Your 2024 horoscope

10 months ago 175

Happy New Year! Welcome to your horoscopes for the year ahead. For more information regarding the main astrological themes of the year, you can check out our article on the five major shifts happening in 2024. We’re wishing you...

Collage for your 2024 Year Ahead horoscopes.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to your horoscopes for the year ahead. For more information regarding the main astrological themes of the year, you can check out our article on the five major shifts happening in 2024. We’re wishing you an enriching, expansive, and prosperous 2024.

Your 2024 horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or our website. We really appreciate your support — and you.

The following horoscopes were written by Grace Mungovan.


Aries glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Aries & Aries Rising

2024 is a year of growth and grace.

When Chiron, the minor planet known for healing, links up with the ravenous North Node of the Moon on February 19th, your cravings for wholeness surge. Any wounds surrounding your self-confidence, vitality, or body will demand fiery first aid — ASAP. You may feel called to work with certain teachers, practitioners, or guides around this time. Heed your intuition to do so.

On April 1st, Mercury — the planet of communication — spins retrograde in Aries, sparking mishaps, bloopers, and miscommunications in your place of self and identity. This retrograde brings an opportunity to reassess how you articulate your ideas and use confusion to propel you toward clarified thoughts.

April 8th presents a threshold moment in your journey of self-reclamation. On this date, a North Node eclipse and Chiron cazimi (aka conjunction with the Sun) in Aries coincide. Both events will spur you toward bold realizations, encouraging you to face the inner ghosts or shadows that have been blocking you from fully thriving. If you feel inundated with limiting narratives on or around this day, remember that they’re surfacing to be witnessed and cleared. Give yourself extra rest, TLC, and compassion.

When Mars, the planet of action, teams up with the North Node in Aries on May 19th, restlessness, irritability, and increased ambition ensue. Summon your patience at this time — with others, as well as yourself. When the warrior planet aligns with Chiron a week later, on May 25th, you’re reacquainted with your anger — and the messages it’s trying to relay. Vent to release the heat, but also get curious about what frustration has to teach you when it comes to breached boundaries, and how you can patch them up again.

 2024 is a year of confrontation that requires bravery. But in grappling with your inner saboteurs and plugging back into your power, you emerge cleansed, purified, and better able to radiate your unique light out into the world.

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Taurus glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Taurus & Taurus Rising

2024 offers up a radiant and radical reboot for your career, greater calling, and/or relationship with yourself.

Pluto’s final stint in Capricorn — where it’s been since 2008 — has you tying up loose threads in your long-range plans, travels, and educational goals. The planet of mysteries, wealth, and underworld journeys has been drifting between signs since March of 2023, but on November 19th, it drops anchor in Aquarius, where it will emit shockwaves until 2044.

For you, this begins a 20-year metamorphosis of your life’s most meaningful work and public contributions. Pluto always initiates cycles of death and rebirth, so expect to release the aspirations and projects that aren’t aligned for you. Doing so paves the way for fresh, innovative ideas to beam in — ones that you will implement with increasing depth, clarity, and power over the next two decades. This is a legacy-carving transit, and you will ultimately be remembered by your community for many of the gifts, talents, and attributes that are activated during this stretch.

Meanwhile, Jupiter — the planet of growth and luck — remains in your sign, where it’s been relaxing since May of 2023. The beginning of this year ushers in a final round of expansion in the arena of your identity, confidence, body, and vitality. This healing journey culminates on April 20th, when Jupiter links up with unpredictable Uranus, offering a rejuvenating opportunity for reinvention. Get playful with your image around this date. If you’ve been toying with more risky or authentic social personas, dare to claim them. Not to be outdone, the lush Jupiter cazimi on May 18th closes out this pivotal transit by showering you with one last influx of blessings. Consider yourself astrologically reborn.

The greater benefic then enters Gemini on May 25th, making your money and resources rain. If you tap into an abundance of intriguing ideas for new income streams or ways to restructure your relationship with your assets this year, roll with it. This financial love story is just getting started.

