Bridal Shower ?

10 months ago 37

This post is 2 weeks delayed, but meeting PhD deadlines takes priority, still things to submit before next week, so taking a break to recap the day...Thankful for friends spending your Saturday with me, especially on one of the...

This post is 2 weeks delayed, but meeting PhD deadlines takes priority, still things to submit before next week, so taking a break to recap the day...

Thankful for friends spending your Saturday with me, especially on one of the hottest days of the year (also didn't help the cafe didn't have air con). Shoutout to my bridesmaids for planning and decorating. I had heaps of fun! Still mind blown with how the event went. Everyone looked so pretty in their flower crowns, and it was really cool to see how everyone's stylistic touch and aesthetics in their flower crown, and matching their outfits as well. Ahh so pretty!

This event has finally happened. Felt like forever, waiting since planning in Nov 2019, scheduled to March 2020 but of course had to be postponed, then rescheduled to Nov 2020 since optoms can't take leave during Dec and early Jan. Then 3 weeks before the original venue cancelled on us, but thankful that we managed to find another place which was able to cater for holding a flower crown workshop.

Here are some snaps of the day.

Flower crowns at Cadenza Floral Cafe

cute props

There wasn't much space, but thank goodness for wide angle cameras

some of the flowers for the flower crowns

The space we had was a bit squishy, but after some time we had the space all to ourselves so could move around a bit more. The host was really lovely and the flower crowns were surprisingly easy to make, although took longer than expected.

they wilted faster since it was so hot

high tea

The food was average finger food, not typical high tea food. I think we all liked the iced drinks more since it was so hot.

thanks team! ?

more pics with cute props

Andy Bowdy's cake Matt: Vanilla Sponge, Matcha mousse, yuzu jam, toasted coconut cream, salted caramel, coconut chew, milk crumb

details and layers

Finally had a large version of this cake! Previously tried a mini baby version at a dessert festival years go. Loved the strong matcha flavour throughout, without being too bitter. Then you get bursts of acidity to cut through the sponge from the yuzu jam and salted caramel. The edible flavours had an odd bitter taste but balanced well with the beautifully torched meringue. Freeze dried raspberries were also a nice touch with some acidity. Some texture from the coconut chew base, and milk crumb sprinkled on top. So delicious, Thankful for friends who trekked to get this cake in 40deg heat. Made it there and back home in one piece. Especially this is a mousse cake so more sensitive to heat.

Dinner at Frattelli Fresh joined with some more friends who came after work

We ended up doing trivia/games here since the flower crown went longer than we expected. Unintentionally asked questions some people didn't know the answer to lol. Ended up giving hints haha, but other questions I think half the group knew and the other half didn't. Blair's not a big fan of trivia so we probably won't have it at the wedding. Dinner was still good fun. 

Gifts - thank you friends ?

Maybe I'll be inspired to cook with all these new and fancy pots. Some friends came over to our place afterwards just to chill and chat, and ended up leaving at 1am. 

Flowers- first time ever having peonies! (photo taken 3 days later as I needed to get the big vase from parents' place)

Thankful for a bridal shower which was way better than I imagined. Finally getting excited again about the wedding (since it's been a year of disappointment that I feel sort of detached from 'wedding feels' to anything related to wedding planning). Even though restrictions have eased, we're still worried there will be an outbreak like the week before our wedding, so we will have to limit guest to the 4 square metre rule just in case they decide to suddenly decrease the numbers. So the stress isn't over because the future is always unknown. We haven't made any announcements cancelling the fb event since we've been both so busy with PhD and work...

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