What is the Covenant of Salt in the Bible ?

9 months ago 28

Salt is understood to be the most preservative mineral which is know for its endurance symbolically. When God makes use of this metaphor, He is urging us to be faithful despite however circumstances appear on the earth because of...

Salt is understood to be the most preservative mineral which is know for its endurance symbolically. When God makes use of this metaphor, He is urging us to be faithful despite however circumstances appear on the earth because of his word which is absolutely sure like himself.
The meaning of a salt covenant is an agreement that is meant to endure regardless of the circumstances. This type of covenant was an ancient symbol of unbreakable friendships and alliances that were to be preserved. Such agreements are solid, unbreakable and everlasting.

We see this phrase "covenant of salt" mentioned only three times in the Bible i.e., (Numbers 18:19, 2 Chronicles 13:5 and Leviticus 2 :13 in ESV ).  In some translations it is mentioned as an “unbreakable covenant ”.  Even though we read about it very few times, This covenant teaches us a lot about how we need to stand firm in every circumstance with faith. 

As we know the story of Israllites, Grumbling was a common occurrence during the time of Exodus. As they journey through the desert, people of Israel grumble about many things, the lack of food, the scarcity of water, the presence of enemies. At one point in their journey, however, a group of Levites revolt against Moses and Aaron believing that the two brothers have unduly exalted themselves. In response, the Lord instructs the heads of every family to inscribe their names on a staff and place them in the tent of meeting. Whichever staff blossoms would indicate the Lord’s calling to act as Israel’s priest. Aaron’s staff blossoms (Numbers 17:8). This budding staff is then placed in the ark of the covenant and Aaron was chosen to be as Israel's first high priest

After Choosing as the high priest, we see God makes an unbreakable covenant with Aaron which is the covenant of salt. 

And, The Covenant of Salt is :: 

We see the things that God promised to Aaron : 
All the holy offerings the Israelites give me I give to you and your sons as your portion, your perpetual share (Numbers 18 : 8)From all the gifts they bring me as the most holy offerings, whether grain or sin or guilt offerings, that part belongs to you and your sons. (Numbers 18 : 9)“I give you all the finest olive oil and all the finest new wine and grain they give the Lord as the firstfruits of their harvest.(Numbers 18 : 12)“Everything in Israel that is devoted  to the Lord is yours. (Numbers 18 : 14)        And many more …… 
At the same time The Lord says to Aaron; 
“You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; (Numbers 18 : 20)When you receive from the Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance, you must present a tenth of that tithe as the Lord’s offering. (Numbers 18 : 26)You must present as the Lord’s portion the best and holiest part of everything given to you.’ (Numbers 18 : 29)

But why did God Choose Aaron ? 

When Aaron was introduced in Exodus 4:14, he was identified as the brother of Moses and as a Levite, one of the groups of priests. Hence, from the beginning, Aaron is seen as a priest. 

Sometimes, Aaron appears to have a neutral or negative persona. As we see, Aaron appears in a negative light, associated with ;

The building of the golden calf (Exodus 32)

The opposition to Moses (Numbers 12)

The incident at Meribah  (Numbers 20)

And at the same time, we see  Aaron has a very positive reputation also; Like

Aaron is a support for Moses ( Exodus 17)

We see in many circumstances that Aaron did whatever the Lord had commanded without denying. (Exodus : 4 : 27)

Aaron is seen as having a priestly role superior to that of the Levites (1 Chronicles 23–24)

Similarly, when God commanded Moses to Write Aaron’s name on the Rod representing Levi (Numbers 17 : 3) he never argued or denied to say no. 

Later, he was chosen to serve God and partake in Everything that belongs to God. 

Moral :

Imagine if God is making a covenant of salt with us… Isn’t it great ? 

Here, Aaron’s Rod Symbolises, God's choice of Aaron and his tribe for holy service.

Likewise, when we allow God in our lives to make decisions, We will see many changes and things that are impossible, happening in our lives as promised in Jeremiah 33:3.  

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