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Gemini glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Gemini & Gemini Rising

This year, let your curiosity lead the way.

On May 25th, Jupiter — the planet of abundance and wisdom — enters Gemini, blessing the realm of your self-perception, style, body, and vitality. In other words, the year’s biggest celestial party is being thrown in your honor. Expect goodie bags galore. Jupiter amplifies whatever it touches, and when in Gemini, it boosts your inquisitiveness, wordplay, and charm. This once-in-12-year transit helps you radiate good cheer and attract appreciative audiences for your ideas.

The greater benefic also aids our healing, so this is a potent year to tend to the places where your self-esteem, energy levels, and clarity are lower than you would like. Because Gemini is ruled by chatty Mercury, talking through your problems with teachers, mentors, or friends can help you release stagnant perspectives on your potential and broadcast your talents with greater ease.

When Jupiter forms a challenging square with Saturn — the planet of limitations — on August 19th and December 24th, inner or outer obstacles to actualizing your abilities may become more tedious. It could also feel tough to pick a lane. The solve? Focus on channeling your efforts diligently in one direction. Devotion to a singular project or cause melts all roadblocks (eventually).

While most of this year’s eclipses dance across the Aries / Libra axis — where they’ve been launching surprises in your social groups and creative life since July of 2023 — this year also features a North Node eclipse in Pisces, the teaser event to when the nodes formally switch signs in early 2025. Notice what activates your hunger surrounding your career, public roles, or greater calling on or around September 17th. Jot down what you fantasize about accomplishing or contributing to your community during this time, and brainstorm practical routines, structures, or containers that will help you achieve your aspirations. Eclipses are never predictable, so be prepared for mischief — but in this mutable water sign, there may be a dose of magic too.

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Collage for Venus in Taurus

Cancer & Cancer Rising

2024 has you tending to both your private and public selves.

Eclipses have been occurring across the Aries / Libra axis since July of 2023. This year, they continue activating surprises and shake-ups in the realms of your greater calling and domestic affairs.

The South Node eclipse in Libra on March 25th prompts you to shed any people-pleasing tendencies hampering your relationships with family or chosen family, or those you’ve inherited through your lineage. Rest abundantly at this time and give yourself ample room to release unsupportive dynamics.

September 29th and 30th deliver illuminating insights about what you’re composting from your ancestral matrix when Mercury, the planet of communication, joins the Sun and South Node in an informative cazimi. Marinate on any sudden revelations or “ahas” that land during this period. The last South Node eclipse in Libra occurs on October 2nd, kickstarting a final power wash of any physical, psychological, or psychic legacies that limit your agency. Prepare to begin again, from the bottom up.

Earlier in the year, when the fiery North Node eclipse in Aries links up with Chiron — the wounded healer — in your realm of career, greater calling, and public roles on April 8th, expect a reckoning with your outward-facing persona. If there’s a time in 2024 when you’ll temporarily doubt the power of your offerings, it will be around this date. Remember: These anxious ghosts are normal. We all have them. They’re simply here to point out any holes in your confidence that need patching.

When action-oriented Mars catches up with the ravenous North Node on May 19th, and then Chiron on May 29th, you gain traction in achieving your goals and healing the tender aspects of your psyche that have been afraid to shine. The strength and clarity you reconnect with in your foundations around this time, and throughout this year, is what will support you in casting bold magic out in the world.

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Leo glyph

Leo & Leo Rising

The new year initiates a potent renaissance for your committed relationships, whether romantic or platonic.

When Pluto — the planet of power, secrets, and underworld journeys — re-enters Aquarius on November 19th, it will reverberate there until 2044. This is the sequel of the profound period of transformation that began last year in your one-on-one connections — think: business collaborators, best friends, and/or intimate partners.

