Listen Up! #Audiobook Review: City of Ruin by Charissa Weaks

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Audiobook review: City of Ruin by Charissa Weaks City of Ruin continues the epic and complex tale of powerful witch Raina Bloodgood and the Witch Collector, Alexus Thibault as they try to stop the nameless Prince of the East...

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Audiobook review: City of Ruin by Charissa Weaks

audiobook cover of City of Ruin by Charissa WeaksCity of Ruin continues the epic and complex tale of powerful witch Raina Bloodgood and the Witch Collector, Alexus Thibault as they try to stop the nameless Prince of the East from resurrecting an evil god bent on world domination. Picking up immediately after the conclusion of the first book, their journey continues across the northern lands with the final destination the summer lands where they hope they can stop with Prince with the Summer Queen’s aide. 

The story unfolds at a slow pace as several new characters are introduced, and while it continues to be primarily Raina and Alexus’s story, many new POVs are shared. At first I didn’t like having so many POVs; however, as the story progresses, I like how it provides insight on a much larger scale, getting multiple sides. Similarly, the slow journey gives the characters time to interact and bond, stories are shared, histories are learned, giving the reader great knowledge about the world, its history, and the characters. 

With that, I became frustrated several times throughout the book. While I do love a good romance, there are several scenes and moments dedicated to sexy times between Raina and Alexus, and I got tired of it – I just wanted the story to move forward. And while I liked the overall path of the tale, at times it drags on. Scenes are drawn out with extra and unnecessary blockades put in the way. My biggest frustration comes near the end of the book when something that is supposed to be a big twist just annoyed me. The book doesn’t end on a cliffhanger, but it’s unfinished and frankly, I don’t know if I want to spend more time with the characters as the book left them. I may have enjoyed the entire thing more if the book wasn’t drawn out and what comes next was included in City of Ruin.

Narration: The story is shared via the first person, present tense POVs of multiple characters, but primarily Raina and Alexus. Sylvan narrates all female POVs and Campbell performs all male POVs, and both do a terrific job with their respective parts. Both successfully alter their dialogue based on gender and age, with some additional tweaks for the supernatural. Sylvan’s portrayal of Raina is a touch on the younger side, age-appropriate and well-suited. She 

My Ratings
Story: C+
Narration: A-

About the Book:

The night the Prince of the East razed her village, Raina Bloodgood’s life changed forever. Forced into someone else’s war—and into the arms of the Witch Collector, Alexus Thibault—Raina discovered that everything she believed was wrong, and that she was capable of far more than anyone imagined.

Now, the Prince of the East has taken the Frost King as a pawn in his war against the Summerlands, causing Alexus’s life to hang in the balance. To thwart the prince’s endgame and prevent the Tiressian empire from returning to an age of gods, Raina, Alexus, and a band of Northlanders race against the sands of time to reach a mystical desert land where merciless assassins lurk around every corner.

In the midst of tragedy, Raina and Alexus fight to stay together and alive, all while a nefarious presence follows them straight to the jeweled gates of the Summerland queen’s citadel—the City of Ruin. With much to fear, it’s the terror of a past she shouldn’t remember that Raina cannot cast from her dreams.

A past that’s determined to find her. One way or another.

Author: Charissa Weaks
 Meg Sylvan, Tim Campbell
Witch Walker #2
Genre: Fantasy, romantic elements
Audiobook Release Date: November 7, 2023
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Length: 16 hrs; 39 mins
Source: publisher
Audio Speed: 1.5x

Purchase info:
Audible/Amazon (affilate link)

Reviews in Series:
The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks (Book 1)

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