Growing in Grace- Links 11/6

one year ago 56

A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Three Years Later: What I Miss Most “Today, though, I sure do miss him. I miss having someone who loved me in that unique way a son loves his...

growing in grace- links

A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace:

Three Years Later: What I Miss Most

“Today, though, I sure do miss him. I miss having someone who loved me in that unique way a son loves his father, and I miss having someone to love in that unique way a father loves a son. There are many kinds of love, of course, but that father-son bond is sweet, strong, and true. It’s no better than a father-daughter bond. But it’s different. Irreplaceable.”

Can We Limit God by Our Free Will?

“Rather than bowing to him as the sovereign Lord who will do all his pleasure, working all things according to the counsel of his own will (Daniel 4:34,35; Isaiah 46:10; Ephesians 1:11), the Israelites were challenging his power, questioning his sovereignty, and disregarding the miracles that he had already shown them.”

Becoming A Discerning Christian Reader

“Biblical discernment is critical in our reading lives. Books can have just as much influence on our discipleship as our real-life Christian relationships do, so it’s important for us to choose well. Here are three principles of discerning Christian readers. ”


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