Over the next 20 years, your bonds will become portals for self-understanding. The end game? Rebirth. If you feel shaken up by those closest to you this year, remember that relating is meant to be dynamic. It’s healthy and natural to journey through both shadows and light on your quest to relate more intimately with the hidden aspects of yourself and others. Shedding unaligned partnerships might be necessary to orbit closer to what you desire. This long-term transit plays out slowly, but it will teach you how to attract and identify the soulmates who are supposed to be in your life.

When Mercury, the planet of communication, retrogrades in Virgo in August, it also spins backward into Leo. If you feel extra frazzled around the end of summer, or like your ideas are getting lost in translation, pause. Review, reassess, and rework your organizational systems and modes of self-expression so that they can properly highlight your gifts.

Beginning in December, Mars — the planet of action and aggression — stations retrograde in your sign as well. This ushers in a three-month period (during which Mars will also backtrack into Cancer) of re-evaluating your relationship with anger, agency, and conflict resolution. Handling irritation creatively at this time is essential. Making art of petty annoyances can alchemize them — so write, paint, or sing out the heat. You can breathe fire in a way that either scorches those around you or stokes their own blazing creativity. Choose wisely.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Virgo glyph

Virgo & Virgo Rising

This year, get curious about how you show up in the world and for other people.

When Jupiter, the greater benefic, enters playful Gemini on May 25th, it adds a boost of healing and good fortune to the realm of your career, greater calling, and other public roles. With this expansive planet gracing your legacy house, it becomes easier to uncover positive opportunities to make your mark and grow into your long-term potential. Because this transit occurs in a verbose, Mercury-ruled sign, communicating is your ticket to success. Rehearse your elevator pitches, reword your mission statement, and spell out the meaningful contributions you long to make. This is also a beneficial time for networking, so press “send” on those exploratory emails to potential co-conspirators.

Just a slight word of warning: Gemini likes to choose everything, so beware of getting so caught up in life’s infinite bounty of options that you forget to actually implement your ideas. You might be inherently practical in your approach, but Jupiter in mutable air is not. Balance fantasizing about all the roads less traveled with firm deadlines — and get to work.

Although this year’s eclipses continue to activate plot twists and wake-up calls in your money matters, September 17th features the first eclipse in Pisces — a teaser of what’s to come when the nodes formally switch signs in 2025. This opening event in the mutable water sign casts ripples across the surface of your committed relationships, be they romantic or platonic.

Remember: Eclipses are celestial wild cards that spark surprises and shake-ups. But they’re also opportunities for growth, healing, and evolution. Pay attention to what gets triggered for you when it comes to boundaries with friends, intimate partners, or even business collaborators around this time. Noticing where you begin and where others end is essential for cultivating sustainable intimacy that’s free of delusions and anchored in the heart’s clarifying magic.

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Libra glyph

Libra & Libra Rising

This year, support is on your side for letting go.

Eclipses have been dancing between Libra and its gutsy opposite, Aries, since July of 2023. Although they won’t be formally done stirring up mischief on this axis until 2025, this year brings forth the culminating round of plot twists, growth spurts, and opportunities for healing.

The South Node eclipse in Libra on March 25th highlights anything you need to shed around your identity, confidence, or relationship with your body. Meanwhile, the North Node eclipse in Aries on April 8th spurs you to tell bold truths and take risks in your closest connections. On this day, Chiron — the minor planet known for vulnerability and healing — also links up with the Sun. This cazimi acts as a reset moment, helping you clarify any pain points you have surrounding intimacy. There is wisdom waiting for you in the wounds you carry, if you’re willing to reflect on where you’ve suppressed your fiercest desires or points of view in order to “keep the peace.”

When Venus — the planet of love and relationships — joins the South Node in Libra on September 3rd, you’re given a powerful opportunity to release the connections, interpersonal dynamics, and outdated wardrobe items that no longer support your evolution and growth. Prioritize rest and tread gently around this date. Unbinding rituals, ceremonial love-letter shredding, and space-clearing exercises are all charged with particularly potent magic in September.

