Nasyam-The Miracle Cure for Sinusitis.

10 months ago 38

Being able to breathe freely pure air is like a special boon, especially in today’s world. Either the air is polluted, full of dust, pollen, smoke, poisonous gases etc or we suffer from allergies leading to cold, blocked airways...

Being able to breathe freely pure air is like a special boon, especially in today’s world. Either the air is polluted, full of dust, pollen, smoke, poisonous gases etc or we suffer from allergies leading to cold, blocked airways and breathing problems. Every one of us would have experienced one or the other breathing problems at some time in our lives. Stuffy nose, runny nose, heaviness in the forehead, painful nasal sinuses, coarseness of voice, throat pain, headache, sneezing, cough etc-some of the symptoms, one of which most of us have experienced right? Even though our nasal and internal airways are protected by various linings from external allergens or microorganisms; the linings or membranes themselves get affected due to low immunity or other reasons leading to some of the symptoms which can be very severe, embarrassing and uncomfortable The ancient science of Ayurveda has recognized this condition and provides us with a miraculous panchakarma treatment ‘ Nasyam’ which not only cleanses the sinuses and airways but also boosts the immunity of the airways against various allergens and pathogens. Here we will just have a brief look at the causes & symptoms of SINUSITIS and the ayurvedic viewpoint and treatment protocol advised for the same.

What & where are the sinuses? What is Sinusitis? What are the causes of sinusitis?

A sinus can be defined as a cavity or a hollow space in bone or other tissue. There are many sinuses in our body like the paranasal, cerebral, kidney & other organs and also in embryo during the development period. But when we refer to sinuses with respect to sinusitis, it is the paranasal sinuses. There are 04 paranasal sinuses named as maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal depending on the body where the sinus is located. Respiratory mucosa lines these sinuses, the mucosa secretes mucous and are ciliated. Each of these paranasal sinuses opens into the nasal duct at some point thereby providing an outward route for the mucous. Some of the important functions of these sinuses are:

Lightens the weight of the head Supports the immune system of the nasal cavity Humidifies the inspired air Increases the resonance of the voice.

Out of the 04 sinuses, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses which are close to the nasal duct are easily prone to infections or allergies. The infection later spreads to the frontal sinuses which is on the forehead above the eyebrows. If untreated, the infection further spreads to the sphenoid sinuses which are near the ears thereby chance for the infection to spread to the ear cavity as well.

The mucous membranes are very sensitive and if the body immunity is low or one is exposed to high pollution or allergens or microorganisms they get affected easily and get inflamed. This condition is known as Sinusitis. Due to the inflammation they secrete excessive mucous which in turn block the air ways and nasal ducts. The most common causes of this condition are:

Flu or common cold-bacterial, viral or fungal infection Environmental pollutants or allergens Nasal polyps or growths Smoking-active/passive Last but not the least nasal septum deviation.

The common symptoms of sinusitis are:

Post nasal drip (mucous dripping down your throat) Runny nose with thick yellow or green mucous Stuffy nose Facial pressure (around nose, eyes, forehead) increases or gets worse on bending forward. Pressure or pain in your teeth Ear pressure or pain Fever Bad breath and bad taste in the mouth Cough Headache Tiredness Sneezing, cough

Sinusitis can be chronic (long standing) or an acute condition. Antibiotics, decongestants, and steroids are some of the common line of treatment for sinusitis in modern medicine.

What is the Ayurvedic viewpoint and th ethe line of treatments?

In Ayurveda, the symptoms presented in Sinusitis can be correlated with Shiroroga. Different types of Shiroroga are mentioned in Ayurveda. Krimija Shiroroga-headache caused by microorganisms or worms, Kaphaja shiroroga-headache caused by vitiation of kapha, Sannipataja Shiroroga-headache caused by vitiation of all three doshas, Suryavarta-headache caused due to exposure to sun or Adharvabhedaka-one sided headache or heaviness of head.

According to Ayurveda, some of the most common causative factors for the Siroroga/sinusitis are:

raja-exposure to dust Tushara-exposure to fog/dew Ambukreeda-playing of drenching in water Atiswapna-day sleep/ excessive sleep Atijagarana-excessive awakening Excessive exposure to wind/breeze Controlling tears Excessive weeping Infection or inflammation of sinuses Excessive use of alcohol or smoking Excessive intake of cold drinks or unwholesome foods.

All these causes lead to excessive mucous secretion leading to blocking of sinuses -paranasal sinuses by kapha dosha in turn causing shirovedana/bhedana(headache), peenasa(runny nose), swasakrichrata (breathlessness) & other symptoms.

