Being Me – What does Âûtism acceptance look like?

10 months ago 54

Many will of personally experienced the words or opinions from those with little or no experience of Autism, additional Needs or Neurodiversity. “They don’t look autistic!” “What’s their special skill?” “So like rain man!” “They can’t be autistic, they...

Many will of personally experienced the words or opinions from those with little or no experience of Autism, additional Needs or Neurodiversity.

“They don’t look autistic!”

“What’s their special skill?”

“So like rain man!”

“They can’t be autistic, they can…… smile/talk/laugh/……” insert words here

I’ve even heard that autistics have certain facial or build characteristics- akin to Minecraft.

It’s a good job most with experience of Autism/ being autistic have very thick skin.

In these situations I see it as a chance to educate the uneducated, the ignorant and the plain rude. My reaction will be determined by yours!

“So what does Autism look like!”

No families will be the same; as every person is different, so is every autistic person or person with autism, depending on preference.

For us Autism is having an imaginary pony with us sitting in a cafe, going shopping and living in our garden. Home days to regulate after too much peopling, too much social.

It’s seeing her face light up because 1 of her 4 close friends can meet up. Friends that don’t mind the repetition, the games, the fact that K needs to feel in control to manage her anxiety.

Autism is my knowing K has had a bad day just by how she comes out of school. And trusted staff have tried to help.

Autism is her signing “I love you” because she’s too overwhelmed to speak or just can’t talk at that time.

Autism is the looks away when she really can’t engage.

It’s not all roses. Life can be hard too.

The onslaught of questions just because a stranger has tried to talk to her.

The uncertainty when plans change.

The anger when something out of routine happens- the joys of getting home and someone is parked in your numbered space. (“Why have they parked there?”, “It’s our space”, “Tell them to move!”- thump)

The lack of social filters as the ground opens again on hearing “this shop smells” (that’s mild to some we’ve had).

Literal interpretation. When K can’t grasp the reasons for something that’s changed from what it looked like before.

Food! The fear of dread when packeting has changed or the recipe has been improved! ? Believe it when someone says their child “can” taste the difference. K has an amazing pallet; she can notice differences in brands, even when you’ve put it into brand packaging.

Not forgetting D, whose 12m into his autism wait. He is so different from K and me.

For D:

Autism is not knowing how to regulate his volume.

Autism is 0-60 without seeing any dangers ahead.

Autism is not having dainty things around.

Autism is huge a huge Snorlax beanbag to crash and jump on to save the sofas.

Autism is his constant need for food “Interoception” and managing it healthily.

Autism is having to repeat ourselves in the same way, same words, every time to aid auditory processing.

But most of all.

“Autism is accepting us for who we are”

Autistic’s are individuals.

So this as every year. Don’t just raise awareness, accept us.

Accept that autistic children grow into autistic adults.

That as #actualautistics we do have the right to have our voices heard.

That puzzle pieces, Autism Speaks arent liked/approved by most of the autistic community. (Everyone to their own).

That ABA in whatever shape or form is never ok. Listen to #actualautistics who’ve been left traumatised by it. No-one should be made to change who they are.

Autistic’s are people.

We do not need to change who we are.

We need to be accepted for who we are.

#sensupport #send #parents #autism #spd #sensory #sensoryprocessing #adhd #additionalneeds #autisticparent #parentcarer #sendblog #staystrong #staysafe #specialneedsjungle #parentblog #parentsknowtheirchildrenbest #actualautistics #lgbtautistics #lgbtqcommunity #autisticpride

I’m a proud autistic parent to an autistic LBGTQ daughter. She’s proud of her identity.

Have you found yours? ….

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