pain and suffering we are empowered to get past it.

Chiron moving Retrograde enable a major healing time, layers of the pain onion are peeled back over this time period. You will feel more vulnerable,sensitive, and more aware of what ails yee. Be aware that people and events will trigger you to connect with the buried pain inside of you so that you can work with it. This time is also a Mini healing crisis and we may feel that salt is being rubbed into our wounds.

This 5 month period is a time to heal TOXIC MASCULINITY, and our anger in general which is intergenerational PTSD anger, our instinctive defences and any walls we have put up to being intimate within others and with ourselves. There is unconscious toxic anger and defence against being open and intimate. Men have been taught to be warriors strong silent loners independent and women have been taught to be vulnerable, dependent and weak. Venus was originally the Goddess of LOVE & WAR. Therefore MARS must also have a Strong warrior and A passionate lover and defender of Venus.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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