How to Breathe Easy Despite Spring Allergies.

10 months ago 38

So, most of us are at home social distancing and being with our Families.  Spring is a beautiful time to be home and enjoy the beauty of Nature in full bloom.  But to some folks this is the dreaded...

How to Breathe Easy Despite Spring Allergies

Plus 4 Specific Therapeutic Protocols to Manage Allergy Symptoms


Spring is a beautiful time to be home and enjoy the beauty of Nature in full bloom.  But to some folks this is the dreaded allergy season.  A time of miserable sneezing, coughing and wheezing from the Pollen released by those gorgeous blossoms.

What can you do?  Antihistamines can help the symptoms in the short term, but with uncomfortable side effects.  Also, they work by blocking your body’s natural allergic response.  Symptoms are our body’s way of telling us something’s wrong and to fix what’s broken.  Merely blocking the symptomatic response without addressing the underlying problem is like cutting the wires to the fire alarm.

For Spring allergies, that means to naturally improve the respiratory system’s ability to cope up with the onslaught of exogenous proteins while calming down the already over reactive immune response.

Ayurveda says that Spring is Kapha season.  This means that Kapha Dosha in our body is naturally increased during this time of year.  Kapha is cool, damp, sweet and heavy.  Kapha’s also responsible for immunity and the physical channels of the body.  Balanced Kapha Dosha means greater alkalinity, better circulation, stronger immunity and increased ability to eliminate toxins from the system. 

If Kapha’s out of balance, then elimination channels become too heavy and clogged.  In terms of the Sinus channels they become obstructed with too much mucous impeding natural immunity.

Pollen is a protein.  Normally, proteins are processed by our digestive fire.  But too much sweet, cooling, damp Kapha can weaken the digestive fires.  The respiratory system is then unable to cope with the overload of proteins. The immune system kicks in with Histamines to trigger an allergic response.  Thus, the onset of miserable symptoms.

So, the trick is to keep Kapha Dosha balanced.  Here are some tips:

Go to bed before 10 PM and wake up with the Sunrise. Staying up past 10 increases inflammation and weakens immunity.  Sleeping past Sunrise increases Kapha Dosha reducing circulation, clogging channels and reducing energy. Eat lighter easier to digest foods. In general, more vegetables and grains, less heavy meats, cheeses and sauces.  Kapha Dosha is increased by Sweet, Sour and Salty tastes.  It’s decreased by Pungent (hot spicy), Bitter (green leafy vegetables) and Astringent tastes (lentils, apples, pears and pomegranates). Exercise regularly. Exercises decreases Kapha Dosha while increasing Pitta Dosha (metabolic fire) and Vata Dosha (lightness and circulation). Use spices in your cooking. Spices not only make the food taste better; they also clean the channels and deliver nutrition to the targeted tissues.  Here is a Spring spice recipe to support Kapha Dosha and improve elimination: 2 - parts Turmeric 1 - part Cumin 10 - parts Coriander 10 - parts Fennel 1 clove 1 - part Black Pepper 1 - part Fenugreek (can be heating to Pitta types) 1 cinnamon stick

Please note that when the prescription says for example "1 turmeric" this means 1 part. That part can be any amount if it's consistent with the other parts such as teaspoons or tablespoons etc. I suggest using teaspoons as your measurement so you don't make more spice mixture than you can consume before it loses its freshness.

To prepare the spice mix start with whole organic spices except for turmeric which you will buy in powdered form.  Do not buy the spices from an Indian Store as we cannot be assured of the quality. Sometimes the spice isn't even correct, i.e. onion seed is substituted for Kalonji and yellow chalk is passed off as Turmeric.  So, only buy the spice from an Organic Market.

Toast the whole spices in a dry pan with no oil on a low heat.  Be careful not to burn the spice.  Remove from the heat and put the powdered turmeric on top of the whole spices.  That way it will toast slowly without burning. Once cooled, then grind all the spices together.  A coffee grinder, Magic Bullet or some similar device works well for this step.  Store the spice in a glass jar to maintain the freshness.  Plastic zip lock bags do not work well for spice storage.

Notice that this recipe “pre-toasts” the spices.  This removes their heating effect and makes them tastier as well.  This mixture can be used as a sprinkle spice or cooked with your vegetable either in water or sautéed in Ghee. 

4 Specific Therapeutic Protocols for Allergy Symptoms

Spice Formula to Slow Allergic Response

In addition to the spice mix I listed above; this is a therapeutic recipe that can be added to the food.  Seasonal Allergy Recipe

Breathing Treatment for Clogged Sinuses

This protocol is great for opening, cleaning and nourishing the Sinuses.  It also re-establishes the intelligence of the mucosa.

Three products are used in this protocol.

Respiratory Support Transdermal Cream Sinus Steam Infusion Herbal Mix Vidanga Nasal Sinus Oil


Apply Respiratory Support Transdermal Cream to the sides of the neck in front and back of the large muscle that extends from behind the ear to the front of the collar bone.  Swipe downwards 7 times.  Apply in front of the ears, along the sides of the nose and above the eyebrows.  Lastly apply to the Marma point, the soft spot at the base of the neck between the clavicles. 

In a pot of water place 1/4 tsp of Sinus Steam Infusion Herbal Mix. Boil the water.  Then add 3 drops of Vidanga Nasal Sinus Oil.  Remove from the heat and place the pot on a level surface.  Breathe the steam from the pot with a towel over your head for 10 to 15 minutes.


Do daily up to twice a day for 2 weeks or until the symptoms abate.  For maintenance you may do this once weekly during the allergy season.

Here is a video I made about this effective protocol. 

Support Sinus Immunity & Relief from Sneezing.

Two products are used in this protocol.

Allergy Care Transdermal Cream Allery Care Herbal Glycerite

These products assist the respiratory system's ability to cope up with the protein thereby avoiding the allergic reaction.  

          Transdermal Cream: 

Apply to the cervical spine to nourish the nerves supplying the sinuses. For relief from sneezing, externally apply to both side of the nose.            Herbal Glycerite:  Start with 3 drops in 16 oz spring water to sip during the day.  You may go up to 10 drops if needed to control symptoms.  This may be combined with other Herbal Glycerite formulas. 

For Cough, Wheezing & Chest Tightness

Two products are used in this protocol. 

Kantakari Cough Syrup Kantakari Plus Herbal Glycerite

Kantakari is the herb of choice for cough. It helps in Vataj type of cough. It helps as an expectorant and demulcent. It stops hiccups and helps in asthma, chronic rhinitis, cough, pneumonia, hoarseness of voice and hiccups.

          Kantakari Cough Syrup:

Do not consume without mixing with water. For ages 10 to 20 years: use ½ tsp. in 2 ounces of warm water. For adults: use 1 tsp for same water. Use no more than 2 - 3 times daily. Sip the mixture slowly, allowing the syrup to coat the throat. 

          Kantakari Plus Herbal Glycerite

This is a very strong formula.  Only use as directed.  Put 1 to 3 drops in 16 oz of spring water and sip during the day.  This may be combined with other Herbal Glycerite formulas.


If you have questions, please leave them in the comments sections below and I’ll be sure to answer them quickly.

 To Your Health,

Dr. Douglas Beech





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