By the time the final South Node eclipse in Libra occurs on October 2nd, dropping limiting self-perceptions, inner narratives, and/or social personas feels familiar. Through this process, you reveal the true, radiant version of yourself that’s been hiding underneath.

In 2024, shaking free of the old clears the way for resonant new connections to waltz in from stage left.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Scorpio glyph

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The new year kickstarts a potent period of metamorphosis around your home, family, or chosen family. Pluto, the planet of underworld journeys, re-enters Aquarius on November 19th, where it will remain until 2044. Whatever Pluto touches begins a process of transformation from this moment on. Because this is a 20-year transit, you’ll likely notice its effects gradually — not overnight.

Pay attention to what shifts in your roots system in 2024. If the scripts switch in your relationship with your lineage, your past selves, or the geographical location you call “home,” practice relinquishing control over how it all shakes out. Shedding, releasing, and composting will be necessary for this renewal to occur. The next two decades will challenge you to anchor into increasingly deeper layers of security. The end result? Access to soul-level safety and nourishment, no matter what the world throws at you.

Meanwhile, Jupiter — the greater benefic — continues showering good fortune and healing in your house of committed relationships, where it has been since March of 2023. The beginning of 2024 offers grounded opportunities to grow in your connections with others — be they romantic or platonic. Slowing down and staying present is the route to more joyful experiences and solidified bonds. When Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th, the expansion spreads to your financial mergers with others and personal therapeutic journeys.

When Mars, the planet of action and aggression, stations retrograde in Leo on December 6th, you’re asked to work with frustration and conflict more consciously, particularly in the arena of your career, calling, and other public roles. Studying up on mediation, negotiation, or creative stress relief can keep your projects from boiling over during this time. Remember: Anger signals passion. Learning to let rising inner temperatures help you identify what you deeply care about is the gift you can pull from the smoke.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

This year, your ties with others are your gold.

When Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, moves into curious Gemini on May 25th, it enters your 7th House of committed relationships. This change conjures celestial support for meeting intriguing new friends, loves, and/or playmates. Because Jupiter is also the planet of growth, this transit amplifies your appetite for learning, discussion, and lively connection as well. So study up on attachment styles, mediation strategies, and healthy communication techniques to uplift your interactions of all stripes. Since Gemini is a Mercury-ruled sign, articulating what you need and desire to others taps you into the unique blessings of this placement.

Meanwhile, Saturn — the planet of boundaries, limitations, and obstacles — continues its trek through your 4th House of home, nourishment, and lineage. Though it’s been here since March of 2023, you’re still perfecting the fine art of setting necessary boundaries with family or chosen family and releasing unsupportive patterning. This is difficult work, but when you commit to it, it promises to strengthen your foundations for years to come.

The North Node eclipse in Pisces on September 17th furthers this process, activating big feelings around your root system. If you feel overly emotive or inundated with memories from the past at this time, tread lightly. Be discerning about where you may be too porous or experiencing burnout, and rein in your energy. Taking time to honor your needs, allows you to gently float with shifting emotional tides.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Capricorn glyph

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

2024 is a year of revelations and realignment.

The epiphanies begin when Pluto, the planet of power and underworld journeys, links up with the Sun on January 20th in an auspicious cazimi. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2009, supervising a profound renovation of your identity, style, and/or relationship with your body and vitality. This cazimi offers a potent zap of clarity about how your self-perceptions have shape-shifted over the past 15 years. Acknowledge the selves you’ve shed and the ways you’ve claimed more of your inner authority. When Pluto re-enters Aquarius a matter of hours later, it channels its metamorphic magic into your monetary dynamics, resources, and assets — a slow-burn process of transformation that deepens in November and will drastically rework your outlook on resources all the way until 2044.

Eclipses have been scattering surprises and shake-ups throughout your home life and public roles since July of 2023. This year, those plotlines keep unfolding, ushering in new opportunities to release codependent behaviors and tap into your courage.

