2024 Restaurant Tech Predictions

9 months ago 31

It’s no secret that the last few years have been chock-full of hurdles for restaurants and hospitality. Owners have had to adapt to new ways of business and staffing shortages. As we approach the new year, there are an...

It’s no secret that the last few years have been chock-full of hurdles for restaurants and hospitality. Owners have had to adapt to new ways of business and staffing shortages. As we approach the new year, there are an ever-growing list of digital solutions that can be implemented to solve both old problems and new.

Online reservation and booking

Although online reservations aren’t exactly new, we can see that numerous businesses are attempting to improve the customer experience on that front. The pandemic has forced restaurants to rethink how they approach admitting customers into their premises. Even venues that previously didn’t have a reservation system in place were forced to implement one rather quickly. We expect to see this trend continue, and restaurants will have fewer walk-ins since most of their business will be done via reservations. Therefore, it’s natural to look for new developments in how reservations are placed and handled. Besides having the ability to place a reservation, restaurants and other service providers are implementing software that gives their customers more options for online booking. Restaurants are already offering 3D virtual tours with a choice of seating. Of course, it’s still advisable to provide good support over the phone if your customers need help from one of your employees, as well as monitor those calls for future improvements. However, advancements are also present there in the form of AI chatbots that can offer assistance to your online customers. Two people looking at a restaurant menu.

Rise of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the breakout star of 2023; from ChatGPT to AI art controversies, it can seem from the news that AI is a passing fad, but it can streamline your restaurant by translating recipes, keeping a digital stock list, and more. As we head into 2024, we predict that there will only be even more great ways to implement AI.

Connect to the Customers

Most businesses in the service industry rely on the purchases of regular customers for a large volume of their sales. Software for managing customer relations already exists and is used by many companies in various branches of the industry. Ecommerce online stores have developed CRM into an art form, and restaurants have started to follow suit. Unfortunately, loyalty programs can only go so far, and they traditionally depend on rewarding customers for returning to your restaurant. Although that is a proven strategy that can boost sales, the decision is still left up to the customer. This means that the restaurant can do very little other than offer loyalty rewards. Having a constant line of communication between you and your customers has proven to be the most reliable way to ensure that your restaurant is their go-to choice for dining. This doesn’t mean that you should just ask visitors for their emails and bombard them with advertising. Restaurants will need to implement digital solutions similar to those used by eCommerce stores to contact their customers with specialized offers. Firstly you’ll need to develop a strategy that will get users excited to follow the latest menu changes. You can appeal to users with exclusive offers and seasonal food that will only be available for a limited time. Additionally, you can examine their previous dining habits and offer them specialized deals that cater to their taste. Woman getting her order in a restaurant.

Flexible order pickups

Some restaurants never thought they’d need to invest in the drive-through and pick-up options. However, due to social distancing rules, they were forced to find a way to cope with the new situation. Thankfully, relying on third-party services and software solutions was a lifesaver, especially for small businesses. Obviously, even in those cases, there was plenty of room for improvement. Curbside pick-ups became commonplace, and that trend isn’t going away anytime soon. For both delivery services as well as individuals who wish to personally pick up their order, timeliness was a significant issue. People sometimes just run late, and when it comes to something like food, even half an hour could make a huge difference. Restaurants needed to find a way to solve problems of food getting cold, or drinks and desserts not being refrigerated long enough before a pick-up that ran late. The software can allow users to communicate with restaurant staff regarding the exact time of their order pick-up. This approach will ensure that the food is kept warm until the precise moment of pick-up. Users will expect excellent on-time service, and restaurants will need to look to software solutions to meet those demands. 2022 tech predictions, robot making food.

Robots and automated assistants

Automated labor took a long time to catch on with restaurants. However, amid labor shortages sweeping the country, we can assuredly claim that for 2022 tech predictions – robots will soon become a large part of the restaurant workforce. Chefs will still run the kitchen and oversee how everything functions, but an increasing number of tasks can be left to robotic assistants. Activities like chopping ingredients, deep-frying, and grilling have already been automated in large restaurant chains. New tech advancements and dropping prices for implementation will push this trend forward. Although a fully automated restaurant is still a thing of the future, we are slowly inching closer to it every year.

In Conclusion

For restaurants, bars, and other small businesses in the foodservice industry – solutions for most of the current problems are already here. Our 22024 tech predictions only go to show how necessary the implementation of digital solutions is for restaurants if they plan to stay relevant and offer their clients a stellar dining experience. Subscribe to the blog for more interesting restaurant content! This blog was updated on December 22nd, 2023 for updated information and clarity.
About the Author
Harold Lind is an Outreach Marketing Specialist for Convert More. Harold loves finding ways of adopting new technology in order to boost the efficiency of any process. His work in marketing allows him to constantly meet new and amazing people. Harold is a foodie with a particularly developed sweet tooth.

The post 2024 Restaurant Tech Predictions appeared first on QSR Automations | The Global Leader in Restaurant Technology.

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