Dear Jesus...

10 months ago 33

Lord, our world is in mourning. At a time when so many are dying, they seem to be just a growing number and statistic. We thank you that they are not just a number for you, because you know...

Lord, our world is in mourning. At a time when so many are dying, they seem to be just a growing number and statistic. We thank you that they are not just a number for you, because you know each of us by name.
We pray for all of those who have suffered loss at this time. Help us to remember that you conquered death on the cross so that we may live eternally.
When we wake up in the Land of Glory we will see our loved ones again.

Only a handful of people can attend the Funerals of our loved ones as our churches have had to shut their doors. We can take comfort in the fact that you share in our sufferings and you are here with us.
You weep as we weep for our losses.
There are limits on how many people can be in hospital with patients, and we thank you that you are there with them. Each and every one. 

We pray for all of the readers of The Bible Lover. Please bless them with your comfort and peace and be with them. We thank you for bringing us together on this platform as we are united by our love of you and your word. 

Lord, I pray for all of the children and parents who are having to come to terms with isolation and lock downs. For children in particular, this is a scary time. They do not understand why they can't go to school and play with their friends, and we thank you for modern technology which allows them to continue their education at home. We thank you for their innocent hearts, and for their joy and laughter as they enjoy time with their parents and siblings. 

Lord, be especially with the people who are isolating alone. 

We pray for all of the businesses and workers who are struggling at this time. We know that you are with them lord, and have plans to prosper them, not to harm them. 

We thank you for our key workers at this time. People who are showing such selfless love for others, putting themselves at risk to keep others well and safe. Bless them Lord, and their families. Keep them safe.

We thank you for the technology that enables us to stay connected to our friends, families and our church communities, and in turn enables us to also stay connected to you through our worship, prayer and studying together. 

Above all, we thank you for the amount of love and light that we are seeing in this dark time. You told us that the two most important commandments are to love God and love each other, and we are seeing this love acted out in communities all over the world. 

Jesus, in your name we pray ? 


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