The North Node eclipse in Aries on April 8th stokes your hunger for truth-telling, particularly in regard to your caregivers, chosen family, or ancestral line. Let your boldest instincts guide you toward your wholeness, but practice discernment as well. Sometimes honesty goes down better with a strategic spoonful of honey.

Meanwhile, the South Node eclipses in Libra on March 25th and October 2nd highlight where you’re blocking your own potential in your career or greater calling in order to keep the peace with others or present an unflappable image of poise. Asserting your truth publicly may feel like a risk to your relationships, but doing so paves the way for you to make the meaningful contribution to your community that you’re meant to make. The year teaches you that risk is worth it.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Aquarius glyph

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Reinvention mode: activate.

Pluto — the planet of power, underworld journeys, and epic transformations — has been moving between Capricorn and Aquarius since March of 2023. In 2024, it continues to shift signs before firmly landing in Aquarius on November 19th, where it will remain until 2044. Pluto’s entrance into fixed air is a game-changer for everyone, but for you, it’s infinitely more personal. Over the next 20 years, your identity, style, and relationship with your vitality will undergo an inside-out evolution. Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the Sun, which makes this thorough metamorphosis a rare honor that not everybody experiences in their lifetime. But you do.

Because this is a long-term transit, these profound changes will likely play out subtly and slowly. However, notice where you’re already sensing cracks in your persona’s shiny surface, and what in your life is begging to rumble. Every major overhaul begins with a period of breaking down the old. That means that if certain self-perceptions, passion projects, or even wardrobe choices no longer light up your soul, it could be time to consciously part ways. Doing so allows this transit to start working its life-changing magic on you. Whatever Pluto touches is permanently altered and reborn. Two decades from now, you will be uniquely rewired to broadcast more of your electric brilliance out to the world — a boon for us all.

Meanwhile, when Mars — the planet of action and anger — stations retrograde in Leo on December 6th, you’re tasked with renegotiating how you experience and express irritation — particularly in your committed relationships (platonic or otherwise). Studying up on mediation techniques and engaging in healthy stress-relief practices can clear the airwaves with others. This year, intentionally workshopping how you channel frustration plugs you back into your power and clarifies what’s most meaningful for you.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Pisces glyph for horoscopes

Pisces & Pisces Rising

The new year asks you to anchor into your unique magic.

Saturn — the planet of boundaries, limitations, and obstacles — has been paddling through Pisces since March of 2023. When the celestial taskmaster is moored in your sign, your self-perceptions, social personas, confidence, and relationship with your body are all up for testing. While this can feel grueling at times, challenges to your self-esteem serve a purpose: They spur you to forge an unshakeable bond with yourself.

During the illuminating Saturn cazimi (aka conjunction with the Sun) on February 28th, stay alert for revelations about where your self-trust is still flimsy, and how you can commit to honoring your gifts more deeply. If life feels heavy or stressful, you can alleviate the pinch by showing up for the projects that are most meaningful to you. Be choosy. Selecting the pursuits that give back to you in some way will make it easier to access the discipline and devotion that Saturn wants to help you cultivate.

Meanwhile, Jupiter — the planet of growth and good fortune — enters curious Gemini on May 25th, blowing a gust of grace over your root system. When the greater benefic blesses the realm of your family, chosen family, and home, it’s simpler than usual to tap into nourishment, TLC, and stability. Since this transit is occurring in a Mercury-ruled sign, words have the power to strengthen your foundations. From detangling old memories in therapy to brainstorming potential dream houses with friends, expressing your thoughts opens the door to new opportunities.

On September 17th, the North Node eclipse in Pisces acts as the precursor to the nodes switching signs in 2025. Because the eclipse will be kicking up dust in your sign, expect the plot twists to feel close to home. Notice how you’re craving to unleash more of your epic powers of empathy and imagination — and where they’re just pulling you out to sea.

Creating secure containers for your dreaminess protects your potency over the long term. In 2024, seek your safe harbor.

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The post Your 2024 horoscope appeared first on Chani Nicholas.

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