Wrong Again Dr. Head - PSA is NOT a Witness to the Abrupt Ending of Mark

3 weeks ago 31

 Dr Peter Head, in a 2022 article at Text & Canon Institute, claimed that "The earliest evidence we have for the Christian Palestinian Aramaic version of Mark (Codex Sinaiticus Rescriptus in St Petersburg, Syr. No. 16) ends at 16:8."In real life, as Steven Avery has stated, Codex Sinaiticus Rescriptus in St Petersburg, Syr. No. 16 has a lacuna near the beginning of verse 8.  The manuscript is simply a silent witness.   While on the subject of correcting Dr. Head, his claim that Hesychius of Jerusalem weighs in against Mark 16:9-20 must also be addressed.  In the composition In Christi Resurrectionem (also attributed to Severus of Antioch) Eusebius' statements to Marinus are recycled - but further along in the composition the author stated, "But likewise also that which has been written by Mark, 'The Lord therefore on the one hand, after he had spoken to them was received into the heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.'"Let it be noted that the number of inaccuracies in Dr. Head's initial article are accumulating:   he is flatly incorrect regarding the Diatessaron, regarding the CPA, and regarding Hesychius - and no retraction has been forthcoming.  He is invited to use the comments-section.

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