Life, lately

10 months ago 36

Its the winter school holidays, already, so soon? Apparently yes. Which means that its been almost one year since we moved house waiting for the renovation to begin. I cannot believe how fast that has gone and that there...

Its the winter school holidays, already, so soon? Apparently yes. Which means that its been almost one year since we moved house waiting for the renovation to begin. I cannot believe how fast that has gone and that there are piles of stuff in the garage that I meant to get sorted after I just a little break from the exhaustion of the move and there they still sit. Waiting. All of us a year later, still exhausted and still catching my breath from it all. Does this mean that we never actually catch our breath and I am still trying to catch up from 2011? I thought so.

Home is coming along. Its taking time. Its taking money. So much money. But hopefully in the next month we will be back in except I cannot even let myself think about packing back up for another move and then actually being in our home and not having to pay endless amounts of money each and every week. I truly cant believe that we will have a brand new home that we get to live in soon. Our old, new home. I cant even. I think thats why I havent even let myself go there.

I have created lots of reels on my Instagram with updates on the build which you can check out here.

I will miss the house we have called home for a year. All those big skies we just dont get at home. The birds. The sunrises and sunsets. Its a beautiful warm and sunny home that has nurtured us all this past year. I will not miss having Rob ruby his business from our dining room table though.

The start of winter has been cold, we even got a dump of snow in May which was so exciting. I have been waiting through many a cold winter for some snow, and to settle and we got that on a freezing cold Sunday night. It snowed for a few hours and was just as magical as I thought it would be be. It was better. There were beautiful autumn leaves and light and now its winter the short sunny days are here as we slowly turn the corner to longer days.

We lost our dear Aunty June this week. Just shy of 99 she was died peacefully and quickly with the support and love of her carers around her. My Mum and her cousins were all so dedicated in looking after her as the last of that generation to leave our family. She will be missed by them allbut what an innings she had! Always the hair and nails just so, a glass of bubbles nearby and a lunch to be had. Till the very end she remained glamorous and regal like the Queenager that she was.

Theres been long lunches, 40th birthdays, farewell drinks, date nights and Mothers Day gatherings. Always so blessed to spend time with people that we love in their homes and out and about in the glorious Highlands.

Frank has struggled with various ailments the last few months and had his hopefully (last) appointment today for a while. An ulcer on his cornea at Easter saw a very long and expensive trip to the vet again and again and ophthalmologist thrown in for good measure. Then it was infected ears, mystery lumpstoday was hopefully the last of it. Tomorrow he turns 9. How?

I am in the process of trying to sort our peri menopause which I am well and truly in. I know it. I have seen a Dr and am in the process of getting bloods and ultrasounds done. Next week I will see what they have to say, which I fear will be, take some magnesium and hope for the best you are too young! You know when you get that impression? Will report back on that and how it goes. But the poor sleep, mood swings, increased periods and heaviness of them, anxiety and depression episodes as well as lack of confidence and increased sensitivity makes me think that I need to top shelf some oestrogen STAT. Why is womens health something that just gets fobbed off so easily?

In the meantime I will start to think about the packing that lies ahead. Ill try and get some sleep in, read a book, stop spending so much time on my phone and continue to ponder the marriage of Kyle Richards like I am prone to do.

Enough about me. How are YOU? Whats been happening? Tell me everything. Make me pack.

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