Your Intimacy with God determines the level of obtainable Grace

10 months ago 32

God is a supreme being who is known to have created the whole universe in 6 days. He is the one who also made man out of the dust of the earth in His own image. And out of...

God is a supreme being who is known to have created the whole universe in 6 days. He is the one who also made man out of the dust of the earth in His own image. And out of everything He created, He made man lord over His handworks and delegated man to have dominion over all. This simply means that God cherishes man so much and having created them and blessed them to fill the earth, He wants them to maintain a strong intimacy with Him and continue the intimacy forever. This was seen in the garden of Eden when God came down to the garden speaking with the likes of Adam and Eve on usual basis. But at the long run, man sinned and for his sin, the strong intimacy between God and man became weakened and curtailed.

Man lost his freedom of intimacy with God and as a result of this, man was associated with labour before getting what to eat, wear, use and even reproduce. It was a tough situation, that left man with no choice than to adapt to that system of living. This tells us that sin deprives a person of his rights and freedom. Sin will not only create havoc, it will even go to the extent of driving you into further destructive acts because it is like a journey having no bus stop.

Your intimacy with God is how you relate with God in the journey of life. Apart from the general relationship which the church share with God, yours is a very important one. Because as God is the God of the Universe, so likewise He is the God of each person. God sojourned with Abraham singly one on one even when Abraham had brothers and friends. And when God was making His covenant with him, He did not include his brothers neither his friends. This simply means that God wants a sole relationship from you. He has where He wants to take you to.

When Christ came to fulfil the prophecy foretold of the prophets, there came this grace of saving and not to kill. Christ came for sinners like you and me. We were all in the dungeon of sin and its reproach, but Christ came to deliver and set us free. This grace He gave to all mankind. And for whosoever believes in this grace shall not perish. Even after His accession into Heaven, this grace was retained for man and every believer. And what have we made out of it? We have misused it to satisfy ourselves and the lustful desires of our heart. (Romans 6:1) says; What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? The answer is a no. Please you need to approve righteousness in your life so that your intimacy with God can remain solid. Through prayer and fasting, you get along with God and through the meditation on the word of God, you get insight.

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