As audiobook narrator George Ellington, I am very happy to share my newest audiobook offering: Leviathan, a Scottish inspired fantasy of political and clan intrigue in a medieval setting. Available on Amazon/Audible at �From debut fantasy author D.G....
As audiobook narrator George Ellington, I am very happy to share my newest audiobook offering: Leviathan, a Scottish inspired fantasy of political and clan intrigue in a medieval setting. Available on Amazon/Audible at �From debut fantasy author D.G. MacRath, Leviathan is the first part of the Gloaming trilogy. Set in the Scotland-inspired Realm, MacRath begins his tale of broken heroes, rich mythology, and brutal civil war. A generation after a bloody civil war, Mata rules as Prince Regent. Shorn of the Crown�s authority, he wrestles to maintain an uneasy peace among his people. Will his choices maintain order or send the Realm spiraling toward yet more vicious bloodshed?� If anyone is interested in a free download code from Audible and would be willing to offer a review, please let me know.