Coronacation hibernation: the Isolation Diaries

one year ago 46

I'm calling this stage of my life Coronacation hibernation. As you're all aware, 2020 is proving to be one of the most challenging years of a generation. A pandemic illness sweeping the world, forcing everyone to remain isolated in...

I'm calling this stage of my life Coronacation hibernation. As you're all aware, 2020 is proving to be one of the most challenging years of a generation. A pandemic illness sweeping the world, forcing everyone to remain isolated in their homes for the foreseeable future. Coronavirus; a disease taking over everyone's TV, magazines, bulletin's and newsfeed's. For the next 12 week's the people of Britain and most of the western world, will be keeping their doors shut and staying indoors for their own and others safety.

Let's be honest here, this is a pretty scary time. People are on edge. People give you a dirty eye if you're standing a centimetre too close, their panic buying toilet paper and no one knows what the fuck is going on. It's a time with a lot more questions then there are answers.

One of the greatest tests were facing right now isn't having to stay inside and keeping two metre's away from loved ones, rather it's seeing what the other side will look like. A major thing that inspires humanity to persevere is hope and it's definitely something that's lacking at the moment. And to be fair it's something that I'm struggling with at the moment too, a lot of people are.

With a lot of time on my hands now, I want to get a few things ticked off my list. I want to use this time to become the productive member of society I know I can be. We all have those things that we always push back because we have no time or there be it, a lack of motivation but now I have no excuse. So here's my list:�

Take the patches I bought while travelling and attach them to my denim jacket� Sort through what clothes I want to donate or swap with friends Set up a daily routine where I'm still exercising and following a schedule� Start drawing again� Go through my photos from travelling and get them printed Improve my fitness for when I get back into Netball and footy�� Keeping this blogging thing constant and full of content�
Do you have a list? What are you doing to keep occupied during this time? I'd love to know!

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