5 Ways To Reuse Your Foodies Collective Subscription Box

12 months ago 44

This week in Australia marks National Recycling Week (7th - 13th November).   Did you know that the Foodies Collective box, tissue paper & shredded eco filling are all recyclable? But before it reaches your recycling bin, we hope you...

This week in Australia marks National Recycling Week (7th - 13th November).  

Did you know that the Foodies Collective box, tissue paper & shredded eco filling are all recyclable? But before it reaches your recycling bin, we hope you can put the box to better use first. 


Here Are 5 Ways You Can Reuse Your Box:

1. Store your Foodies Collective magazines & recipe cards

Every season we provide a helpful magazine and seasonal card to encourage you to try new recipes, incl serving suggestions and producer interviews. After sometime these can stack up, so why not store them in an old Foodies Collective box? This way you can easily go back to older editions when you're looking for something new to cook or other ideas on how to use the gourmet products originally in your box.

You can also use the box to store other recipe cards, like the individual ones you find in grocers etc. Instead of them lying loose in your kitchen drawers, store them neatly in one of your boxes.

2. Store Kitchen bits & bobs

Same applies for anything loose lying around your kitchen - pens, tapes, tags, ribbons etc. Anything small that easily gets lost in a drawer. You can cut the lid off so you have easy access to the stored items inside. 


3. Regift

As much as we try to only include total crowd pleasers inside every box, we understand that sometimes there are items which don't tickle your fancy. So instead of letting them go to waste, why not regift them (plus anything else you'd like to include) inside one of your cardboard boxes to a friend in need, or a local charity? Don't forget to you can also reuse the shredded eco filling to create a buffer for your items inside. 


4. Kids Craft

Kids love using the boxes for their at home art projects.

As it's nearly Christmas why not make a DIY Nativity scene using an old box?

Below are some creative thought starters. But just some simple colouring in, painting and cutting can be just as fun!



4. Ideas Box

"Several years ago I came across a piece of advice which has helped me become much more productive in my day to day. This is to have an Ideas Box. What's this you say? Well, if you're like me and have a million ideas buzzing around your head, instead of potentially wasting time and dwelling on each one, simply jot it down on a post it note & pop it into a box. Every 3, 6 or 12 months (you choose what timeframe works best for you), open up the box and read through your ideas. Decide then which ones are worth pursuing & focusing on. Time can help us reflect and prioritise". Kate - Chief Foodie at Foodies Collective

You can reuse your Foodies Collective box to capture your ideas.



Let us know if you have any more ideas on how to recycle and reuse?

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