Ayurveda, the holistic science believes in balancing the various elements and doshas inside the body thereby helping the body heal itself. In case of sinusitis or shiroroga also, the aim of treatment would be the same. The general line of treatment would include:

Avoidance of causative factors cleansing of the nasal ducts, paranasal sinuses and airways of the vitiated dosha (kapha & vata) Improving the body immunity especially of the nasal pathways Symptomatic treatment as required Diet and lifestyle changes to maintain the health & wellness.

One of the most effective and miraculous therapy in Ayurveda for Sinusitis is Nasyam. Nasyam is one of the Panchakarm cleasning therapies which is advised for all diseases or imbalances occurring in the head and neck area. Nasyam is nothing but administration of medicines through the nasal route.

“Naso hi shiraso dwarah” –Nose is the doorway to the head/Central nervous system. Ayurveda considers that nasal route is one of the fastest and effective route to administer medicines to cure the diseases of head and neck region as well as the central nervous system. Even in the modern medicine or anatomically as well, nasal route administration of medicines is considered quicker. It is faster because the medicines are directly absorbed by the nasal mucosa. The absorption by nasal mucosa is determined by the lipid solubility. It is also faster because this route avoids first pass metabolism. It is a very effective route for patients where IV access is difficult.

In Ayurveda, Nasyam is one of the cleansing or detox therapies which helps to remove the vitiated doshas accumulated in the head and neck region. In sinusitis, since vitiated kapha gets accumulated in the paranasal sinuses and airways leading to symptoms, Nasyam with specific medicines work miraculously. Like all the other Panchakarma therapies, Nasyam also has pre therapy treatments and post therapy treatments. Facial massage with medicated oils helps to improve the circulation both blood and lymph which helps to cleanse the region of various toxins and vitiated doshas. The massage also helps to reduce the pain and swelling in the region. After the massage, the next treatment or procedure is sudation or facial steam. Administration of facial steam with medicated decoctions helps to loosen the vitiated doshas blocking the sinuses and nasal pathways. After this, the main therapy of Nasyam is administered using the relevant medicated herbal juice or oils or powders. This procedure has to be administered by an experienced person as the number of drops or dosage of medicines is generally on the higher side. After instilling the medicines in the nasal cavity, the person is asked to inhale deeply, so that the medicines reach the inner sinuses and the membranes. A slight irritation may be experienced and this stimulates the loosened vitiated doshas in the sinuses to flow out thereby cleansing the sinuses and nasal pathways. The next treatments are the post therapy procedures which includes dhumapana(medicated smoke), kavala (gargling) & gandusha(mouthwash). dhumapana or medicated smoking done with vartis prepared with herbs or turmeric along with ghee help to sanitize the nasal pathways and also remove the remaining/remnant phelgm in the sinuses. Kavala and gandusha with herbal decoctions help to clean the oral cavity of the vitiated doshas as well as aftertaste in the mouth. It also sanitizes the oral cavity as well and strengthens the gums and teeth.

This whole process of nasyam is generally done for 7 days. After 7 days the same medicated oil can be used in a smaller dose as nasal drops in our daily routine. Used in the morning before stepping out of the house and in the evening after coming back from outside makes sure that the dust, pollution etc does not enter or if entered is cleansed on day to day basis. The oil also helps to boost immunity of the nasal membranes. So do make it a habit or a daily routine.

In Ayurveda, along with Panchakarma cleansing therapies, other internal and external medicines are also suggested. Application of medicated herbal pastes or oils on the forehead, shiroabhyangam with medicated oils, internal medicines which help in reduction of symptoms and immunity boosting medicines are also advised.
Other than therapies and medicines, it is also important to make changes in our diet and lifestyle as well. Small changes in our lifestyle and diet helps in preventing allergies, infections and boosts the immunity of the body as well.
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As Acharya Charaka says-for all Shirorogas, Nasya karma has to be done, because nose is the doorway to head and the diseases can be treated effectively.
Regular cleansing is essential to keep the body and body channels healthy and open. Ayurveda advises cleansing therapies before administration of any internal medications. Nasyam is one of the miraculous amazing and most effective therapy for all Shirorogas especially Sinusitis.
Nasyam or nasal drops practiced as a daily regimen helps keep the effect of pollution, allergens at bay and also boosts immunity. As a cleansing therapy, Nasyam cleanses and clears the paranasal sinuses and air pathways thereby helping in healing of the body.
So under the supervision of an experienced Ayurvedic physician, you can get completely get cured of the modern lifestyle disorder-Sinusitis.
Breathe Right Eat Right cleanse Regularly Live Happily

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