December 29th, 2023: Venus Enters Sagittarius

9 months ago 50

Waning Inconjunct between the Leo Moon and Capricorn Sun (7 deg)Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (29 deg)Venus enters Sagittarius (3:23 pm EST)The Waning Inconjunct is an uncomfortable adjustment between work and play. The rules still need to...

Waning Inconjunct between the Leo Moon and Capricorn Sun (7 deg)

Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (29 deg)

Venus enters Sagittarius (3:23 pm EST)

The Waning Inconjunct is an uncomfortable adjustment between work and play. The rules still need to be followed but there's also a prompt to show off. There's nothing wrong with celebrating your success - you may be tempted to hold back because it feels childish or excessive, but you'll notice growing feelings of resentment. Don't be afraid to inject some joy into your life  - this will not invalidate your discipline. You've worked hard and you deserve some recognition. 

Venus' final aspect before she exits Pluto-ruled Scorpio is a sextile to Pluto. This grace note delivers moments of love, affection or self-esteem that are based on the understanding that what you have has increased in power. The relationship quietly intensifies, happiness becomes more profound, the gift is satisfying. This is a transformative moment but it happens without drama and perhaps it's hidden- there's a deeply felt shift as everything falls into place. Again, this is quiet, so quiet in fact that you may overlook it.

Then, Venus enters the sign of optimism and exploration. There's more to experience, give, receive. You're attracted to what's different and there's a freer approach to love, money, happiness. 

Venus in Sag invites you to consider new possibilities - things will get better if you step outside your comfort zone. If you've felt limited, this transit can open things up. You're invited to travel, learn or consider new avenues of happiness. Things may look brighter for no discernible reason - just go with it. Have faith that you can attract what you want. 

I've written a post outlining the major aspects and ingresses for 2024. Available for the $1 Patreon tier.

Painting by José García y Ramos: Wikimedia Commons

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